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Last active October 28, 2023 18:29
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  • Save FilippoBovo/2dd19c515d1ce4bc9ad6cac6dd21cc14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FilippoBovo/2dd19c515d1ce4bc9ad6cac6dd21cc14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Git Commands
git reset --soft HEAD~1 # Use HEAD~2 to amend the last 2 commits
# Amend files
git add .
git commit -m "<commit_message>"
git push --force
git init # Initialise Git repository
git status
git add <file> # Add file to staging index
git add . # Add all files in current directory to staging index
git commit -m <message> # Commit changes
git commit -am <message> # = git add . + git commit -m 'message here'
git fetch --prune # Synchronise the remote branches from the online repository
git log # See commit logs
git log -n 5 # Last 5 commits
git log --oneline # Compact format
git log --since=2016-08-09
git log --until=2016-08-09
git log --since="2 weeks ago"
git log --since=2.weeks
git log --until=3.days
git log --author="Name"
git log --grep="BlaBla" # Filter for word BlaBla
git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate # Nice view of branch history
git log -p # Show actual changes
git shortlog # Summarise logs and show authors
git checkout -- <file> # Undo changes
git reset HEAD <file> # Unstage files
git restore --staged <file> # Unstage files
git commit --amend -m 'Commit message' # Amend last commit
git checkout <SHA> -- <file> # Retrieve old version, eg SHA=c4b913ef
git revert <SHA> # Reverting to commit c4b913ef
git reset --soft <SHA> # Only move HEAD pointer to commit c4b913ef
git reset --mixed <SHA> # ^-- and change staging index to match repository
git reset --hard <SHA> # !!Caution!! ^-- and modify working directory to match repository
git clean -n # List untracked files that will be removed
git clean -f # Remove untracked files
git rm <file_to_delete>
git mv <original_file> <new_file>
git rm --cached <file> # Untrack files
git ls-tree <tree-ish> # Explore tree listings - For <tree-ish>, see below
# • Tree-ish: something that references part of the tree
# • full SHA-1 hash
# • short SHA-1 hash
# • at least 4 characters for small projects
# • 8-10 characters to be unambiguous
# • HEAD pointer
# • branch reference (this would refer to the tip of the branch)
# • parent commit (HEAD^, acf87504^, master^, HEAD~1, HEAD~)
# • grandparent commit (HEAD^^, acf87504^^, master^^, HEAD~2)
# • great-grandparent commit (HEAD^^^, acf87504^^^, master^^^, HEAD~3)
# • HEAD:
# • pointer to "tip" of current branch in repository
# • last state of repository (what was last checked out)
# • points to parent of next commit
# • where writing commits takes place
git diff # Show changes
git diff --staged # Show only staged changes
git diff <SHA_from> # Show changes since commit 2907d12
git diff <SHA_from>..<SHA_to> # Show changes between commits SHA_from and SHA_to
git diff <SHA_from>..<SHA_to> <file> # ^-- Only for selected file
git diff --stat --summary <SHA_from>..<SHA_to> # Snapshop view
git diff -b # = git diff --ignore-space-change
git diff -w # = git diff --ignore-all-space
git branch # Show branches in local repository
git branch <branch_name> # Create new branch
git checkout <branch_name> # Switch to new branch
git checkout -b <branch_name> # Create and switch to new branch
git diff <first_branch>..<second_branch> # Comparing branches
git diff --color-words <first_branch>..<second_branch> # ^-- colored words format
git branch --merged # Show all branches that are completely included in current branch
git branch --move <old_branch_name> <new_branch_name> # Rename branch
git branch -d <branch_to_delete> # !!Caution!! Delete merged branch
git branch -D <branch_to_delete> # !!Caution!! Delete unmerged branch
git merge <branch_to_get_changes_from>
git merge --no-ff <branch_to_get_changes_from> # Fast-worward merge
git merge --ff-only <branch_to_get_changes_from> # Only if fast-worward merge can be done
git merge --abort
git mergetool # View merge tools
git stash save <message>
git stash list
git stash show stash@{<stash_number>}
git stash show -p stash@{<stash_number>} # Show changes
git stash apply # Retrieve
git stash pop # Retrieve and remove from stash
git stash drop stash@{<stash_number>} # Remove from stash
git stash clear # !!Caution!! Delete all stashes
# Here, <alias> is the remote name, like "origin".
git remote # Show all remotes
git remote -v # Show remote url
git remote show origin # Show remote origin branch
git remote set-url origin <url> # Change the remote url
git remote add <alias> <url>
git remote rm <alias>
git push -u <alias> <branch>
git branch -r # Show remote branches
git branch -a # Show local and remote branches
git clone <url> # Eg, repository =
git push <alias> <branch>
git fetch <alias> # Update local data; no change to working dir
git merge <alias>/master # Merge local version of <alias>/master with current branch
git merge --squash <alias>/master # Like command above, but squashes commits into single one
git rebase -i HEAD~3 # Rebase the last three commits. This can be used to squash the last three commits into a single one.
git pull # = git fetch + git merge
git branch <branch_we_are_creating> <alias>/<branch_we_are_checking_out_from>
git checkout --track <alias>/<branch_we_are_checking_out_from> # this will copy a remote branch to a local branch
git push <alias> :<remote_branch_to_delete> # !!Caution!! Delete remote branch
git push <alias> --delete # !!Caution!! ^-- Same
git push --delete <alias> <remote_branch_to_delete> # !!Caution!! ^-- Same
git remote update origin --prune # Purge remote branches in the local machine
git branch <branch_name>_backup # Create a backup of the branch before rebasing in case there are issue when rebasing.
git rebase <branch_to_rebase_on> # Rebase the current branch on the branch_to_rebase_on. Rebasing requires force push.
git rebase -i <branch_to_rebase_on> # Interactive rebase the current branch on the branch_to_rebase_on. Rebasing requires force push.
git rebase --onto <last_commit_of_squashed_base> <last_commit_of_base> # Rebase the branch on a base branch after the base branch has been squashed or rebased. See:
# •
# •
git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/file.txt
# Revert back
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged path/to/file.txt
# See
# If you want to merge project-a into project-b:
cd path/to/project-b
git remote add project-a path/to/project-a
git fetch project-a
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories project-a/master # or whichever branch you want to merge
git remote remove project-a
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