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# Output the current positions
print("Long position in security A:", long_A)
print("Short position in security B:", short_B)
long_A = 0
short_B = 0
# Check if the z-score is above the entry threshold
if z_score > entry_threshold:
# Enter a long position in security A and a short position in security B
long_A = 1000
short_B = -1000
# Check if the z-score is below the exit threshold
# Set the threshold for entering and exiting trades
entry_threshold = 1.0
exit_threshold = 0.5
# Calculate the current z-score of the spread
current_spread = df_A['Close'].iloc[-1] - df_B['Close'].iloc[-1]
z_score = (current_spread - mean_spread) / std_spread
# Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the spread
mean_spread = df_spread.mean()
std_spread = df_spread.std()
# Calculate the spread between the two securities
df_spread = df_A['Close'] - df_B['Close']
import pandas as pd
# Load historical price data for securities A and B
df_A = pd.read_csv('data_A.csv')
df_B = pd.read_csv('data_B.csv')
function onERC721Received(
address operator,
bytes memory data
) public virtual override returns (bytes4) {
return this.onERC721Received.selector;
WETH.transfer(initiator, WETH.balanceOf(address(this)));
return true;
address[] memory uni_path = new address[](2);
uni_path[0] = address(NCT);
uni_path[1] = address(WETH);
block.timestamp + 1