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/*! ET frontend-builder-scripts.js */
var $et_window = $(window);
window.et_load_event_fired = false;
window.et_is_transparent_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_transparent_nav' );
window.et_is_vertical_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_vertical_nav' );
window.et_is_fixed_nav = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' );
window.et_is_minified_js = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_minified_js' );
window.et_is_minified_css = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_minified_css' );
window.et_force_width_container_change = false;
jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse;
jQuery.fn.closest_descendent = function( selector ) {
var $found,
$current_children = this.children();
while ( $current_children.length ) {
$found = $current_children.filter( selector );
if ( $found.length ) {
$current_children = $current_children.children();
return $found;
window.et_pb_init_modules = function() {
$.et_pb_simple_slider = function(el, options) {
var settings = $.extend( {
slide : '.et-slide', // slide class
arrows : '.et-pb-slider-arrows', // arrows container class
prev_arrow : '.et-pb-arrow-prev', // left arrow class
next_arrow : '.et-pb-arrow-next', // right arrow class
controls : '.et-pb-controllers a', // control selector
carousel_controls : '.et_pb_carousel_item', // carousel control selector
control_active_class : 'et-pb-active-control', // active control class name
previous_text : et_pb_custom.previous, // previous arrow text
next_text :, // next arrow text
fade_speed : 500, // fade effect speed
use_arrows : true, // use arrows?
use_controls : true, // use controls?
manual_arrows : '', // html code for custom arrows
append_controls_to : '', // controls are appended to the slider element by default, here you can specify the element it should append to
controls_below : false,
controls_class : 'et-pb-controllers', // controls container class name
slideshow : false, // automattic animation?
slideshow_speed : 7000, // automattic animation speed
show_progress_bar : false, // show progress bar if automattic animation is active
tabs_animation : false,
use_carousel : false
}, options );
var $et_slider = $(el),
$et_slide = $et_slider.closest_descendent( settings.slide ),
et_slides_number = $et_slide.length,
et_fade_speed = settings.fade_speed,
et_active_slide = 0,
controls_html = '',
carousel_html = '',
$progress_bar = null,
progress_timer_count = 0,
$et_pb_container = $et_slider.find( '.et_pb_container' ),
et_pb_container_width = $et_pb_container.width(),
is_post_slider = $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_pb_post_slider' );
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
$.data(el, "et_pb_simple_slider", $et_slider);
$et_slide.eq(0).addClass( 'et-pb-active-slide' );
if ( ! settings.tabs_animation ) {
if ( !$et_slider.hasClass('et_pb_bg_layout_dark') && !$et_slider.hasClass('et_pb_bg_layout_light') ) {
$et_slider.addClass( et_get_bg_layout_color( $et_slide.eq(0) ) );
if ( settings.use_arrows && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
if ( settings.manual_arrows == '' )
$et_slider.append( '<div class="et-pb-slider-arrows"><a class="et-pb-arrow-prev" href="#">' + '<span>' +settings.previous_text + '</span>' + '</a><a class="et-pb-arrow-next" href="#">' + '<span>' + settings.next_text + '</span>' + '</a></div>' );
$et_slider.append( settings.manual_arrows );
$et_slider_arrows = $et_slider.find( settings.arrows );
$et_slider_prev = $et_slider.find( settings.prev_arrow );
$et_slider_next = $et_slider.find( settings.next_arrow );
$et_slider.on( 'click.et_pb_simple_slider', settings.next_arrow, function() {
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'next' );
return false;
} );
$et_slider.on( 'click.et_pb_simple_slider', settings.prev_arrow, function() {
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'previous' );
return false;
} );
// swipe support requires et-jquery-touch-mobile
$et_slider.on( 'swipeleft.et_pb_simple_slider', settings.slide, function( event ) {
// do not switch slide on selecting text in VB
if ( $( ).closest( '.et-fb-popover-tinymce' ).length || $( ).closest( '.et-fb-editable-element' ).length ) {
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'next' );
$et_slider.on( 'swiperight.et_pb_simple_slider', settings.slide, function( event ) {
// do not switch slide on selecting text in VB
if ( $( ).closest( '.et-fb-popover-tinymce' ).length || $( ).closest( '.et-fb-editable-element' ).length ) {
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'previous' );
if ( settings.use_controls && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
for ( var i = 1; i <= et_slides_number; i++ ) {
controls_html += '<a href="#"' + ( i == 1 ? ' class="' + settings.control_active_class + '"' : '' ) + '>' + i + '</a>';
if ($et_slider.find('video').length > 0) {
settings.controls_class += ' et-pb-controllers-has-video-tag';
controls_html =
'<div class="' + settings.controls_class + '">' +
controls_html +
if ( settings.append_controls_to == '' )
$et_slider.append( controls_html );
$( settings.append_controls_to ).append( controls_html );
if ( settings.controls_below )
$et_slider_controls = $et_slider.parent().find( settings.controls );
$et_slider_controls = $et_slider.find( settings.controls );
$et_slider_controls.on( 'click.et_pb_simple_slider', function () {
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( $(this).index() );
return false;
} );
et_maybe_set_controls_color( $et_slide.eq(0) );
if ( settings.use_carousel && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
for ( var i = 1; i <= et_slides_number; i++ ) {
slide_id = i - 1;
image_src = ( $et_slide.eq(slide_id).data('image') !== undefined ) ? 'url(' + $et_slide.eq(slide_id).data('image') + ')' : 'none';
carousel_html += '<div class="et_pb_carousel_item ' + ( i == 1 ? settings.control_active_class : '' ) + '" data-slide-id="'+ slide_id +'">' +
'<div class="et_pb_video_overlay" href="#" style="background-image: ' + image_src + ';">' +
'<div class="et_pb_video_overlay_hover"><a href="#" class="et_pb_video_play"></a></div>' +
'</div>' +
carousel_html =
'<div class="et_pb_carousel">' +
'<div class="et_pb_carousel_items">' +
carousel_html +
'</div>' +
$et_slider.after( carousel_html );
$et_slider_carousel_controls = $et_slider.siblings('.et_pb_carousel').find( settings.carousel_controls );
$et_slider_carousel_controls.on( 'click.et_pb_simple_slider', function() {
if ( $et_slider.et_animation_running ) return false;
var $this = $(this);
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( $'slide-id') );
return false;
} );
if ( settings.slideshow && et_slides_number > 1 ) {
$et_slider.on( 'mouseenter.et_pb_simple_slider', function() {
if ( $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_slider_auto_ignore_hover' ) ) {
$et_slider.addClass( 'et_slider_hovered' );
if ( typeof et_slider_timer != 'undefined' ) {
clearInterval( et_slider_timer );
}).on( 'mouseleave.et_pb_simple_slider', function() {
if ( $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_slider_auto_ignore_hover' ) ) {
$et_slider.removeClass( 'et_slider_hovered' );
} );
function et_slider_auto_rotate(){
if ( settings.slideshow && et_slides_number > 1 && ! $et_slider.hasClass( 'et_slider_hovered' ) ) {
et_slider_timer = setTimeout( function() {
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to( 'next' );
}, settings.slideshow_speed );
$et_slider.et_slider_destroy = function() {
// Clear existing timer / auto rotate
if ( typeof et_slider_timer != 'undefined' ) {
clearInterval( et_slider_timer );
// Deregister all own existing events
$ '.et_pb_simple_slider' );
// Removing existing style from slide(s)
'z-index': '',
'display': '',
'opacity': '',
// Removing existing classnames from slide(s)
// Removing DOM that was added by slider
$et_slider.find('.et-pb-slider-arrows, .et-pb-controllers').remove();
// Remove references
$et_slider.removeData( 'et_pb_simple_slider' );
function et_stop_video( active_slide ) {
var $et_video, et_video_src;
// if there is a video in the slide, stop it when switching to another slide
if ( active_slide.has( 'iframe' ).length ) {
$et_video = active_slide.find( 'iframe' );
et_video_src = $et_video.attr( 'src' );
$et_video.attr( 'src', '' );
$et_video.attr( 'src', et_video_src );
} else if ( active_slide.has( 'video' ).length ) {
if ( !active_slide.find('.et_pb_section_video_bg').length ) {
$et_video = active_slide.find( 'video' );
$et_slider.et_fix_slider_content_images = et_fix_slider_content_images;
function et_fix_slider_content_images() {
var $this_slider = $et_slider,
$slide_image_container = $this_slider.find( '.et-pb-active-slide .et_pb_slide_image' ),
$slide_video_container = $this_slider.find( '.et-pb-active-slide .et_pb_slide_video' ),
$slide = $slide_image_container.closest( '.et_pb_slide' ),
$slider = $slide.closest( '.et_pb_slider' ),
slide_height = parseFloat( $slider.innerHeight() ),
image_height = parseFloat( slide_height * 0.8 ),
slide_image_container_height = parseFloat( $slide_image_container.height() ),
slide_video_container_height = parseFloat( $slide_video_container.height() );
if ( ! isNaN( image_height ) ) {
$slide_image_container.find( 'img' ).css( 'maxHeight', image_height + 'px' );
slide_image_container_height = parseInt( $slide_image_container.height() )
if ( ! isNaN( slide_image_container_height ) && $slide.hasClass( 'et_pb_media_alignment_center' ) ) {
$slide_image_container.css( 'marginTop', '-' + ( slide_image_container_height / 2 ) + 'px' );
if ( ! isNaN( slide_video_container_height ) ) {
$slide_video_container.css( 'marginTop', '-' + ( slide_video_container_height / 2 ) + 'px' );
function et_get_bg_layout_color( $slide ) {
if ( $slide.hasClass( 'et_pb_bg_layout_light' ) ) {
return 'et_pb_bg_layout_light';
return 'et_pb_bg_layout_dark';
function et_maybe_set_controls_color( $slide ) {
var next_slide_dot_color,
if ( typeof $et_slider_controls !== 'undefined' && $et_slider_controls.length ) {
next_slide_dot_color = $slide.attr( 'data-dots_color' ) || '';
if ( next_slide_dot_color !== '' ) {
$et_slider_controls.attr( 'style', 'background-color: ' + hex_to_rgba( next_slide_dot_color, '0.3' ) + ';' );
$et_slider_controls.filter( '.et-pb-active-control' ).attr( 'style', 'background-color: ' + hex_to_rgba( next_slide_dot_color ) + '!important;' );
} else {
$et_slider_controls.removeAttr( 'style' );
if ( typeof $et_slider_arrows !== 'undefined' && $et_slider_arrows.length ) {
$arrows = $et_slider_arrows.find( 'a' );
arrows_color = $slide.attr( 'data-arrows_color' ) || '';
if ( arrows_color !== '' ) {
$arrows.attr( 'style', 'color: ' + arrows_color + '!important;' );
} else {
$arrows.css( 'color', 'inherit' );
// fix the appearance of some modules inside the post slider
function et_fix_builder_content() {
if ( is_post_slider ) {
setTimeout( function() {
var $et_pb_circle_counter = $( '.et_pb_circle_counter' ),
$et_pb_number_counter = $( '.et_pb_number_counter' );
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
window.et_pb_reinit_circle_counters( $et_pb_circle_counter );
if ( $et_pb_number_counter.length ) {
window.et_pb_reinit_number_counters( $et_pb_number_counter );
}, 1000 );
function hex_to_rgba( color, alpha ) {
var color_16 = parseInt( color.replace( '#', '' ), 16 ),
red = ( color_16 >> 16 ) & 255,
green = ( color_16 >> 8 ) & 255,
blue = color_16 & 255,
alpha = alpha || 1,
rgba = red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + ',' + alpha;
rgba = 'rgba(' + rgba + ')';
return rgba;
if ( window.et_load_event_fired ) {
et_fix_slider_height( $et_slider );
} else {
$et_window.on( 'load', function() {
et_fix_slider_height( $et_slider );
} );
$et_window.on( 'resize.et_simple_slider', function() {
et_fix_slider_height( $et_slider );
} );
$et_slider.et_slider_move_to = function ( direction ) {
var $active_slide = $et_slide.eq( et_active_slide );
$et_slider.et_animation_running = true;
$et_slider.removeClass('et_slide_transition_to_next et_slide_transition_to_previous').addClass('et_slide_transition_to_' + direction );
if ( direction == 'next' || direction == 'previous' ){
if ( direction == 'next' )
et_active_slide = ( et_active_slide + 1 ) < et_slides_number ? et_active_slide + 1 : 0;
et_active_slide = ( et_active_slide - 1 ) >= 0 ? et_active_slide - 1 : et_slides_number - 1;
} else {
if ( et_active_slide == direction ) {
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
et_active_slide = direction;
if ( typeof et_slider_timer != 'undefined' )
clearInterval( et_slider_timer );
var $next_slide = $et_slide.eq( et_active_slide );
$et_slider.trigger('slide', {current: $active_slide, next: $next_slide});
if ( typeof $active_slide.find('video')[0] !== 'undefined' && typeof $active_slide.find('video')[0]['player'] !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( typeof $next_slide.find('video')[0] !== 'undefined' && typeof $next_slide.find('video')[0]['player'] !== 'undefined' ) {
var $active_slide_video = $active_slide.find('.et_pb_video_box iframe');
if ( $active_slide_video.length ) {
var active_slide_video_src = $active_slide_video.attr('src');
// Removes the "autoplay=1" parameter when switching slides
// by covering three possible cases:
// "?autoplay=1" at the end of the URL
active_slide_video_src = active_slide_video_src.replace(/\?autoplay=1$/, '');
// "?autoplay=1" followed by another parameter
active_slide_video_src = active_slide_video_src.replace(/\?autoplay=1&(amp;)?/, '?');
// "&autoplay=1" anywhere in the URL
active_slide_video_src = active_slide_video_src.replace(/&(amp;)?autoplay=1/, '');
// Delays the URL update so that the cross-fade animation's smoothness is not affected
setTimeout(function() {
'src': active_slide_video_src
}, settings.fade_speed);
// Restores video overlay
'display' : 'block',
'opacity' : 1
$et_slider.trigger( 'simple_slider_before_move_to', { direction : direction, next_slide : $next_slide });
$et_slide.each( function(){
$(this).css( 'zIndex', 1 );
} );
// add 'slide-status' data attribute so it can be used to determine active slide in Visual Builder
$active_slide.css( 'zIndex', 2 ).removeClass( 'et-pb-active-slide' ).addClass('et-pb-moved-slide').data('slide-status', 'inactive');
$next_slide.css( { 'display' : 'block', opacity : 0 } ).addClass( 'et-pb-active-slide' ).data('slide-status', 'active');
if ( settings.use_controls )
$et_slider_controls.removeClass( settings.control_active_class ).eq( et_active_slide ).addClass( settings.control_active_class );
if ( settings.use_carousel && $et_slider_carousel_controls )
$et_slider_carousel_controls.removeClass( settings.control_active_class ).eq( et_active_slide ).addClass( settings.control_active_class );
if ( ! settings.tabs_animation ) {
et_maybe_set_controls_color( $next_slide );
$next_slide.animate( { opacity : 1 }, et_fade_speed );
$active_slide.addClass( 'et_slide_transition' ).css( { 'display' : 'list-item', 'opacity' : 1 } ).animate( { opacity : 0 }, et_fade_speed, function(){
var active_slide_layout_bg_color = et_get_bg_layout_color( $active_slide ),
next_slide_layout_bg_color = et_get_bg_layout_color( $next_slide );
$(this).css('display', 'none').removeClass( 'et_slide_transition' );
et_stop_video( $active_slide );
.removeClass( active_slide_layout_bg_color )
.addClass( next_slide_layout_bg_color );
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
$et_slider.trigger( 'simple_slider_after_move_to', { next_slide : $next_slide } );
} );
} else {
$next_slide.css( { 'display' : 'none', opacity : 0 } );
$active_slide.addClass( 'et_slide_transition' ).css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 1 } ).animate( { opacity : 0 }, et_fade_speed, function(){
$(this).css('display', 'none').removeClass( 'et_slide_transition' );
$next_slide.css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 0 } ).animate( { opacity : 1 }, et_fade_speed, function() {
$et_slider.et_animation_running = false;
$et_slider.trigger( 'simple_slider_after_move_to', { next_slide : $next_slide } );
} );
} );
if ( $next_slide.find( '.et_parallax_bg' ).length ) {
// reinit parallax on slide change to make sure it displayed correctly
window.et_pb_parallax_init( $next_slide.find( '.et_parallax_bg' ) );
$.fn.et_pb_simple_slider = function( options ) {
return this.each(function() {
var slider = $.data( this, 'et_pb_simple_slider' );
return slider ? slider : new $.et_pb_simple_slider( this, options );
var et_hash_module_seperator = '||',
et_hash_module_param_seperator = '|';
function process_et_hashchange( hash ) {
if ( ( hash.indexOf( et_hash_module_seperator, 0 ) ) !== -1 ) {
modules = hash.split( et_hash_module_seperator );
for ( var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) {
var module_params = modules[i].split( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
var element = module_params[0];
if ( $('#' + element ).length ) {
$('#' + element ).trigger({
type: "et_hashchange",
params: module_params
} else {
module_params = hash.split( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
var element = module_params[0];
if ( $('#' + element ).length ) {
$('#' + element ).trigger({
type: "et_hashchange",
params: module_params
function et_set_hash( module_state_hash ) {
module_id = module_state_hash.split( et_hash_module_param_seperator )[0];
if ( !$('#' + module_id ).length ) {
if ( window.location.hash ) {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), //Puts hash in variable, and removes the # character
new_hash = [];
if ( ( hash.indexOf( et_hash_module_seperator, 0 ) ) !== -1 ) {
modules = hash.split( et_hash_module_seperator );
var in_hash = false;
for ( var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) {
var element = modules[i].split( et_hash_module_param_seperator )[0];
if ( element === module_id ) {
new_hash.push( module_state_hash );
in_hash = true;
} else {
new_hash.push( modules[i] );
if ( !in_hash ) {
new_hash.push( module_state_hash );
} else {
module_params = hash.split( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
var element = module_params[0];
if ( element !== module_id ) {
new_hash.push( hash );
new_hash.push( module_state_hash );
hash = new_hash.join( et_hash_module_seperator );
} else {
hash = module_state_hash;
var yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
window.location.hash = hash;
document.body.scrollTop = yScroll;
$.et_pb_simple_carousel = function(el, options) {
var settings = $.extend( {
slide_duration : 500,
}, options );
var $et_carousel = $(el),
$carousel_items = $et_carousel.find('.et_pb_carousel_items'),
$the_carousel_items = $carousel_items.find('.et_pb_carousel_item');
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = false;
$et_carousel.addClass('container-width-change-notify').on('containerWidthChanged', function( event ){
set_carousel_columns( $et_carousel );
set_carousel_height( $et_carousel );
$'items', $the_carousel_items.toArray() );
$'columns_setting_up', false );
$carousel_items.prepend('<div class="et-pb-slider-arrows"><a class="et-pb-slider-arrow et-pb-arrow-prev" href="#">' + '<span>' + et_pb_custom.previous + '</span>' + '</a><a class="et-pb-slider-arrow et-pb-arrow-next" href="#">' + '<span>' + + '</span>' + '</a></div>');
set_carousel_columns( $et_carousel );
set_carousel_height( $et_carousel );
$et_carousel_next = $et_carousel.find( '.et-pb-arrow-next' );
$et_carousel_prev = $et_carousel.find( '.et-pb-arrow-prev' );
$et_carousel.on( 'click', '.et-pb-arrow-next', function(){
if ( $et_carousel.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'next' );
return false;
} );
$et_carousel.on( 'click', '.et-pb-arrow-prev', function(){
if ( $et_carousel.et_animation_running ) return false;
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'previous' );
return false;
} );
// swipe support requires et-jquery-touch-mobile
$et_carousel.on( 'swipeleft', function() {
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'next' );
$et_carousel.on( 'swiperight', function() {
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to( 'previous' );
function set_carousel_height( $the_carousel ) {
var carousel_items_width = $the_carousel_items.width(),
carousel_items_height = $the_carousel_items.height();
// Account for borders when needed
if ($the_carousel.parent().hasClass('et_pb_with_border')) {
carousel_items_height = $the_carousel_items.outerHeight();
$carousel_items.css('height', carousel_items_height + 'px' );
function set_carousel_columns( $the_carousel ) {
var columns,
$carousel_parent = $the_carousel.parents('.et_pb_column'),
carousel_items_width = $carousel_items.width(),
carousel_item_count = $the_carousel_items.length;
if ( $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_4_4') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_3_4') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_2_3') ) {
if ( $et_window.width() < 768 ) {
columns = 3;
} else {
columns = 4;
} else if ( $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_1_2') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_3_8') || $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_1_3') ) {
columns = 3;
} else if ( $carousel_parent.hasClass('et_pb_column_1_4') ) {
if ( $et_window.width() > 480 && $et_window.width() < 980 ) {
columns = 3;
} else {
columns = 2;
if ( columns === $'portfolio-columns') ) {
if ( $'columns_setting_up') ) {
$'columns_setting_up', true );
// store last setup column
$carousel_items.removeClass('columns-' + $'portfolio-columns') );
$carousel_items.addClass('columns-' + columns );
$'portfolio-columns', columns );
// kill all previous groups to get ready to re-group
if ( $carousel_items.find('.et-carousel-group').length ) {
$the_carousel_items.appendTo( $carousel_items );
// setup the grouping
var the_carousel_items = $'items'),
$carousel_group = $('<div class="et-carousel-group active">').appendTo( $carousel_items );
$'position', '');
if ( the_carousel_items.length <= columns ) {
} else {
for ( position = 1, x=0 ;x < the_carousel_items.length; x++, position++ ) {
if ( x < columns ) {
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).show();
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).appendTo( $carousel_group );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).data('position', position );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).addClass('position_' + position );
} else {
position = $( the_carousel_items[x] ).data('position');
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).removeClass('position_' + position );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).data('position', '' );
$( the_carousel_items[x] ).hide();
$'columns_setting_up', false );
} /* end set_carousel_columns() */
$et_carousel.et_carousel_move_to = function ( direction ) {
var $active_carousel_group = $carousel_items.find(''),
items = $'items'),
columns = $'portfolio-columns');
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = true;
var left = 0;
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
left = left + $(this).outerWidth(true);
// Avoid unwanted horizontal scroll on body when carousel is slided
// Deterimine number of carousel group item
var carousel_group_item_size = $active_carousel_group.find('.et_pb_carousel_item').size();
var carousel_group_item_progress = 0;
if ( direction == 'next' ) {
var $next_carousel_group,
current_position = 1,
next_position = 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().first()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start + columns,
next_items_start = active_items_end,
next_items_end = next_items_start + columns;
$next_carousel_group = $('<div class="et-carousel-group next" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertAfter( $active_carousel_group );
$next_carousel_group.css({ 'width': $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = 0, total = 0 ; ; x++, total++ ) {
if ( total >= active_items_start && total < active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total >= next_items_start && total < next_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('next_position', next_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position next_position next_position_' + next_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).hide().addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( next_position > columns ) {
if ( x >= ( items.length -1 )) {
x = -1;
var sorted = $carousel_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('next_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('next_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
var left = 0;
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
left = left + $(this).outerWidth(true);
left: '-100%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
progress: function(animation, progress) {
if (progress > (carousel_group_item_progress/carousel_group_item_size)) {
// Adding classnames on incoming/outcoming carousel item
$active_carousel_group.find('.et_pb_carousel_item:nth-child(' + carousel_group_item_progress + ')').addClass('item-fade-out');
$next_carousel_group.find('.et_pb_carousel_item:nth-child(' + carousel_group_item_progress + ')').addClass('item-fade-in');
complete: function() {
left = $( '#' + $(this).attr('id') + '-dup' ).css('left');
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
$(this).appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $carousel_items );
// Removing classnames on incoming/outcoming carousel item
// Remove horizontal scroll prevention class name on body
} );
next_left = $active_carousel_group.width() + parseInt( $the_carousel_items.first().css('marginRight').slice(0, -2) );
$next_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: next_left });
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$next_carousel_group.removeClass('next').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$next_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
next_position = $(this).data('next_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' next_position next_position_' + next_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('next_position', '');
$(this).data('position', ( index + 1 ) );
$next_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = false;
} );
} else if ( direction == 'previous' ) {
var $prev_carousel_group,
current_position = columns,
prev_position = columns,
columns_span = columns - 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().last()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start - columns_span,
prev_items_start = active_items_end - 1,
prev_items_end = prev_items_start - columns_span;
$prev_carousel_group = $('<div class="et-carousel-group prev" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertBefore( $active_carousel_group );
$prev_carousel_group.css({ 'left': '-' + $active_carousel_group.innerWidth(), 'width': $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = ( items.length - 1 ), total = ( items.length - 1 ) ; ; x--, total-- ) {
if ( total <= active_items_start && total >= active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total <= prev_items_start && total >= prev_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('prev_position', prev_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( prev_position <= 0 ) {
if ( x == 0 ) {
x = items.length;
var sorted = $carousel_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('prev_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('prev_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $prev_carousel_group );
var left = 0;
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
left = left + $(this).outerWidth(true);
left: '100%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
progress: function(animation, progress) {
if (progress > (carousel_group_item_progress/carousel_group_item_size)) {
var group_item_nth = carousel_group_item_size - carousel_group_item_progress;
// Add fadeIn / fadeOut className to incoming/outcoming carousel item
$active_carousel_group.find('.et_pb_carousel_item:nth-child(' + group_item_nth + ')').addClass('item-fade-out');
$prev_carousel_group.find('.et_pb_carousel_item:nth-child(' + group_item_nth + ')').addClass('item-fade-in');
complete: function() {
left = $( '#' + $(this).attr('id') + '-dup' ).css('left');
$(this).css({'position':'absolute', 'left': left });
$(this).prependTo( $prev_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $carousel_items );
// Removing classnames on incoming/outcoming carousel item
// Remove horizontal scroll prevention class name on body
} );
prev_left = (-1) * $active_carousel_group.width() - parseInt( $the_carousel_items.first().css('marginRight').slice(0, -2) );
$prev_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: prev_left });
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: settings.slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$prev_carousel_group.removeClass('prev').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$prev_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
prev_position = $(this).data('prev_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('prev_position', '');
position = index + 1;
$(this).data('position', position );
$(this).addClass('position_' + position );
$prev_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'left': ''});
$et_carousel.et_animation_running = false;
} );
$.fn.et_pb_simple_carousel = function( options ) {
return this.each(function() {
var carousel = $.data( this, 'et_pb_simple_carousel' );
return carousel ? carousel : new $.et_pb_simple_carousel( this, options );
$(document).ready( function(){
* Provide event listener for plugins to hook up to
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$et_pb_tabs = $( '.et_pb_tabs' ),
$et_pb_video_section = $('.et_pb_section_video_bg'),
$et_pb_newsletter_button = $( '.et_pb_newsletter_button' ),
$et_pb_filterable_portfolio = $( '.et_pb_filterable_portfolio' ),
$et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio = $( '.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio' ),
$et_pb_gallery = $( '.et_pb_gallery' ),
$et_pb_countdown_timer = $( '.et_pb_countdown_timer' ),
$et_post_gallery = $( '.et_post_gallery' ),
$et_lightbox_image = $( '.et_pb_lightbox_image'),
$et_pb_map = $( '.et_pb_map_container' ),
$et_pb_circle_counter = $( '.et_pb_circle_counter' ),
$et_pb_number_counter = $( '.et_pb_number_counter' ),
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$logo = $('#logo'),
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et_pb_ab_bounce_rate = et_pb_custom.ab_bounce_rate * 1000,
et_pb_ab_logged_status = {
read_page: false,
read_goal: false,
view_goal: false,
click_goal: false,
con_goal: false,
con_short: false,
window.et_pb_slider_init = function( $this_slider ) {
var et_slider_settings = {
fade_speed : 700,
slide : ! $this_slider.hasClass( 'et_pb_gallery' ) ? '.et_pb_slide' : '.et_pb_gallery_item'
if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_pb_slider_no_arrows') )
et_slider_settings.use_arrows = false;
if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_pb_slider_no_pagination') )
et_slider_settings.use_controls = false;
if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_slider_auto') ) {
var et_slider_autospeed_class_value = /et_slider_speed_(\d+)/g;
et_slider_settings.slideshow = true;
var et_slider_autospeed = et_slider_autospeed_class_value.exec( $this_slider.attr('class') );
et_slider_settings.slideshow_speed = et_slider_autospeed === null ? 10 : et_slider_autospeed[1];
if ( $this_slider.parent().hasClass('et_pb_video_slider') ) {
et_slider_settings.controls_below = true;
et_slider_settings.append_controls_to = $this_slider.parent();
setTimeout( function() {
$( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' );
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if ( $this_slider.hasClass('et_pb_slider_carousel') )
et_slider_settings.use_carousel = true;
$this_slider.et_pb_simple_slider( et_slider_settings );
var $et_top_menu = $et_menu_selector,
et_parent_menu_longpress_limit = 300,
et_parent_menu_click = true,
is_frontend_builder = $('body').hasClass('et-fb'),
et_menu_hover_triggered = false;
// log the conversion if visitor is on Thank You page and comes from the Shop module which is the Goal
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_shop_conversion' ).length && typeof et_pb_get_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_shop_log' ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== et_pb_get_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_shop_log' ) ) {
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page_id = shop_log_data[0],
subject_id = shop_log_data[1],
test_id = shop_log_data[2];
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'con_goal', page_id, subject_id, test_id );
// remove the cookie after conversion is logged
et_pb_set_cookie( 0, 'et_pb_ab_shop_log=true' );
// log the conversion if visitor is on page with tracking shortcode
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_split_track' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_ab_split_track' ).each( function() {
var tracking_test = $( this ).data( 'test_id' ),
cookies_name = 'et_pb_ab_shortcode_track_' + tracking_test;
if ( typeof et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookies_name ) !== 'undefined' && '' !== et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookies_name ) ) {
var track_data = et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookies_name ).split( '_' );
page_id = track_data[0],
subject_id = track_data[1],
test_id = track_data[2];
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'con_short', page_id, subject_id, test_id );
// remove the cookie after conversion is logged
et_pb_set_cookie( 0, cookies_name + '=true' );
// init AB Testing if enabled
if ( et_pb_custom.is_ab_testing_active ) {
if ( $( '.et_pb_row' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_row' ).each( function() {
var $this_row = $( this ),
row_class = '';
row_class = et_get_column_types( $this_row.find( '>.et_pb_column' ) );
if ( '' !== row_class && ( -1 !== row_class.indexOf( '1-4' ) || '_4col' === row_class ) ) {
$this_row.addClass( 'et_pb_row' + row_class );
if ( $this_row.find( '.et_pb_row_inner' ).length ) {
$this_row.find( '.et_pb_row_inner' ).each( function() {
var $this_row_inner = $( this );
row_class = et_get_column_types( $this_row_inner.find( '.et_pb_column' ) );
if ( '' !== row_class && -1 !== row_class.indexOf( '1-4' ) ) {
$this_row_inner.addClass( 'et_pb_row' + row_class );
function et_get_column_types( $columns ) {
var row_class = '';
if ( $columns.length ) {
$columns.each( function() {
var $this_column = $( this ),
column_type = $this_column.attr( 'class' ).split( 'et_pb_column_' )[1],
column_type_clean = typeof column_type !== 'undefined' ? column_type.split( ' ', 1 )[0] : '4_4',
column_type_updated = column_type_clean.replace( '_', '-' ).trim();
row_class += '_' + column_type_updated;
row_class = '_1-4_1-4_1-4_1-4' === row_class ? '_4col' : row_class;
return row_class;
window.et_pb_init_nav_menu( $et_top_menu );
$et_sticky_image.each( function() {
} );
if ( et_is_mobile_device ) {
$( '.et_pb_section_video_bg' ).each( function() {
var $this_el = $(this);
$this_el.closest( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' )
} );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_mobile_device' );
if ( ! et_is_ipad ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_mobile_device_not_ipad' );
if ( et_is_ie9 ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'et_ie9' );
if ( $et_pb_video_section.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.et_pb_video_section_init = function( $et_pb_video_section ) {
$et_pb_video_section.find( 'video' ).mediaelementplayer( {
pauseOtherPlayers: false,
success : function( mediaElement, domObject ) {
mediaElement.addEventListener( 'loadeddata', function() {
et_pb_resize_section_video_bg( $(domObject) );
et_pb_center_video( $(domObject).closest( '.mejs-video' ) );
}, false );
mediaElement.addEventListener( 'canplay', function() {
$(domObject).closest( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' );
}, false );
} );
et_pb_video_section_init( $et_pb_video_section );
if ( $et_post_gallery.length ) {
// swipe support in magnific popup only if gallery exists
var magnificPopup = $.magnificPopup.instance;
$( 'body' ).on( 'swiperight', '.mfp-container', function() {
} );
$( 'body' ).on( 'swipeleft', '.mfp-container', function() {;
} );
$et_post_gallery.each(function() {
$(this).magnificPopup( {
delegate: '.et_pb_gallery_image a',
type: 'image',
removalDelay: 500,
gallery: {
enabled: true,
navigateByImgClick: true
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
zoom: {
enabled: ! et_pb_custom.is_builder_plugin_used,
duration: 500,
opener: function(element) {
return element.find('img');
autoFocusLast: false
} );
} );
// prevent attaching of any further actions on click
$et_post_gallery.find( 'a' ).unbind( 'click' );
if ( $et_lightbox_image.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
// prevent attaching of any further actions on click
$et_lightbox_image.unbind( 'click' );
$et_lightbox_image.bind( 'click' );
window.et_pb_image_lightbox_init = function( $et_lightbox_image ) {
$et_lightbox_image.magnificPopup( {
type: 'image',
removalDelay: 500,
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
zoom: {
enabled: ! et_pb_custom.is_builder_plugin_used,
duration: 500,
opener: function(element) {
return element.find('img');
autoFocusLast: false
} );
et_pb_image_lightbox_init( $et_lightbox_image );
if ( $et_pb_slider.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
$et_pb_slider.each( function() {
$this_slider = $(this);
et_pb_slider_init( $this_slider );
} );
$et_pb_carousel = $( '.et_pb_carousel' );
if ( $et_pb_carousel.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
$et_pb_carousel.each( function() {
var $this_carousel = $(this),
et_carousel_settings = {
slide_duration: 1000
$this_carousel.et_pb_simple_carousel( et_carousel_settings );
} );
if ( $et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.et_fullwidth_portfolio_init = function( $the_portfolio ) {
var $portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items');
$'items', $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').toArray() );
$'columns_setting_up', false );
if ( $the_portfolio.hasClass('et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio_carousel') ) {
// add left and right arrows
$portfolio_items.prepend('<div class="et-pb-slider-arrows"><a class="et-pb-arrow-prev" href="#">' + '<span>' + et_pb_custom.previous + '</span>' + '</a><a class="et-pb-arrow-next" href="#">' + '<span>' + + '</span>' + '</a></div>');
set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $the_portfolio, true );
et_carousel_auto_rotate( $the_portfolio );
// swipe support
$the_portfolio.on( 'swiperight', function() {
$( this ).find( '.et-pb-arrow-prev' ).click();
$the_portfolio.on( 'swipeleft', function() {
$( this ).find( '.et-pb-arrow-next' ).click();
if ( typeof $(this).data('et_carousel_timer') != 'undefined' ) {
clearInterval( $(this).data('et_carousel_timer') );
et_carousel_auto_rotate( $(this) );
$'carouseling', false );
$the_portfolio.on('click', '.et-pb-slider-arrows a', function(e){
fullwidth_portfolio_carousel_slide( $( this) );
return false;
} else {
// setup fullwidth portfolio grid
set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $the_portfolio, false );
function fullwidth_portfolio_carousel_slide( $arrow ) {
var $the_portfolio = $arrow.parents('.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio'),
$portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items'),
$the_portfolio_items = $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item'),
$active_carousel_group = $portfolio_items.find(''),
slide_duration = 700,
items = $'items'),
columns = $'portfolio-columns'),
item_width = $active_carousel_group.innerWidth() / columns,
original_item_width = ( 100 / columns ) + '%';
if ( 'undefined' == typeof items ) {
if ( $'carouseling') ) {
$'carouseling', true);
$(this).css({'width': item_width + 1, 'max-width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('position') - 1 ) ) });
if ( $arrow.hasClass('et-pb-arrow-next') ) {
var $next_carousel_group,
current_position = 1,
next_position = 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().first()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start + columns,
next_items_start = active_items_end,
next_items_end = next_items_start + columns,
active_carousel_width = $active_carousel_group.innerWidth();
$next_carousel_group = $('<div class="et_pb_carousel_group next" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertAfter( $active_carousel_group );
$next_carousel_group.css({ 'width': active_carousel_width, 'max-width': active_carousel_width }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = 0, total = 0 ; ; x++, total++ ) {
if ( total >= active_items_start && total < active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total >= next_items_start && total < next_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('next_position', next_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position next_position next_position_' + next_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).hide().addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( next_position > columns ) {
if ( x >= ( items.length -1 )) {
x = -1;
sorted = $portfolio_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('next_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('next_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'max-width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('next_position') - 1 ) ) });
left: '-100%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function() {
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'max-width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('next_position') - 1 ) ) });
$(this).appendTo( $next_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'width': '', 'max-width': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $portfolio_items );
et_carousel_auto_rotate( $the_portfolio );
} );
$next_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: '100%'});
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$next_carousel_group.removeClass('next').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'max-width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$next_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
next_position = $(this).data('next_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' next_position next_position_' + next_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('next_position', '');
$(this).data('position', ( index + 1 ) );
$next_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'width': original_item_width, 'max-width': original_item_width, 'left': ''});
$'carouseling', false);
}, 100 );
} );
} else {
var $prev_carousel_group,
current_position = columns,
prev_position = columns,
columns_span = columns - 1,
active_items_start = items.indexOf( $active_carousel_group.children().last()[0] ),
active_items_end = active_items_start - columns_span,
prev_items_start = active_items_end - 1,
prev_items_end = prev_items_start - columns_span,
active_carousel_width = $active_carousel_group.innerWidth();
$prev_carousel_group = $('<div class="et_pb_carousel_group prev" style="display: none;left: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0;">').insertBefore( $active_carousel_group );
$prev_carousel_group.css({ 'left': '-' + active_carousel_width, 'width': active_carousel_width, 'max-width': active_carousel_width }).show();
// this is an endless loop, so it can decide internally when to break out, so that next_position
// can get filled up, even to the extent of an element having both and current_ and next_ position
for( x = ( items.length - 1 ), total = ( items.length - 1 ) ; ; x--, total-- ) {
if ( total <= active_items_start && total >= active_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass( 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$( items[x] ).data('current_position', current_position );
if ( total <= prev_items_start && total >= prev_items_end ) {
$( items[x] ).data('prev_position', prev_position );
$( items[x] ).addClass('changing_position prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
if ( !$( items[x] ).hasClass( 'current_position' ) ) {
$( items[x] ).addClass('container_append');
} else {
$( items[x] ).clone(true).appendTo( $active_carousel_group ).addClass('delayed_container_append_dup').attr('id', $( items[x] ).attr('id') + '-dup' );
$( items[x] ).addClass('delayed_container_append');
if ( prev_position <= 0 ) {
if ( x == 0 ) {
x = items.length;
sorted = $portfolio_items.find('.container_append, .delayed_container_append_dup').sort(function (a, b) {
var el_a_position = parseInt( $(a).data('prev_position') );
var el_b_position = parseInt( $(b).data('prev_position') );
return ( el_a_position < el_b_position ) ? -1 : ( el_a_position > el_b_position ) ? 1 : 0;
$( sorted ).show().appendTo( $prev_carousel_group );
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'max-width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('prev_position') - 1 ) ) });
left: '100%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function() {
$(this).css({'width': item_width, 'max-width': item_width, 'position':'absolute', 'left': ( item_width * ( $(this).data('prev_position') - 1 ) ) });
$(this).prependTo( $prev_carousel_group );
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
$(this).removeClass('position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position );
$(this).data('position', '');
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).css({'position': '', 'width': '', 'max-width': '', 'left': ''});
$(this).appendTo( $portfolio_items );
} );
$prev_carousel_group.addClass('active').css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, left: '-100%'});
left: '0%'
}, {
duration: slide_duration,
complete: function(){
$prev_carousel_group.removeClass('prev').addClass('active').css({'position':'', 'width':'', 'max-width':'', 'top':'', 'left': ''});
$prev_carousel_group.find('.changing_position').each(function( index ){
position = $(this).data('position');
current_position = $(this).data('current_position');
prev_position = $(this).data('prev_position');
$(this).removeClass('container_append delayed_container_append position_' + position + ' ' + 'changing_position current_position current_position_' + current_position + ' prev_position prev_position_' + prev_position );
$(this).data('current_position', '');
$(this).data('prev_position', '');
position = index + 1;
$(this).data('position', position );
$(this).addClass('position_' + position );
$prev_carousel_group.children().css({'position': '', 'width': original_item_width, 'max-width': original_item_width, 'left': ''});
$'carouseling', false);
}, 100 );
} );
function set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $the_portfolio, carousel_mode ) {
var columns,
$portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items'),
portfolio_items_width = $portfolio_items.width(),
$the_portfolio_items = $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item'),
portfolio_item_count = $the_portfolio_items.length;
if ('undefined' === typeof $the_portfolio_items) {
// calculate column breakpoints
if ( portfolio_items_width >= 1600 ) {
columns = 5;
} else if ( portfolio_items_width >= 1024 ) {
columns = 4;
} else if ( portfolio_items_width >= 768 ) {
columns = 3;
} else if ( portfolio_items_width >= 480 ) {
columns = 2;
} else {
columns = 1;
// set height of items
portfolio_item_width = portfolio_items_width / columns;
portfolio_item_height = portfolio_item_width * .75;
if ( carousel_mode ) {
$portfolio_items.css({ 'height' : portfolio_item_height });
$the_portfolio_items.css({ 'height' : portfolio_item_height });
if ( columns === $'portfolio-columns') ) {
if ( $'columns_setting_up') ) {
$'columns_setting_up', true );
var portfolio_item_width_percentage = ( 100 / columns ) + '%';
$the_portfolio_items.css({ 'width' : portfolio_item_width_percentage, 'max-width' : portfolio_item_width_percentage });
// store last setup column
$portfolio_items.removeClass('columns-' + $'portfolio-columns') );
$portfolio_items.addClass('columns-' + columns );
$'portfolio-columns', columns );
if ( !carousel_mode ) {
return $'columns_setting_up', false );
// kill all previous groups to get ready to re-group
if ( $portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_carousel_group').length ) {
$the_portfolio_items.appendTo( $portfolio_items );
// setup the grouping
var the_portfolio_items = $'items' ),
$carousel_group = $('<div class="et_pb_carousel_group active">').appendTo( $portfolio_items );
if ('undefined' === typeof the_portfolio_items) {
$'position', '');
if ( the_portfolio_items.length <= columns ) {
} else {
for ( position = 1, x=0 ;x < the_portfolio_items.length; x++, position++ ) {
if ( x < columns ) {
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).show();
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).appendTo( $carousel_group );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).data('position', position );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).addClass('position_' + position );
} else {
position = $( the_portfolio_items[x] ).data('position');
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).removeClass('position_' + position );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).data('position', '' );
$( the_portfolio_items[x] ).hide();
$'columns_setting_up', false );
function et_carousel_auto_rotate( $carousel ) {
if ( 'on' === $'auto-rotate') && $carousel.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').length > $carousel.find('.et_pb_carousel_group .et_pb_portfolio_item').length && ! $carousel.hasClass( 'et_carousel_hovered' ) ) {
et_carousel_timer = setTimeout( function() {
fullwidth_portfolio_carousel_slide( $carousel.find('.et-pb-arrow-next') );
}, $'auto-rotate-speed') );
$'et_carousel_timer', et_carousel_timer);
et_fullwidth_portfolio_init( $(this) );
function et_audio_module_set() {
if ( $( '.et_pb_audio_module .mejs-audio' ).length || $( '.et_audio_content .mejs-audio' ).length ) {
$( '.et_audio_container' ).each( function(){
et_pb_audio_module_init( $(this) );
window.et_pb_audio_module_init = function( $audio_container ) {
var $this_player = $audio_container,
$time_rail = $this_player.find( '.mejs-time-rail' ),
$time_slider = $this_player.find( '.mejs-time-slider' );
// remove previously added width and min-width attributes to calculate the new sizes accurately
$time_rail.removeAttr( 'style' );
$time_slider.removeAttr( 'style' );
var $count_timer = $this_player.find( 'div.mejs-currenttime-container' ),
$count_timer_width_container = $this_player.find( '.mejs-duration-container' ).length ? $this_player.find( '.mejs-duration-container' ) : $this_player.find( '.mejs-currenttime-container' ),
player_width = $this_player.width(),
controls_play_width = $this_player.find( '.mejs-play' ).outerWidth(),
time_width = $count_timer_width_container.outerWidth(),
volume_icon_width = $this_player.find( '.mejs-volume-button' ).outerWidth(),
volume_bar_width = $this_player.find( '.mejs-horizontal-volume-slider' ).outerWidth(),
$count_timer.addClass( 'custom' );
$this_player.find( '.mejs-controls div.mejs-duration-container' ).replaceWith( $count_timer );
new_time_rail_width = player_width - ( controls_play_width + time_width + volume_icon_width + volume_bar_width + 65 );
if ( 0 < new_time_rail_width ) {
$time_rail.attr( 'style', 'min-width: ' + new_time_rail_width + 'px;' );
$time_slider.attr( 'style', 'min-width: ' + new_time_rail_width + 'px;' );
if ( $('.et_pb_section_video').length ) {
window._wpmejsSettings.pauseOtherPlayers = false;
if ( $et_pb_filterable_portfolio.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.et_pb_filterable_portfolio_init = function( $selector ) {
if ( typeof $selector !== 'undefined' ){
set_filterable_portfolio_init( $selector );
} else {
set_filterable_portfolio_init( $(this) )
window.set_filterable_portfolio_init = function( $the_portfolio ) {
var $the_portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items'),
$left_orientatation = true == $ 'rtl' ) ? false : true,
all_portfolio_items = $the_portfolio_items.clone(); // cache for all the portfolio items
$the_portfolio.css('display', 'block');
set_filterable_grid_items( $the_portfolio );
$the_portfolio.on('click', '.et_pb_portfolio_filter a', function(e){
var category_slug = $(this).data('category-slug');
var $the_portfolio = $(this).parents('.et_pb_filterable_portfolio');
var $the_portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items');
if ( 'all' == category_slug ) {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a').removeClass('active');
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter_all a').addClass('active');
// remove all items from the portfolio items container
// fill the portfolio items container with cached items from memory
$the_portfolio_items.append( all_portfolio_items.find( '.et_pb_portfolio_item' ).clone() );
} else {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a').removeClass('active');
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter_all a').removeClass('active');
// remove all items from the portfolio items container
// fill the portfolio items container with cached items from memory
$the_portfolio_items.append( all_portfolio_items.find( '.et_pb_portfolio_item.project_category_' + $(this).data('category-slug') ).clone() );
$the_portfolio_items.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item.project_category_' + $(this).data('category-slug') ).addClass('active').removeClass( 'inactive' );
set_filterable_grid_items( $the_portfolio );
set_filterable_portfolio_hash( $the_portfolio );
}, 500 );
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').removeClass( 'first_in_row last_in_row' );
et_pb_set_responsive_grid( $the_portfolio, '.et_pb_portfolio_item:visible' );
$the_portfolio.on('click', '.et_pb_portofolio_pagination a', function(e){
var to_page = $(this).data('page');
var $the_portfolio = $(this).parents('.et_pb_filterable_portfolio');
var $the_portfolio_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_items');
et_pb_smooth_scroll( $the_portfolio, false, 800 );
if ( $(this).hasClass('page-prev') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) - 1;
} else if ( $(this).hasClass('page-next') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) + 1;
$(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).addClass('active');
var current_index = $(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).parent().index(),
total_pages = $(this).parents('ul').find('').length;
$(this).parent().nextUntil('.page-' + ( current_index + 3 ) ).show();
$(this).parent().prevUntil('.page-' + ( current_index - 3 ) ).show();
if ( !$(this).hasClass('prev') && !$(this).hasClass('next') ) {
if ( i < ( current_index - 3 ) ) {
} else if ( i > ( current_index + 1 ) ) {
} else {
if ( total_pages - current_index <= 2 && total_pages - i <= 5 ) {
} else if ( current_index <= 3 && i <= 4 ) {
if ( to_page > 1 ) {
} else {
if ( $(this).parents('ul').find('').hasClass('last-page') ) {
} else {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').filter(function( index ) {
return $(this).data('page') === to_page;
window.et_pb_set_responsive_grid( $the_portfolio.find( '.et_pb_portfolio_items' ), '.et_pb_portfolio_item' );
set_filterable_portfolio_hash( $the_portfolio );
}, 500 );
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').removeClass( 'first_in_row last_in_row' );
et_pb_set_responsive_grid( $the_portfolio, '.et_pb_portfolio_item:visible' );
$(this).on('et_hashchange', function( event ){
var params = event.params;
$the_portfolio = $( '#' + );
if ( !$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a[data-category-slug="' + params[0] + '"]').hasClass('active') ) {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter a[data-category-slug="' + params[0] + '"]').click();
if ( params[1] ) {
if ( !$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination' + params[1]).hasClass('active') ) {
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination' + params[1]).addClass('active').click();
}, 300 );
// init portfolio if .load event was fired already, wait for the window load otherwise.
if ( window.et_load_event_fired ) {
} else {
}); // End $(window).load()
function set_filterable_grid_items( $the_portfolio ) {
var active_category = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter >').data('category-slug');
window.et_pb_set_responsive_grid( $the_portfolio.find( '.et_pb_portfolio_items' ), '.et_pb_portfolio_item' );
if ( 'all' === active_category ) {
$the_portfolio_visible_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item');
} else {
$the_portfolio_visible_items = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item.project_category_' + active_category);
var visible_grid_items = $the_portfolio_visible_items.length,
posts_number = $'posts-number'),
pages = 0 === posts_number ? 1 : Math.ceil( visible_grid_items / posts_number );
set_filterable_grid_pages( $the_portfolio, pages );
var visible_grid_items = 0;
var _page = 1;
$the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_item').data('page', '');
if ( 0 === parseInt( visible_grid_items % posts_number ) ) {
$(this).data('page', _page);
} else {
$(this).data('page', _page);
$the_portfolio_visible_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') == 1;
$the_portfolio_visible_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') != 1;
function set_filterable_grid_pages( $the_portfolio, pages ) {
$pagination = $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination');
if ( !$pagination.length ) {
if ( pages <= 1 ) {
$pagination_list = $pagination.children('ul');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="prev" style="display:none;"><a href="#" data-page="prev" class="page-prev">' + et_pb_custom.prev + '</a></li>');
for( var page = 1; page <= pages; page++ ) {
var first_page_class = page === 1 ? ' active' : '',
last_page_class = page === pages ? ' last-page' : '',
hidden_page_class = page >= 5 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '';
$pagination_list.append('<li' + hidden_page_class + ' class="page page-' + page + '"><a href="#" data-page="' + page + '" class="page-' + page + first_page_class + last_page_class + '">' + page + '</a></li>');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="next"><a href="#" data-page="next" class="page-next">' + + '</a></li>');
function set_filterable_portfolio_hash( $the_portfolio ) {
if ( !$the_portfolio.attr('id') ) {
var this_portfolio_state = [];
this_portfolio_state.push( $the_portfolio.attr('id') );
this_portfolio_state.push( $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portfolio_filter >').data('category-slug') );
if ( $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination').length ) {
this_portfolio_state.push( $the_portfolio.find('.et_pb_portofolio_pagination').data('page') );
} else {
this_portfolio_state.push( 1 );
this_portfolio_state = this_portfolio_state.join( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
et_set_hash( this_portfolio_state );
} /* end if ( $et_pb_filterable_portfolio.length ) */
if ( $et_pb_gallery.length || is_frontend_builder ) {
window.set_gallery_grid_items = function( $the_gallery ) {
var $the_gallery_items_container = $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_items'),
$the_gallery_items = $the_gallery_items_container.find('.et_pb_gallery_item');
var total_grid_items = $the_gallery_items.length,
posts_number_original = parseInt( $the_gallery_items_container.attr('data-per_page') ),
posts_number = isNaN( posts_number_original ) || 0 === posts_number_original ? 4 : posts_number_original,
pages = Math.ceil( total_grid_items / posts_number );
set_gallery_grid_pages( $the_gallery, pages );
var total_grid_items = 0;
var _page = 1;
// Remove existing fillers, if any
var filler = '<div class="et_pb_gallery_filler"></div>';
var fillers_added = 0;
$'page', '');
// Do some caching
var $this = $(this);
if ( 0 === parseInt( total_grid_items % posts_number ) ) {
$'page', _page);
// This is the last item in the current page, since the grid layout is controlled
// by css rules using nth-child selectors, we need to make sure the current item
// is also the last on its column or else layout might break in other pages.
// To do so, we add as many empty filler as needed until the element right margin is 0
fillers_added = 0;
while (fillers_added < 4 && '0px' !== $this.css('marginRight')) {
// We can't possibly need more than 3 fillers for each row, make sure we exit anyway
// to prevent infinite loops.
} else {
$'page', _page);
var visible_items = $the_gallery_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') == 1;
$the_gallery_items.filter(function() {
return $(this).data('page') != 1;
window.set_gallery_grid_pages = function( $the_gallery, pages ) {
$pagination = $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination');
if ( !$pagination.length ) {
if ( pages <= 1 ) {
$pagination_list = $pagination.children('ul');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="prev" style="display:none;"><a href="#" data-page="prev" class="page-prev">' + et_pb_custom.prev + '</a></li>');
for( var page = 1; page <= pages; page++ ) {
var first_page_class = page === 1 ? ' active' : '',
last_page_class = page === pages ? ' last-page' : '',
hidden_page_class = page >= 5 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '';
$pagination_list.append('<li' + hidden_page_class + ' class="page page-' + page + '"><a href="#" data-page="' + page + '" class="page-' + page + first_page_class + last_page_class + '">' + page + '</a></li>');
$pagination_list.append('<li class="next"><a href="#" data-page="next" class="page-next">' + + '</a></li>');
window.set_gallery_hash = function( $the_gallery ) {
if ( !$the_gallery.attr('id') ) {
var this_gallery_state = [];
this_gallery_state.push( $the_gallery.attr('id') );
if ( $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination').length ) {
this_gallery_state.push( $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination').data('page') );
} else {
this_gallery_state.push( 1 );
this_gallery_state = this_gallery_state.join( et_hash_module_param_seperator );
et_set_hash( this_gallery_state );
window.et_pb_gallery_init = function( $the_gallery ) {
if ( $the_gallery.hasClass( 'et_pb_gallery_grid' ) ) {
set_gallery_grid_items( $the_gallery );
$the_gallery.on('et_hashchange', function( event ){
var params = event.params;
$the_gallery = $( '#' + );
if ( page_to = params[0] ) {
if ( !$the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination' + page_to ).hasClass('active') ) {
$the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_pagination' + page_to ).addClass('active').click();
var $the_gallery = $(this);
et_pb_gallery_init( $the_gallery );
$'paginating', false );
window.et_pb_gallery_pagination_nav = function( $the_gallery ) {
$the_gallery.on('click', '.et_pb_gallery_pagination a', function(e){
var to_page = $(this).data('page'),
$the_gallery = $(this).parents('.et_pb_gallery'),
$the_gallery_items_container = $the_gallery.find('.et_pb_gallery_items'),
$the_gallery_items = $the_gallery_items_container.find('.et_pb_gallery_item');
if ( $'paginating') ) {
$'paginating', true );
if ( $(this).hasClass('page-prev') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) - 1;
} else if ( $(this).hasClass('page-next') ) {
to_page = parseInt( $(this).parents('ul').find('').data('page') ) + 1;
$(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).addClass('active');
var current_index = $(this).parents('ul').find('' + to_page ).parent().index(),
total_pages = $(this).parents('ul').find('').length;
$(this).parent().nextUntil('.page-' + ( current_index + 3 ) ).show();
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// Frontend builder's interface wouldn't be able to use $et_pb_gallery as selector
// due to its react component's nature. Using more global selector works.
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$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop : ( - fixed_header_height - 50 ) });
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} );
// Email Validation
// Use the regex defined in the HTML5 spec for input[type=email] validation
// (see
var et_email_reg_html5 = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/;
var $et_contact_container = $( '.et_pb_contact_form_container' );
if ( $et_contact_container.length ) {
$et_contact_container.each( function() {
var $this_contact_container = $( this ),
$et_contact_form = $this_contact_container.find( 'form' ),
$et_contact_submit = $this_contact_container.find( 'input.et_pb_contact_submit' ),
$et_inputs = $et_contact_form.find( 'input[type=text], .et_pb_checkbox_handle, input[type=radio]:checked, textarea, .et_pb_contact_select' ),
redirect_url = typeof $ 'redirect_url' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'redirect_url' ) : '';
$et_contact_form.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).on( 'change', function() {
var $checkbox = $(this);
var $checkbox_field = $checkbox.siblings( 'input[type=text]:first' );
var is_checked = $checkbox.prop( 'checked' );
$checkbox_field.val( is_checked ? $ 'checked' ) : $ 'unchecked' ) );
} );
$et_contact_form.on( 'submit', function( event ) {
var $this_contact_form = $( this ),
$this_inputs = $this_contact_form.find( 'input[type=text], .et_pb_checkbox_handle, .et_pb_contact_field[data-type="radio"], textarea, select' ),
this_et_contact_error = false,
$et_contact_message = $this_contact_form.closest( '.et_pb_contact_form_container' ).find( '.et-pb-contact-message' ),
et_message = '',
et_fields_message = '',
$this_contact_container = $this_contact_form.closest( '.et_pb_contact_form_container' ),
$captcha_field = $this_contact_form.find( '.et_pb_contact_captcha' ),
form_unique_id = typeof $ 'form_unique_num' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'form_unique_num' ) : 0,
inputs_list = [];
et_message = '<ul>';
$this_inputs.removeClass( 'et_contact_error' );
var hidden_fields = [];
$this_inputs.each( function(){
var $this_el = $( this );
var $this_wrapper = false;
if ( 'checkbox' === $'field_type') ) {
$this_wrapper = $this_el.parents('.et_pb_contact_field');
$this_wrapper.removeClass( 'et_contact_error' );
if ( 'radio' === $'type') ) {
$this_el = $this_el.find('input[type="radio"]');
$this_wrapper = $this_el.parents('.et_pb_contact_field');
var this_id = $this_el.attr( 'id' );
var this_val = $this_el.val();
var this_label = $this_el.siblings( 'label:first' ).text();
var field_type = typeof $ 'field_type' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'field_type' ) : 'text';
var required_mark = typeof $ 'required_mark' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'required_mark' ) : 'not_required';
var original_id = typeof $ 'original_id' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'original_id' ) : '';
var unchecked = false;
var default_value;
// radio field properties adjustment
if ( 'radio' === field_type ) {
if ( 0 !== $this_wrapper.find( 'input[type="radio"]').length ) {
field_type = 'radio';
var $firstRadio = $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:first');
required_mark = typeof $ 'required_mark' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'required_mark' ) : 'not_required';
this_val = '';
if ( $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:checked') ) {
this_val = $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:checked').val();
this_label = $this_wrapper.find('.et_pb_contact_form_label').text();
this_id = $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:first').attr('name');
original_id = $this_wrapper.attr('data-id');
if ( 0 === $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:checked').length ) {
unchecked = true;
// radio field properties adjustment
if ( 'checkbox' === field_type ) {
this_val = '';
if ( 0 !== $this_wrapper.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]').length ) {
field_type = 'checkbox';
var $checkboxHandle = $this_wrapper.find('.et_pb_checkbox_handle');
required_mark = typeof $ 'required_mark' ) !== 'undefined' ? $ 'required_mark' ) : 'not_required';
if ( $this_wrapper.find('input[type="checked"]:checked') ) {
this_val = [];
$this_wrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() {
this_val.push( $(this).val() );
this_val = this_val.join(', ');
this_label = $this_wrapper.find('.et_pb_contact_form_label').text();
this_id = $this_wrapper.find('.et_pb_checkbox_handle').attr('name');
original_id = $this_wrapper.attr('data-id');
if ( 0 === $this_wrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length ) {
unchecked = true;
// Escape double quotes in label
this_label = this_label.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
// Store the labels of the conditionally hidden fields so that they can be
// removed later if a custom message pattern is enabled
if ( ! $':visible') && 'hidden' !== $this_el.attr('type') && 'radio' !== $this_el.attr('type') ) {
hidden_fields.push( original_id );
if ( ( 'hidden' === $this_el.attr('type') || 'radio' === $this_el.attr('type') ) && ! $this_el.parents('.et_pb_contact_field').is(':visible') ) {
hidden_fields.push( original_id );
// add current field data into array of inputs
if ( typeof this_id !== 'undefined' ) {
inputs_list.push( { 'field_id' : this_id, 'original_id' : original_id, 'required_mark' : required_mark, 'field_type' : field_type, 'field_label' : this_label } );
// add error message for the field if it is required and empty
if ( 'required' === required_mark && ( '' === this_val || true === unchecked ) ) {
if ( false === $this_wrapper ) {
$this_el.addClass( 'et_contact_error' );
} else {
$this_wrapper.addClass( 'et_contact_error' );
this_et_contact_error = true;
default_value = this_label;
if ( '' === default_value ) {
default_value = et_pb_custom.captcha;
et_fields_message += '<li>' + default_value + '</li>';
// add error message if email field is not empty and fails the email validation
if ( 'email' === field_type ) {
// remove trailing/leading spaces and convert email to lowercase
var processed_email = this_val.trim().toLowerCase();
var is_valid_email = et_email_reg_html5.test( processed_email );
if ( '' !== processed_email && this_label !== processed_email && ! is_valid_email ) {
$this_el.addClass( 'et_contact_error' );
this_et_contact_error = true;
if ( ! is_valid_email ) {
et_message += '<li>' + et_pb_custom.invalid + '</li>';
// check the captcha value if required for current form
if ( $captcha_field.length && '' !== $captcha_field.val() ) {
var first_digit = parseInt( $ 'first_digit' ) ),
second_digit = parseInt( $ 'second_digit' ) );
if ( parseInt( $captcha_field.val() ) !== first_digit + second_digit ) {
et_message += '<li>' + et_pb_custom.wrong_captcha + '</li>';
this_et_contact_error = true;
// generate new digits for captcha
first_digit = Math.floor( ( Math.random() * 15 ) + 1 );
second_digit = Math.floor( ( Math.random() * 15 ) + 1 );
// set new digits for captcha
$ 'first_digit', first_digit );
$ 'second_digit', second_digit );
// regenerate captcha on page
$this_contact_form.find( '.et_pb_contact_captcha_question' ).empty().append( first_digit + ' + ' + second_digit );
if ( ! this_et_contact_error ) {
var $href = $( this ).attr( 'action' ),
form_data = $( this ).serializeArray();
form_data.push( {
'name': 'et_pb_contact_email_fields_' + form_unique_id,
'value' : JSON.stringify( inputs_list )
} );
if ( hidden_fields.length > 0 ) {
form_data.push( {
'name': 'et_pb_contact_email_hidden_fields_' + form_unique_id,
'value' : JSON.stringify( hidden_fields )
} );
$this_contact_container.removeClass('et_animated').removeAttr('style').fadeTo( 'fast', 0.2, function() {
$this_contact_container.load( $href + ' #' + $this_contact_form.closest( '.et_pb_contact_form_container' ).attr( 'id' ) + '> *', form_data, function( responseText ) {
if ( ! $( responseText ).find( '.et_pb_contact_error_text').length ) {
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $this_contact_container, 'con_goal' );
// redirect if redirect URL is not empty and no errors in contact form
if ( '' !== redirect_url ) {
window.location.href = redirect_url;
$this_contact_container.fadeTo( 'fast', 1 );
} );
} );
et_message += '</ul>';
if ( '' !== et_fields_message ) {
if ( et_message != '<ul></ul>' ) {
et_message = '<p class="et_normal_padding">' + et_pb_custom.contact_error_message + '</p>' + et_message;
et_fields_message = '<ul>' + et_fields_message + '</ul>';
et_fields_message = '<p>' + et_pb_custom.fill_message + '</p>' + et_fields_message;
et_message = et_fields_message + et_message;
if ( et_message != '<ul></ul>' ) {
$et_contact_message.html( et_message );
// If parent of this contact form uses parallax
if ( $this_contact_container.parents('.et_pb_section_parallax').length ) {
$this_contact_container.parents('.et_pb_section_parallax').each(function() {
var $parallax_element = $(this),
$parallax = $parallax_element.children('.et_parallax_bg'),
is_true_parallax = ( ! $parallax.hasClass( 'et_pb_parallax_css' ) );
if ( is_true_parallax ) {
$et_window.trigger( 'resize' );
window.et_pb_play_overlayed_video = function( $play_video ) {
var $this = $play_video;
var $video_image = $this.closest('.et_pb_video_overlay');
var $wrapper = $this.closest('.et_pb_video, .et_main_video_container, .et_pb_video_wrap');
var $video_iframe = $wrapper.find('iframe');
var is_embedded = $video_iframe.length > 0;
var is_fb_video = $wrapper.find('.fb-video').length;
var video_iframe_src;
var video_iframe_src_splitted;
var video_iframe_src_autoplay;
if (is_embedded) {
if (is_fb_video && 'undefined' !== typeof $video_iframe[2]) {
// Facebook uses three http/https/iframe
$video_iframe = $($video_iframe[2]);
// Add autoplay parameter to automatically play embedded content when overlay is clicked
video_iframe_src = $video_iframe.attr('src');
video_iframe_src_splitted = video_iframe_src.split("?");
if (video_iframe_src.indexOf('autoplay=') !== -1) {
if (typeof video_iframe_src_splitted[1] !== 'undefined') {
video_iframe_src_autoplay = video_iframe_src_splitted[0] + "?autoplay=1&amp;" + video_iframe_src_splitted[1];
} else {
video_iframe_src_autoplay = video_iframe_src_splitted[0] + "?autoplay=1";
'src': video_iframe_src_autoplay
} else {
$video_image.fadeTo( 500, 0, function() {
var $image = $(this);
$image.css( 'display', 'none' );
} );
$( '.et_pb_post .et_pb_video_overlay, .et_pb_video .et_pb_video_overlay, .et_pb_video_wrap .et_pb_video_overlay' ).click( function() {
var $this = $(this);
et_pb_play_overlayed_video( $this );
return false;
} );
window.et_pb_resize_section_video_bg = function( $video ) {
$element = typeof $video !== 'undefined' ? $video.closest( '.et_pb_section_video_bg' ) : $( '.et_pb_section_video_bg' );
$element.each( function() {
var $this_el = $(this);
if ( is_frontend_builder ) {
var el_ratio = parseFloat( $this_el.attr( 'data-ratio' ) );
var el_width = parseInt( $this_el.find( 'video' ).attr( 'width' ) || $this_el.find( 'video' ).width() );
var el_height = parseInt( $this_el.find( 'video' ).attr( 'height' ) || $this_el.find( 'video' ).height() );
var ratio = ( ! isNaN( el_ratio ) ) ? el_ratio : ( el_width / el_height );
var $video_elements = $this_el.find( '.mejs-video, video, object' ).css( 'margin', 0 );
var $container = $this_el.closest( '.et_pb_section_video' ).length
? $this_el.closest( '.et_pb_section_video' )
: $this_el.closest( '.et_pb_slides' );
var body_width = $container.innerWidth();
var container_height = $container.innerHeight();
var width, height;
if ( typeof $this_el.attr( 'data-ratio' ) == 'undefined' && !isNaN(ratio) ) {
$this_el.attr( 'data-ratio', ratio );
if ( body_width / container_height < ratio ) {
width = container_height * ratio;
height = container_height;
} else {
width = body_width;
height = body_width / ratio;
$video_elements.width( width ).height( height );
// need to re-set the values to make it work correctly in Frontend builder
if ( is_frontend_builder ) {
setTimeout( function() {
$video_elements.width( width ).height( height );
}, 0 );
} );
window.et_pb_center_video = function( $video ) {
$element = typeof $video !== 'undefined' ? $video : $( '.et_pb_section_video_bg .mejs-video' );
if ( ! $element.length ) {
$element.each( function() {
var $this_el = $(this);
et_pb_adjust_video_margin( $this_el );
// need to re-calculate the values in Frontend builder
if ( is_frontend_builder ) {
setTimeout( function() {
et_pb_adjust_video_margin( $this_el );
}, 0 );
if ( typeof $video !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( $video.closest( '.et_pb_slider' ).length && ! $video.closest( '.et_pb_first_video' ).length ) {
return false;
} );
window.et_pb_adjust_video_margin = function( $el ) {
var $video_width = $el.width() / 2;
var $video_width_negative = 0 - $video_width;
$el.css("margin-left", $video_width_negative );
function et_fix_slider_height( $slider ) {
var $this_slider = $slider || $et_pb_slider;
if ( ! $this_slider || ! $this_slider.length ) {
$this_slider.each( function() {
var $slide_section = $(this).parent( '.et_pb_section' ),
$slides = $(this).find( '.et_pb_slide' ),
$slide_containers = $slides.find( '.et_pb_container' ),
max_height = 0,
image_margin = 0,
need_image_margin_top = $(this).hasClass( 'et_pb_post_slider_image_top' ),
need_image_margin_bottom = $(this).hasClass( 'et_pb_post_slider_image_bottom' );
// If this is appears at the first section beneath transparent nav, skip it
// leave it to et_fix_page_container_position()
if ( $ '.et_pb_section_first' ) ){
return true;
$slide_containers.css( 'height', 0 );
// make slides visible to calculate the height correctly
$slides.addClass( 'et_pb_temp_slide' );
if ( typeof $(this).data('et_pb_simple_slider') === 'object' ) {
$slides.each( function() {
var height = parseFloat( $(this).innerHeight() ),
$slide_image = $(this).find( '.et_pb_slide_image' ),
adjustedHeight = parseFloat( $(this).data( 'adjustedHeight' ) ),
autoTopPadding = isNaN( adjustedHeight ) ? 0 : adjustedHeight;
// reduce the height by autopadding value if slider height was adjusted. This is required in VB.
height = ( autoTopPadding && autoTopPadding < height ) ? ( height - autoTopPadding ) : height;
if ( need_image_margin_top || need_image_margin_bottom ) {
if ( $slide_image.length ) {
// get the margin from slides with image
image_margin = need_image_margin_top ? parseFloat( $slide_image.css( 'margin-top' ) ) : parseFloat( $slide_image.css( 'margin-bottom' ) );
image_margin += 10;
} else {
// add class to slides without image to adjust their height accordingly
$(this).find( '.et_pb_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_no_image' );
// mark the slides without content
if ( 0 === Math.abs( parseInt( $(this).find( '.et_pb_slide_description' ).height() ) ) ) {
$(this).find( '.et_pb_container' ).addClass( 'et_pb_empty_slide' );
if ( max_height < height ) {
max_height = height;
} );
if ( ( max_height + image_margin ) < 1 ) {
// No slides have any content. It's probably being used with background images only.
// Reset the height so that it falls back to the default padding for the content.
$slide_containers.css( 'height', '' );
} else {
$slide_containers.css( 'height', max_height + image_margin );
// remove temp class after getting the slider height
$slides.removeClass( 'et_pb_temp_slide' );
// Show the active slide's image (if exists)
.find( '.et_pb_slide_image' )
.children( 'img' )
.addClass( 'active' );
} );
var debounced_et_fix_slider_height = {};
// This function can end up being called a lot of times and it's quite expensive in terms of cpu due to
// recalculating styles. Debouncing it (VB only) for performances reasons.
window.et_fix_slider_height = !is_frontend_builder ? et_fix_slider_height : function($slider) {
var $this_slider = $slider || $et_pb_slider;
if ( ! $this_slider || ! $this_slider.length ) {
// Create a debounced function per slider
var address = $'address');
if (!debounced_et_fix_slider_height[address]) {
debounced_et_fix_slider_height[address] = window.et_pb_debounce(et_fix_slider_height, 100);
* Add conditional class to prevent unwanted dropdown nav
function et_fix_nav_direction() {
window_width = $(window).width();
$('.nav').removeClass( 'et-reverse-direction-nav' );
$('.nav li li ul').each(function(){
var $dropdown = $(this),
dropdown_width = $dropdown.width(),
dropdown_offset = $dropdown.offset(),
$parents = $dropdown.parents('.nav > li');
if ( dropdown_offset.left > ( window_width - dropdown_width ) ) {
$parents.addClass( 'et-reverse-direction-nav' );
et_pb_form_placeholders_init( $( '.et_pb_comments_module #commentform' ) );
$('.et_pb_fullwidth_menu ul.nav').each(function(i) {
et_duplicate_menu( $(this), $(this).parents('.et_pb_row').find('div .mobile_nav'), 'mobile_menu' + i, 'et_mobile_menu' );
$('.et_pb_fullwidth_menu').each(function() {
var this_menu = $( this ),
bg_color = 'bg_color' );
if ( bg_color ) {
this_menu.find( 'ul' ).css( { 'background-color' : bg_color } );
$ function( event ) {
et_pb_submit_newsletter( $(this), event );
} );
.on('change', function() {
var $checkbox = $(this);
var $checkbox_field = $checkbox.siblings('input[type=text]:first');
var is_checked = $checkbox.prop('checked');
$checkbox_field.val(is_checked ? $'checked') : $'unchecked'));
window.et_pb_submit_newsletter = function( $submit, event ) {
if ($submit.closest('.et_pb_login_form').length) {
et_pb_maybe_log_event($submit.closest('.et_pb_newsletter'), 'con_goal');
if ( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) {
// check if it is a feedburner feed subscription
if ($('.et_pb_feedburner_form').length > 0) {
$feed_name = $('.et_pb_feedburner_form input[name=uri]').val();'' + $feed_name, 'et-feedburner-subscribe', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');
return true;
} // otherwise keep things moving
var $newsletter_container = $submit.closest('.et_pb_newsletter');
var $name = $newsletter_container.find('input[name="et_pb_signup_firstname"]');
var $lastname = $newsletter_container.find('input[name="et_pb_signup_lastname"]');
var $email = $newsletter_container.find('input[name="et_pb_signup_email"]');
var list_id = $newsletter_container.find('input[name="et_pb_signup_list_id"]').val();
var $error_message = $newsletter_container.find('.et_pb_newsletter_error').hide();
var provider = $newsletter_container.find('input[name="et_pb_signup_provider"]').val();
var account = $newsletter_container.find('input[name="et_pb_signup_account_name"]').val();
var ip_address = $newsletter_container.find('input[name="et_pb_signup_ip_address"]').val();
var $fields_container = $newsletter_container.find('.et_pb_newsletter_fields');
var $success_message = $newsletter_container.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_success' );
var redirect_url = $ 'redirect_url' );
var redirect_query = $ 'redirect_query' );
var custom_fields = {};
var hidden_fields = [];
var et_message = '<ul>';
var et_fields_message = '';
var $custom_fields = $fields_container
.find('input[type=text], .et_pb_checkbox_handle, .et_pb_contact_field[data-type="radio"], textarea, select')
.filter('.et_pb_signup_custom_field, .et_pb_signup_custom_field *');
$name.removeClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
$lastname.removeClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
$email.removeClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
// Validate user input
var is_valid = true;
var form = $submit.closest('.et_pb_newsletter_form form');
if (form.length > 0 && typeof form[0].reportValidity === 'function') {
// Checks HTML5 validation constraints
is_valid = form[0].reportValidity();
if ( $name.length > 0 && ! $name.val() ) {
$name.addClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
is_valid = false;
if ( $lastname.length > 0 && ! $lastname.val() ) {
$lastname.addClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
is_valid = false;
if ( ! et_email_reg_html5.test( $email.val() ) ) {
$email.addClass( 'et_pb_signup_error' );
is_valid = false;
if ( ! is_valid ) {
$custom_fields.each(function() {
var $this_el = $(this);
var $this_wrapper = false;
if ('checkbox' === $'field_type')) {
$this_wrapper = $this_el.parents('.et_pb_contact_field');
if ('radio' === $'type')) {
$this_el = $this_el.find('input[type="radio"]');
$this_wrapper = $this_el.parents('.et_pb_contact_field');
var this_id = $'id');
var this_val = $this_el.val();
var this_label = $this_el.siblings('label:first').text();
var field_type = typeof $'field_type') !== 'undefined' ? $'field_type') : 'text';
var required_mark = typeof $'required_mark') !== 'undefined' ? $'required_mark') : 'not_required';
var original_id = typeof $'original_id') !== 'undefined' ? $'original_id') : '';
var unchecked = false;
var default_value;
if (! this_id) {
this_id = $'original_id');
// radio field properties adjustment
if ('radio' === field_type) {
if (0 !== $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]').length) {
var $firstRadio = $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:first');
required_mark = typeof $'required_mark') !== 'undefined' ? $'required_mark') : 'not_required';
this_val = '';
if ($this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:checked')) {
this_val = $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:checked').val();
this_label = $this_wrapper.find('.et_pb_contact_form_label').text();
this_id = $'original_id');
if (! $.isEmptyObject(this_val)) {
custom_fields[this_id] = this_val;
if (0 === $this_wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]:checked').length) {
unchecked = true;
if (this_val) {
custom_fields[this_id] = this_val;
} else if ('checkbox' === field_type) {
this_val = {};
if (0 !== $this_wrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]').length) {
var $checkboxHandle = $this_wrapper.find('.et_pb_checkbox_handle');
required_mark = typeof $'required_mark') !== 'undefined' ? $'required_mark') : 'not_required';
if ($this_wrapper.find('input[type="checked"]:checked')) {
$this_wrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() {
var field_id = $(this).data('id');
this_val[field_id] = $(this).val();
this_label = $this_wrapper.find('.et_pb_contact_form_label').text();
this_id = $this_wrapper.attr('data-id');
if (! $.isEmptyObject(this_val)) {
custom_fields[this_id] = this_val;
if (0 === $this_wrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length) {
unchecked = true;
} else if ('ontraport' === provider && 'select' === field_type) {
// Need to pass option ID as a value for dropdown menu in Ontraport
var $selected_option = $this_el.find(':selected');
custom_fields[this_id] = $selected_option.length > 0 ? $'id') : this_val;
} else {
custom_fields[this_id] = this_val;
// Escape double quotes in label
this_label = this_label.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
// Store the labels of the conditionally hidden fields so that they can be
// removed later if a custom message pattern is enabled
if (! $':visible') && 'hidden' !== $this_el.attr('type') && 'radio' !== $this_el.attr('type')) {
if (('hidden' === $this_el.attr('type') || 'radio' === $this_el.attr('type')) && ! $this_el.parents('.et_pb_contact_field').is(':visible')) {
// add error message for the field if it is required and empty
if ('required' === required_mark && ('' === this_val || true === unchecked)) {
if (false === $this_wrapper) {
} else {
is_valid = false;
default_value = this_label;
if ('' === default_value) {
default_value = et_pb_custom.captcha;
et_fields_message += '<li>' + default_value + '</li>';
// add error message if email field is not empty and fails the email validation
if ('email' === field_type) {
// remove trailing/leading spaces and convert email to lowercase
var processed_email = this_val.trim().toLowerCase();
var is_valid_email = et_email_reg_html5.test(processed_email);
if ('' !== processed_email && this_label !== processed_email && ! is_valid_email) {
is_valid = false;
if (! is_valid_email) {
et_message += '<li>' + et_pb_custom.invalid + '</li>';
et_message += '</ul>';
if ('' !== et_fields_message) {
if (et_message !== '<ul></ul>') {
et_message = '<p class="et_normal_padding">' + et_pb_custom.contact_error_message + '</p>' + et_message;
et_fields_message = '<ul>' + et_fields_message + '</ul>';
et_fields_message = '<p>' + et_pb_custom.fill_message + '</p>' + et_fields_message;
et_message = et_fields_message + et_message;
if (et_message !== '<ul></ul>') {
// If parent of this contact form uses parallax
if ($newsletter_container.parents('.et_pb_section_parallax').length) {
$newsletter_container.parents('.et_pb_section_parallax').each(function() {
var $parallax_element = $(this),
$parallax = $parallax_element.children('.et_parallax_bg'),
is_true_parallax = (! $parallax.hasClass('et_pb_parallax_css'));
if (is_true_parallax) {
function get_redirect_query() {
var query = {};
if ( ! redirect_query ) {
return '';
if ( $name.length > 0 && redirect_query.indexOf( 'name' ) > -1 ) {
query.first_name = $name.val();
if ( $lastname.length > 0 && redirect_query.indexOf( 'last_name' ) > -1 ) {
query.last_name = $lastname.val();
if ( redirect_query.indexOf( 'email' ) > -1 ) { = $email.val();
if ( redirect_query.indexOf( 'ip_address' ) > -1 ) {
query.ip_address = $ 'ip_address' );
if ( redirect_query.indexOf( 'css_id' ) > -1 ) {
query.form_id = $newsletter_container.attr( 'id' );
return decodeURIComponent( $.param( query ) );
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: et_pb_custom.ajaxurl,
dataType: "json",
data: {
action : 'et_pb_submit_subscribe_form',
et_frontend_nonce : et_pb_custom.et_frontend_nonce,
et_list_id : list_id,
et_firstname : $name.val(),
et_lastname : $lastname.val(),
et_email : $email.val(),
et_provider : provider,
et_account: account,
et_ip_address: ip_address,
et_custom_fields: custom_fields,
et_hidden_fields: hidden_fields
beforeSend: function() {
.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_button' )
.addClass( 'et_pb_button_text_loading' )
complete: function() {
.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_button' )
.removeClass( 'et_pb_button_text_loading' )
success: function( data ) {
if ( ! data ) {
$error_message.html( et_pb_custom.subscription_failed ).show();
if ( data.error ) {
$'<h2>').text( data.error );
if ( data.success ) {
if ( redirect_url ) {
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $newsletter_container, 'con_goal', function() {
var query = get_redirect_query();
if ( redirect_url.indexOf( '?' ) > -1 ) {
redirect_url += '&';
} else {
redirect_url += '?';
window.location = redirect_url + query;
} );
} else {
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $newsletter_container, 'con_goal' );
$newsletter_container.find( '.et_pb_newsletter_fields' ).hide();
} );
window.et_fix_testimonial_inner_width = function() {
var window_width = $( window ).width();
if ( window_width > 959 ) {
$( '.et_pb_testimonial' ).each( function() {
if ( ! $(this).is( ':visible' ) ) {
var $testimonial = $(this);
var $portrait = $testimonial.find( '.et_pb_testimonial_portrait' );
var portrait_width = $portrait.outerWidth( true );
var $testimonial_descr = $testimonial.find( '.et_pb_testimonial_description' );
var $outer_column = $testimonial.closest( '.et_pb_column' );
var testimonial_indent = ! ( $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_1_3' ) || $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_1_4' ) || $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_3_8' ) ) ? portrait_width : 0;
$testimonial_descr.css( 'margin-left', testimonial_indent );
} );
} else if ( window_width > 767 ) {
$( '.et_pb_testimonial' ).each( function() {
if ( ! $(this).is( ':visible' ) ) {
var $testimonial = $(this);
var $portrait = $testimonial.find( '.et_pb_testimonial_portrait' );
var portrait_width = $portrait.outerWidth( true );
var $testimonial_descr = $testimonial.find( '.et_pb_testimonial_description' );
var $outer_column = $testimonial.closest( '.et_pb_column' );
var testimonial_indent = ! ( $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_1_4' ) || $outer_column.hasClass( 'et_pb_column_3_8' ) ) ? portrait_width : 0;
$testimonial_descr.css( 'margin-left', testimonial_indent );
} );
} else {
$( '.et_pb_testimonial_description' ).removeAttr( 'style' );
window.et_pb_video_background_init = function( $this_video_background, this_video_background ) {
var $video_background_wrapper = $this_video_background.closest( '.et_pb_section_video_bg' );
// Initializing video values
var onplaying = false;
var onpause = true;
// On video playing toggle values
this_video_background.onplaying = function() {
onplaying = true;
onpause = false;
// On video pause toggle values
this_video_background.onpause = function() {
onplaying = false;
onpause = true;
// Entering video's top viewport
et_waypoint( $video_background_wrapper, {
offset: '100%',
handler : function( direction ) {
// This has to be placed inside handler to make it works with changing class name in VB
var is_play_outside_viewport = $video_background_wrapper.hasClass( 'et_pb_video_play_outside_viewport' );
if ( $':visible') && direction === 'down' ) {
if ( this_video_background.paused && ! onplaying ) {;
} else if ( $':visible') && direction === 'up' ) {
if ( ! this_video_background.paused && ! onpause && ! is_play_outside_viewport ) {
}, 2 );
// Entering video's bottom viewport
et_waypoint( $video_background_wrapper, {
offset: function() {
var video_height = this.element.clientHeight,
toggle_offset = Math.ceil( window.innerHeight / 2);
if ( video_height > toggle_offset ) {
toggle_offset = video_height;
return toggle_offset * (-1);
handler : function( direction ) {
// This has to be placed inside handler to make it works with changing class name in VB
var is_play_outside_viewport = $video_background_wrapper.hasClass( 'et_pb_video_play_outside_viewport' );
if ( $':visible') && direction === 'up' ) {
if ( this_video_background.paused && ! onplaying ) {;
} else if ( $':visible') && direction === 'down' ) {
if ( ! this_video_background.paused && ! onpause && ! is_play_outside_viewport ) {
}, 2 );
function et_waypoint( $element, options, max_instances ) {
max_instances = max_instances || $ 'et_waypoint_max_instances' ) || 1;
var current_instances = $ 'et_waypoint' ) || [];
if ( current_instances.length < max_instances ) {
var new_instances = $element.waypoint( options );
if ( new_instances && new_instances.length > 0 ) {
current_instances.push( new_instances[0] );
$ 'et_waypoint', current_instances );
} else {
// Reinit existing
for ( var i = 0; i < current_instances.length; i++ ) {
* Returns an offset to be used for waypoints.
* @param {element} element The element being passed.
* @param {string} fallback String of either pixels or percent.
* @return {string} Returns either the fallback or 'bottom-in-view'
function et_get_offset( element, fallback ) {
// cache things so we can test.
var section_index = element.parents('.et_pb_section').index(),
section_length = $('.et_pb_section').length - 1,
row_index = element.parents('.et_pb_row').index(),
row_length = element.parents('.et_pb_section').children().length - 1;
// return bottom-in-view if it is the last element otherwise return the user defined fallback
if ( section_index === section_length && row_index === row_length ) {
return 'bottom-in-view';
return fallback;
function et_animate_element( $element ) {
var animation_style = $element.attr('data-animation-style');
var animation_repeat = $element.attr('data-animation-repeat');
var animation_duration = $element.attr('data-animation-duration');
var animation_delay = $element.attr('data-animation-delay');
var animation_intensity = $element.attr('data-animation-intensity');
var animation_starting_opacity = $element.attr('data-animation-starting-opacity');
var animation_speed_curve = $element.attr('data-animation-speed-curve');
// Remove all the animation data attributes once the variables have been set
et_remove_animation_data( $element );
// Opacity can be 0 to 1 so the starting opacity is equal to the percentage number multiplied by 0.01
var starting_opacity = isNaN( parseInt( animation_starting_opacity ) ) ? 0 : parseInt( animation_starting_opacity ) * 0.01;
// Check if the animation speed curve is one of the allowed ones and set it to the default one if it is not
if ( $.inArray( animation_speed_curve, ['linear', 'ease', 'ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out'] ) === -1 ) {
animation_speed_curve = 'ease-in-out';
'animation-duration' : animation_duration,
'animation-delay' : animation_delay,
'opacity' : starting_opacity,
'animation-timing-function' : animation_speed_curve
var intensity_css = {};
var intensity_percentage = isNaN( parseInt( animation_intensity ) ) ? 50 : parseInt( animation_intensity );
// All the animations that can have intensity
var intensity_animations = ['slide', 'zoom', 'flip', 'fold', 'roll'];
var original_animation = false;
var original_direction = false;
// Check if current animation can have intensity
for ( var i = 0; i < intensity_animations.length; i++ ) {
var animation = intensity_animations[i];
// As the animation style is a combination of type and direction check if
// the current animation contains any of the allowed animation types
if ( ! animation_style || animation_style.substr( 0, animation.length ) !== animation ) {
// If it does set the original animation to the base animation type
var original_animation = animation;
// Get the remainder of the animation style and set it as the direction
var original_direction = animation_style.substr( animation.length, animation_style.length );
// If that is not empty convert it to lower case for better readability's sake
if ( '' !== original_direction ) {
original_direction = original_direction.toLowerCase();
if ( original_animation !== false && original_direction !== false ) {
intensity_css = et_process_animation_intensity( original_animation, original_direction, intensity_percentage );
if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( intensity_css ) ) {
$element.css( intensity_css );
$element.addClass( 'et_animated' );
$element.addClass( animation_style );
$element.addClass( animation_repeat );
function et_process_animation_data( waypoints_enabled ) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof et_animation_data && et_animation_data.length > 0 ) {
$('body').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
$('#page-container').css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
for ( var i = 0; i < et_animation_data.length; i++ ) {
var animation_entry = et_animation_data[i];
if (
! animation_entry.class ||
! ||
! animation_entry.repeat ||
! animation_entry.duration ||
! animation_entry.delay ||
! animation_entry.intensity ||
! animation_entry.starting_opacity ||
! animation_entry.speed_curve
) {
var $animated = $('.' + animation_entry.class);
'data-animation-style' :,
'data-animation-repeat' : 'once' === animation_entry.repeat ? '' : 'infinite',
'data-animation-duration' : animation_entry.duration,
'data-animation-delay' : animation_entry.delay,
'data-animation-intensity' : animation_entry.intensity,
'data-animation-starting-opacity': animation_entry.starting_opacity,
'data-animation-speed-curve' : animation_entry.speed_curve
// Process the waypoints logic if the waypoints are not ignored
// Otherwise add the animation to the element right away
if ( true === waypoints_enabled ) {
if ( $animated.hasClass('et_pb_circle_counter') ) {
et_waypoint( $animated, {
offset: '100%',
handler: function() {
if ( $(this.element).data( 'PieChartHasLoaded' ) || typeof $(this.element).data('easyPieChart') === 'undefined' ) {
$(this.element).data('easyPieChart').update( $(this.element).data('number-value') );
$(this.element).data( 'PieChartHasLoaded', true );
et_animate_element( $(this.element) );
// fallback to 'bottom-in-view' offset, to make sure animation applied when element is on the bottom of page and other offsets are not triggered
et_waypoint( $animated, {
offset: 'bottom-in-view',
handler: function() {
if ( $(this.element).data( 'PieChartHasLoaded' ) || typeof $(this.element).data('easyPieChart') === 'undefined' ) {
$(this.element).data('easyPieChart').update( $(this.element).data('number-value') );
$(this.element).data( 'PieChartHasLoaded', true );
et_animate_element( $(this.element) );
} else if ( $animated.hasClass('et_pb_number_counter') ) {
et_waypoint( $animated, {
offset: '100%',
handler: function() {
$(this.element).data('easyPieChart').update( $(this.element).data('number-value') );
et_animate_element( $(this.element) );
// fallback to 'bottom-in-view' offset, to make sure animation applied when element is on the bottom of page and other offsets are not triggered
et_waypoint( $animated, {
offset: 'bottom-in-view',
handler: function() {
$(this.element).data('easyPieChart').update( $(this.element).data('number-value') );
et_animate_element( $(this.element) );
} else {
et_waypoint( $animated, {
offset: '100%',
handler: function() {
et_animate_element( $(this.element) );
} );
} else {
et_animate_element( $animated );
function et_process_animation_intensity( animation, direction, intensity ) {
var intensity_css = {};
switch( animation ) {
case 'slide':
switch( direction ) {
case 'top':
var percentage = intensity * -2;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'translate3d(0, ' + percentage + '%, 0)'
case 'right':
var percentage = intensity * 2;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'translate3d(' + percentage + '%, 0, 0)'
case 'bottom':
var percentage = intensity * 2;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'translate3d(0, ' + percentage + '%, 0)'
case 'left':
var percentage = intensity * -2;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'translate3d(' + percentage + '%, 0, 0)'
var scale = ( 100 - intensity ) * 0.01;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'
case 'zoom':
var scale = ( 100 - intensity ) * 0.01;
switch( direction ) {
case 'top':
intensity_css = {
transform: 'scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'
case 'right':
intensity_css = {
transform: 'scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'
case 'bottom':
intensity_css = {
transform: 'scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'
case 'left':
intensity_css = {
transform: 'scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'
intensity_css = {
transform: 'scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'
case 'flip':
switch ( direction ) {
case 'right':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity );
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateY(' + degree+ 'deg)'
case 'left':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity ) * -1;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateY(' + degree+ 'deg)'
case 'top':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity );
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateX(' + degree+ 'deg)'
case 'bottom':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity ) * -1;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateX(' + degree+ 'deg)'
case 'fold':
switch( direction ) {
case 'top':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity ) * -1;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateX(' + degree + 'deg)'
case 'bottom':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity );
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateX(' + degree + 'deg)'
case 'left':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity );
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateY(' + degree + 'deg)'
case 'right':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 90 / 100 ) * intensity ) * -1;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'perspective(2000px) rotateY(' + degree + 'deg)'
case 'roll':
switch( direction ) {
case 'right':
case 'bottom':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 360 / 100 ) * intensity ) * -1;
intensity_css = {
transform: 'rotateZ(' + degree + 'deg)'
case 'top':
case 'left':
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 360 / 100 ) * intensity );
intensity_css = {
transform: 'rotateZ(' + degree + 'deg)'
var degree = Math.ceil( ( 360 / 100 ) * intensity );
intensity_css = {
transform: 'rotateZ(' + degree + 'deg)'
return intensity_css;
function et_has_animation_data( $element ) {
var has_animation = false;
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof et_animation_data && et_animation_data.length > 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < et_animation_data.length; i++ ) {
var animation_entry = et_animation_data[i];
if ( ! animation_entry.class ) {
if ( $element.hasClass( animation_entry.class ) ) {
has_animation = true;
return has_animation;
function et_get_animation_classes() {
return [
'et_animated', 'infinite',
'fade', 'fadeTop', 'fadeRight', 'fadeBottom', 'fadeLeft',
'slide', 'slideTop', 'slideRight', 'slideBottom', 'slideLeft',
'bounce', 'bounceTop', 'bounceRight', 'bounceBottom', 'bounceLeft',
'zoom', 'zoomTop', 'zoomRight', 'zoomBottom', 'zoomLeft',
'flip', 'flipTop', 'flipRight', 'flipBottom', 'flipLeft',
'fold', 'foldTop', 'foldRight', 'foldBottom', 'foldLeft',
'roll', 'rollTop', 'rollRight', 'rollBottom', 'rollLeft'
function et_remove_animation( $element ) {
var animation_classes = et_get_animation_classes();
$element.removeClass( animation_classes.join(' ') );
function et_remove_animation_data( $element ) {
var attr_name;
var data_attrs_to_remove = [];
var data_attrs = $element.get(0).attributes;
for ( var i = 0; i < data_attrs.length; i++ ) {
if ( 'data-animation-' === data_attrs[i].name.substring( 0, 15 ) ) {
data_attrs_to_remove.push( data_attrs[i].name );
$.each( data_attrs_to_remove, function( index, attr_name ) {
$element.removeAttr( attr_name );
} );
window.et_reinit_waypoint_modules = et_pb_debounce( function() {
var $et_pb_circle_counter = $( '.et_pb_circle_counter' ),
$et_pb_number_counter = $( '.et_pb_number_counter' ),
$et_pb_video_background = $( '.et_pb_section_video_bg video' );
// if waypoint is available and we are not ignoring them.
if ( $.fn.waypoint && 'yes' !== et_pb_custom.ignore_waypoints ) {
et_process_animation_data( true );
// get all of our waypoint things.
var modules = $( '.et_pb_counter_container, .et-waypoint' );
et_waypoint( $(this), {
offset: et_get_offset( $(this), '100%' ),
handler: function() {
// what actually triggers the animation.
$(this.element).addClass( 'et-animated' );
}, 2 );
// Set waypoint for circle counter module.
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
// iterate over each.
var $this_counter = $(this);
if ( ! $ ':visible' ) || et_has_animation_data( $this_counter ) ) {
et_waypoint( $this_counter, {
offset: et_get_offset( $(this), '100%'),
handler: function() {
if ( $ 'PieChartHasLoaded' ) || typeof $'easyPieChart') === 'undefined' ) {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
$ 'PieChartHasLoaded', true );
}, 2 );
// Set waypoint for number counter module.
if ( $et_pb_number_counter.length ) {
var $this_counter = $(this);
if ( et_has_animation_data( $this_counter ) ) {
et_waypoint( $this_counter, {
offset: et_get_offset( $(this), '100%' ),
handler: function() {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
// Set waypoint for goal module.
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' ).length ) {
var $et_pb_ab_goal = $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' );
et_waypoint( $et_pb_ab_goal, {
offset: et_get_offset( $(this), '80%'),
handler: function() {
if ( et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.length || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) ) {
// log the goal_read if goal is still visible after 3 seconds.
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.length && $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] ) {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'read_goal' );
}, 3000 );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'view_goal' );
} else {
// if no waypoints supported then apply all the animations right away
et_process_animation_data( false );
$( '.et_pb_counter_container, .et-waypoint' ).addClass( 'et-animated' );
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
$et_pb_circle_counter.each(function() {
var $this_counter = $(this);
if ( ! $ ':visible' ) ) {
if ( $ 'PieChartHasLoaded' ) ) {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
$ 'PieChartHasLoaded', true );
} );
if ( $et_pb_number_counter.length ) {
var $this_counter = $(this);
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
// log the stats without waypoints
if ( $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' ).length ) {
var $et_pb_ab_goal = $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' );
if ( et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.length || ! $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) ) {
// log the goal_read if goal is still visible after 3 seconds.
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.length && $et_pb_ab_goal.visible( true ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_goal'] ) {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'read_goal' );
}, 3000 );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'view_goal' );
} // End checking of waypoints.
if ( $et_pb_video_background.length ) {
$et_pb_video_background.each( function(){
var $this_video_background = $(this);
et_pb_video_background_init( $this_video_background, this );
} // End of et_pb_debounce().
}, 100 );
function et_pb_init_ab_test() {
var $et_pb_ab_goal = $( '.et_pb_ab_goal' ),
et_ab_subject_id = et_pb_get_subject_id();
// Disable AB Testing tracking on VB
// AB Testing should not record anything on AB Testing
if ( is_frontend_builder ) {
$.each( et_pb_ab_logged_status, function( key, value ) {
var cookie_subject = 'click_goal' === key || 'con_short' === key ? '' : et_ab_subject_id;
et_pb_ab_logged_status[key] = et_pb_check_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_' + key + '_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id + cookie_subject, 'true' );
// log the page read event if user stays on page long enough and if not logged for current subject
if ( ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['read_page'] ) {
setTimeout( function() {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'read_page' );
}, et_pb_ab_bounce_rate );
// add the cookies for shortcode tracking, if enabled
if ( 'on' === et_pb_custom.is_shortcode_tracking && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['con_short'] ) {
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_shortcode_track_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + '=' + et_pb_custom.page_id + '_' + et_pb_get_subject_id() + '_' + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id );
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.length ) {
// if goal is a module and has a button then track the conversions, otherwise track clicks
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_module' ) && ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_button' ) || $et_pb_ab_goal.find( '.et_pb_button' ).length ) ) {
// Log con_goal if current goal doesn't require any specific conversion calculation
if ( ! $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_contact_form_container' ) && ! $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_newsletter' ) ) {
var $goal_button = $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_button' ) ? $et_pb_ab_goal : $et_pb_ab_goal.find( '.et_pb_button' );
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_comments_module' ) ) {
var page_url = window.location.href,
comment_submitted = -1 !== page_url.indexOf( '#comment-' ) ? true : false,
log_conversion = et_pb_check_cookie_value( 'et_pb_ab_comment_log_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id, 'true' );
if ( comment_submitted && log_conversion ) {
et_pb_ab_update_stats( 'con_goal' );
et_pb_set_cookie( 0, 'et_pb_ab_comment_log_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id + '=true' );
$ function(){
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_comments_module' ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['con_goal'] ) {
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_comment_log_' + et_pb_custom.page_id + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id + '=true' );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'click_goal' );
} else {
$ function() {
if ( $et_pb_ab_goal.hasClass( 'et_pb_shop' ) && ! et_pb_ab_logged_status['con_goal'] ) {
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_shop_log=' + et_pb_custom.page_id + '_' + et_pb_get_subject_id() + '_' + et_pb_custom.unique_test_id );
et_pb_maybe_log_event( $et_pb_ab_goal, 'click_goal' );
function et_pb_maybe_log_event( $goal_container, event, callback ) {
var log_event = typeof event === 'undefined' ? 'con_goal' : event;
if ( ! $goal_container.hasClass( 'et_pb_ab_goal' ) || et_pb_ab_logged_status[ log_event ] ) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof callback ) {
// log the event if it's not logged for current user
et_pb_ab_update_stats( log_event, callback );
function et_pb_ab_update_stats( record_type, set_page_id, set_subject_id, set_test_id, callback ) {
var subject_id = typeof set_subject_id === 'undefined' ? et_pb_get_subject_id() : set_subject_id,
page_id = typeof set_page_id === 'undefined' ? et_pb_custom.page_id : set_page_id,
test_id = typeof set_test_id === 'undefined' ? et_pb_custom.unique_test_id : set_test_id,
stats_data = JSON.stringify({ 'test_id' : page_id, 'subject_id' : subject_id, 'record_type' : record_type }),
cookie_subject = 'click_goal' === record_type || 'con_short' === record_type ? '' : subject_id;
et_pb_set_cookie( 365, 'et_pb_ab_' + record_type + '_' + page_id + test_id + cookie_subject + '=true' );
et_pb_ab_logged_status[record_type] = true;
type: 'POST',
url: et_pb_custom.ajaxurl,
data: {
action : 'et_pb_update_stats_table',
stats_data_array : stats_data,
et_ab_log_nonce : et_pb_custom.et_ab_log_nonce
}).always( function() {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof callback ) {
} );
function et_pb_get_subject_id() {
var $subject = $( '.et_pb_ab_subject' );
// In case no subject found
if ( $subject.length <= 0 || $('html').is('.et_fb_preview_active--wireframe_preview') ) {
return false;
var subject_classname = $subject.attr( 'class' ),
subject_id_raw = subject_classname.split( 'et_pb_ab_subject_id-' )[1],
subject_id_clean = subject_id_raw.split( ' ' )[0],
subject_id_separated = subject_id_clean.split( '_' ),
subject_id = subject_id_separated[1];
return subject_id;
function et_pb_set_cookie_expire( days ) {
var ms = days*24*60*60*1000;
var date = new Date();
date.setTime( date.getTime() + ms );
return "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
function et_pb_check_cookie_value( cookie_name, value ) {
return et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookie_name ) == value;
function et_pb_get_cookie_value( cookie_name ) {
return et_pb_parse_cookies()[cookie_name];
function et_pb_parse_cookies() {
var cookies = document.cookie.split( '; ' );
var ret = {};
for ( var i = cookies.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
var el = cookies[i].split( '=' );
ret[el[0]] = el[1];
return ret;
function et_pb_set_cookie( expire, cookie_content ) {
cookie_expire = et_pb_set_cookie_expire( expire );
document.cookie = cookie_content + cookie_expire + "; path=/";
function et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() {
if ( ! window.et_is_fixed_nav ) {
return 0;
var fixed_height_onload = typeof $('#main-header').attr('data-fixed-height-onload') === 'undefined' ? 0 : $('#main-header').attr('data-fixed-height-onload');
return ! window.et_is_fixed_nav ? 0 : parseFloat( fixed_height_onload );
var fullscreen_section_width = {};
var fullscreen_section_timeout = {};
window.et_calc_fullscreen_section = function(event) {
var isResizing = typeof event === 'object' && event.type === 'resize',
$et_window = $(window),
$this_section = $(this),
section_index = $this_section.index('.et_pb_fullscreen'),
timeout = isResizing && typeof fullscreen_section_width[section_index] !== 'undefined' && > fullscreen_section_width[section_index] ? 800 : 0;
fullscreen_section_width[section_index] = $et_window.width();
if ( typeof fullscreen_section_timeout[section_index] !== 'undefined' ) {
clearTimeout( fullscreen_section_timeout[section_index] );
fullscreen_section_timeout[section_index] = setTimeout( function() {
var $body = $( 'body' ),
this_section_index = $this_section.index('.et_pb_fullwidth_header'),
this_section_offset = $this_section.offset(),
$header = $this_section.children('.et_pb_fullwidth_header_container'),
$header_content = $header.children('.header-content-container'),
$header_image = $header.children('.header-image-container'),
sectionHeight = window.innerHeight || $et_window.height(),
$wpadminbar = $('#wpadminbar'),
has_wpadminbar = $wpadminbar.length,
wpadminbar_height = has_wpadminbar ? $wpadminbar.height() : 0,
$top_header = $('#top-header'),
has_top_header = $top_header.length,
top_header_height = has_top_header ? $top_header.height() : 0,
$main_header = $('#main-header'),
has_main_header = $main_header.length,
main_header_height = has_main_header ? $main_header.outerHeight() : 0,
fixed_main_header_height = et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height(),
is_mobile_first_module = <= (main_header_height + wpadminbar_height),
is_wp_relative_admin_bar = $et_window.width() < 782,
is_desktop_view = $et_window.width() > 980,
is_tablet_view = $et_window.width() <= 980 && $et_window.width() >= 479,
is_phone_view = $et_window.width() < 479,
overall_header_height = window.et_is_vertical_nav && is_desktop_view ? wpadminbar_height + top_header_height : wpadminbar_height + top_header_height + main_header_height,
is_first_module = <= overall_header_height;
// In case theme stored the onload main-header height as data-attribute
if ( $main_header.attr('data-height-onload') ) {
main_header_height = parseFloat( $main_header.attr('data-height-onload') );
* WP Admin Bar:
* - Desktop fixed: standard
* - WP Mobile relative: less than 782px window
if ( has_wpadminbar ) {
if ( is_wp_relative_admin_bar ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= wpadminbar_height;
} else {
sectionHeight -= wpadminbar_height;
* Divi Top Header:
* - Desktop fixed: standard.
* - Desktop fixed BUT first header's height shouldn't be substracted: hide nav until scroll activated
* - Desktop relative: fixed nav bar disabled
* - Desktop relative: vertical nav activated
if ( has_top_header ) {
if ( is_desktop_view ) {
if ( et_hide_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( ! is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= top_header_height;
} else if ( ! window.et_is_fixed_nav || window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= top_header_height;
} else {
sectionHeight -= top_header_height;
* Divi Main Header:
* - Desktop fixed: standard. Initial and 'fixed' header might have different height
* - Desktop relative: fixed nav bar disabled
* - Desktop fixed BUT height should be ignored: vertical nav activated
* - Desktop fixed BUT height should be ignored for first header only: main header uses rgba
* - Desktop fixed BUT first header's height shouldn't be substracted: hide nav until scroll activated
* - Tablet relative: standard. Including vertical header style
* - Phone relative: standard. Including vertical header style
if ( has_main_header ) {
if ( is_desktop_view ) {
if ( et_hide_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( ! is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= fixed_main_header_height;
} else if ( window.et_is_fixed_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= main_header_height;
} else {
sectionHeight -= fixed_main_header_height;
} else if ( ! window.et_is_fixed_nav && ! window.et_is_vertical_nav ) {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= main_header_height;
} else {
if ( is_first_module ) {
sectionHeight -= main_header_height;
// If the transparent primary nav + hide nav until scroll is being used,
// cancel automatic padding-top added by transparent nav mechanism
if ( $body.hasClass('et_transparent_nav') && $body.hasClass( 'et_hide_nav' ) && 0 === this_section_index ) {
$this_section.css( 'padding-top', '' );
// reduce section height by its top border width
var section_border_top_width = parseInt( $this_section.css( 'borderTopWidth' ) );
if ( section_border_top_width ) {
sectionHeight -= section_border_top_width;
// reduce section height by its bottom border width
var section_border_bottom_width = parseInt( $this_section.css( 'borderBottomWidth' ) );
if ( section_border_bottom_width ) {
sectionHeight -= section_border_bottom_width;
$this_section.css('min-height', sectionHeight + 'px' );
$header.css('min-height', sectionHeight + 'px' );
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && $header_image.hasClass('bottom') ) {
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('center') && $header_image.hasClass('center') ) {
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('center') && $header_image.hasClass('bottom') ) {
var contentHeight = sectionHeight - $header_image.outerHeight( true );
if ( contentHeight > 0 ) {
$header_content.css('min-height', contentHeight + 'px' ).css('height', '10px' /*fixes IE11 render*/);
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && $header_image.hasClass('center') ) {
if ( ( $header.hasClass('left') || $header.hasClass('right') ) && !$header_content.length && $header_image.length ) {
$header.css('justify-content', 'flex-end');
if ( $header.hasClass('center') && $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && !$header_image.length ) {
$header_content.find('.header-content').css( 'margin-bottom', 80 + 'px' );
if ( $header_content.hasClass('bottom') && $header_image.hasClass('center') ) {
$header_image.find('.header-image').css( 'margin-bottom', 80 + 'px' );
$header_image.css('align-self', 'flex-end');
// Mobile device and small screen handler
if ((et_is_mobile_device && !et_is_ipad) || $et_window.width() < 768){
// Detect if section height is lower than the content height
var headerContentHeight = 0;
if ($header_content.length) {
headerContentHeight += $header_content.outerHeight();
if ($header_image.length) {
headerContentHeight += $header_image.outerHeight();
if (headerContentHeight > sectionHeight ) {
$this_section.css('min-height', headerContentHeight + 'px');
$header.css('min-height', headerContentHeight + 'px');
// Justify the section content
if ( $header_image.hasClass('bottom')) {
if (headerContentHeight < sectionHeight ) {
$this_section.css('min-height', (headerContentHeight + 80) + 'px');
$header.css('min-height', (headerContentHeight + 80) + 'px');
$header.css('justify-content', 'flex-end');
}, timeout );
window.et_pb_parallax_init = function( $this_parallax ) {
if ( $this_parallax.hasClass('et_pb_parallax_css') ) {
var $this_parent = $this_parallax.parent();
$.proxy( et_parallax_set_height, $this_parent )();
$.proxy( et_apply_parallax, $this_parent )();
$et_window.on( 'scroll', $.proxy( et_apply_parallax, $this_parent ) );
$et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( et_parallax_set_height, $this_parent ) );
$et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( et_apply_parallax, $this_parent ) );
$this_parent.find('.et-learn-more .heading-more').click( function() {
$.proxy( et_parallax_set_height, $this_parent )();
}, 300 );
$( window ).resize( function(){
var window_width = $et_window.width(),
et_container_css_width = $et_container.css( 'width' ),
et_container_width_in_pixel = ( typeof et_container_css_width !== 'undefined' ) ? et_container_css_width.substr( -1, 1 ) !== '%' : '',
et_container_actual_width = ( et_container_width_in_pixel ) ? $et_container.width() : ( ( $et_container.width() / 100 ) * window_width ), // $et_container.width() doesn't recognize pixel or percentage unit. It's our duty to understand what it returns and convert it properly
containerWidthChanged = et_container_width !== et_container_actual_width;
set_container_height = $(this).hasClass('et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio_carousel') ? true : false;
set_fullwidth_portfolio_columns( $(this), set_container_height );
if ( containerWidthChanged || window.et_force_width_container_change ) {
setTimeout( function() {
set_filterable_grid_items( $(this) );
if ( $(this).hasClass( 'et_pb_gallery_grid' ) ) {
set_gallery_grid_items( $(this) );
}, 100 );
et_container_width = et_container_actual_width;
etRecalculateOffset = true;
var $et_pb_circle_counter = $( '.et_pb_circle_counter' );
if ( $et_pb_circle_counter.length ) {
var $this_counter = $(this);
if ( ! $ ':visible' ) || typeof $'easyPieChart') === 'undefined' ) {
$'easyPieChart').update( $'number-value') );
if ( $et_pb_countdown_timer.length ) {
var timer = $(this);
et_countdown_timer_labels( timer );
} );
// Reset to false
window.et_force_width_container_change = false;
if ( $et_pb_counter_amount.length ) {
window.et_bar_counters_init( $( this ) );
} /* $et_pb_counter_amount.length */
} );
$( window ).ready( function(){
if ( $.fn.fitVids ) {
$( '.et_pb_slide_video' ).fitVids();
$( '.et_pb_module' ).fitVids( { customSelector: "iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^='']"} );
// calculate fullscreen section sizes on $( window ).ready to avoid jumping in some cases
$( 'section.et_pb_fullscreen' ).each( function(){
var $this_section = $( this );
$.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section )();
$et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section ) );
} );
window.et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll = function( event ) {
var window_width = $et_window.width(),
$body = $('body'),
is_wp_relative_admin_bar = window_width < 782,
is_transparent_main_header = $body.hasClass( 'et_transparent_nav' ),
is_hide_nav = $body.hasClass( 'et_hide_nav' ),
is_desktop_view = window_width > 980,
is_tablet_view = window_width <= 980 && window_width >= 479,
is_phone_view = window_width < 479,
$this_section = $(this).parents( 'section' ),
this_section_offset = $this_section.offset(),
$wpadminbar = $('#wpadminbar'),
$main_header = $('#main-header'),
wpadminbar_height = $wpadminbar.length && ! is_wp_relative_admin_bar ? $wpadminbar.height() : 0,
top_header_height = !window.et_is_fixed_nav || !is_desktop_view ? 0 : $top_header.height(),
data_height_onload = typeof $main_header.attr('data-height-onload') === 'undefined' ? 0 : $main_header.attr('data-height-onload');
initial_fixed_difference = $main_header.height() === et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() || ! is_desktop_view || ! window.et_is_fixed_nav || is_transparent_main_header || is_hide_nav ? 0 : et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() - parseFloat( data_height_onload ),
section_bottom = ( + $this_section.outerHeight( true ) + initial_fixed_difference ) - ( wpadminbar_height + top_header_height + et_pb_get_fixed_main_header_height() ),
animate_modified = false;
if ( $this_section.length ) {
var fullscreen_scroll_duration = 800;
$( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop : section_bottom }, {
duration: fullscreen_scroll_duration
} );
function et_pb_window_load_scripts() {
// recalculate fullscreen section sizes on load
$( 'section.et_pb_fullscreen' ).each( function(){
var $this_section = $( this );
$.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section )();
$( '.et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll' ).on('click', 'a', et_pb_fullwidth_header_scroll );
setTimeout( function() {
$( '.et_pb_preload' ).removeClass( 'et_pb_preload' );
}, 500 );
if ( $.fn.hashchange ) {
$(window).hashchange( function(){
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
process_et_hashchange( hash );
if ( $et_pb_parallax.length && !et_is_mobile_device ) {
et_pb_parallax_init( $(this) );
if ( $( '.et_audio_content' ).length ) {
$( window ).trigger( 'resize' );
if ( window.et_load_event_fired ) {
} else {
$( window ).load( function() {
} );
if ( $( '.et_section_specialty' ).length ) {
$( '.et_section_specialty' ).each( function() {
var this_row = $( this ).find( '.et_pb_row' );
this_row.find( '>.et_pb_column:not(.et_pb_specialty_column)' ).addClass( 'et_pb_column_single' );
* In particular browser, map + parallax doesn't play well due the use of CSS 3D transform
if ( $('.et_pb_section_parallax').length && $('.et_pb_map').length ) {
$('body').addClass( 'parallax-map-support' );
* Add conditional class for search widget in sidebar module
$('.et_pb_widget_area ' + et_pb_custom.widget_search_selector ).each( function() {
var $search_wrap = $(this),
$search_input_submit = $search_wrap.find('input[type="submit"]'),
search_input_submit_text = $search_input_submit.attr( 'value' ),
$search_button = $search_wrap.find('button'),
search_button_text = $search_button.text(),
has_submit_button = $search_input_submit.length || $search_button.length ? true : false,
min_column_width = 150;
if ( ! $search_wrap.find( 'input[type="text"]' ).length && ! $search_wrap.find( 'input[type="search"]' ).length ) {
// Mark no button state
if ( ! has_submit_button ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-no-submit-button' );
// Mark narrow state
if ( $search_wrap.width() < 150 ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-narrow-wrapper' );
// Fixes issue where theme's search button has no text: treat it as non-existent
if ( $search_input_submit.length && ( typeof search_input_submit_text == 'undefined' || search_input_submit_text === '' ) ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-no-submit-button' );
if ( $search_button.length && ( typeof search_button_text == 'undefined' || search_button_text === '' ) ) {
$search_wrap.addClass( 'et-no-submit-button' );
} );
// get the content of next/prev page via ajax for modules which have the .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container class
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.et_pb_ajax_pagination_container .wp-pagenavi a,.et_pb_ajax_pagination_container .pagination a', function() {
var this_link = $( this );
var href = this_link.attr( 'href' );
var current_href = window.location.href;
var module_classes = this_link.closest( '.et_pb_module' ).attr( 'class' ).split( ' ' );
var module_class_processed = '';
var $current_module;
var animation_classes = et_get_animation_classes();
// global variable to store the cached content
window.et_pb_ajax_pagination_cache = window.et_pb_ajax_pagination_cache || [];
// construct the selector for current module
$.each( module_classes, function( index, value ) {
// skip animation classes so no wrong href is formed afterwards
if ( $.inArray( value, animation_classes ) !== -1 ) {
if ( '' !== value.trim() ) {
module_class_processed += '.' + value;
$current_module = $( module_class_processed );
// remove module animation to prevent conflicts with the page changing animation
et_remove_animation( $current_module );
// use cached content if it has beed retrieved already, otherwise retrieve the content via ajax
if ( typeof window.et_pb_ajax_pagination_cache[ href + module_class_processed ] !== 'undefined' ) {
$current_module.fadeTo( 'slow', 0.2, function() {
$current_module.find( '.et_pb_ajax_pagination_container' ).replaceWith( window.et_pb_ajax_pagination_cache[ href + module_class_processed ] );
et_pb_set_paginated_content( $current_module, true );
} );
} else {
// update cache for currently opened page if not set yet
if ( typeof window.et_pb_ajax_pagination_cache[ current_href + module_class_processed ] === 'undefined' ) {
window.et_pb_ajax_pagination_cache[ current_href + module_class_processed ] = $current_module.find( '.et_pb_ajax_pagination_container' );
$current_module.fadeTo( 'slow', 0.2, function() {
jQuery.get( href, function( page ) {
var $page = jQuery( page );
// Find custom style
var $style = $page.filter( '#et-builder-module-design-cached-inline-styles' );
// Make sure it's included in the new content
var $content = $page.find( module_class_processed + ' .et_pb_ajax_pagination_container' ).prepend( $style );
// Remove animations to prevent blocks from not showing
et_remove_animation( $content.find( '.et_animated' ) );
// Replace current page with new one
$current_module.find( '.et_pb_ajax_pagination_container' ).replaceWith( $content );
window.et_pb_ajax_pagination_cache[ href + module_class_processed ] = $content;
et_pb_set_paginated_content( $current_module, false );
return false;
function et_pb_set_paginated_content( $current_module, is_cache ) {
// Re-apply Salvattore grid to the new content if needed.
if ( typeof $current_module.find( '.et_pb_salvattore_content' ).attr( 'data-columns' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
// register grid only if the content is not from cache
if ( ! is_cache ) {
salvattore.registerGrid( $current_module.find( '.et_pb_salvattore_content' )[0] );
salvattore.recreateColumns( $current_module.find( '.et_pb_salvattore_content' )[0] );
$current_module.find( '.et_pb_post' ).css( { 'opacity' : '1' } );
// init audio module on new content
if ( $current_module.find( '.et_audio_container' ).length > 0 && typeof wp !== 'undefined' && typeof wp.mediaelement !== 'undefined' && typeof wp.mediaelement.initialize === 'function' ) {
// load waypoint modules such as counters and animated images
if ( $current_module.find( '.et-waypoint, .et_pb_circle_counter, .et_pb_number_counter' ).length > 0 ) {
$current_module.find( '.et-waypoint, .et_pb_circle_counter, .et_pb_number_counter' ).each( function() {
var $waypoint_module = $( this );
if ( $waypoint_module.hasClass( 'et_pb_circle_counter' ) ) {
window.et_pb_reinit_circle_counters( $waypoint_module );
if ( $waypoint_module.hasClass( 'et_pb_number_counter' ) ) {
window.et_pb_reinit_number_counters( $waypoint_module );
if ( $waypoint_module.find( '.et_pb_counter_amount' ).length > 0 ) {
$waypoint_module.find( '.et_pb_counter_amount' ).each( function() {
window.et_bar_counters_init( $( this ) );
$( this ).css({ 'opacity': '1'});
} );
* Init post gallery format
if ( $current_module.find( '.et_pb_slider' ).length > 0 ) {
$current_module.find('.et_pb_slider').each(function() {
* Init post video format overlay click
$current_module.on('click', '.et_pb_video_overlay', function(e) {
// Re-apply fitvids to the new content.
$current_module.fitVids( { customSelector: "iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^=''], iframe[src^='']"} );
$current_module.fadeTo( 'slow', 1 );
// reinit ET shortcodes.
if (typeof window.et_shortcodes_init === 'function') {
// scroll to the top of the module
$( 'html, body' ).animate({
scrollTop: ( $current_module.offset().top - ( $( '#main-header' ).innerHeight() + $( '#top-header' ).innerHeight() + 50 ) )
window.et_pb_search_init = function( $search ) {
var $input_field = $search.find( '.et_pb_s' );
var $button = $search.find( '.et_pb_searchsubmit' );
var input_padding = $search.hasClass( 'et_pb_text_align_right' ) ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight';
var disabled_button = $search.hasClass( 'et_pb_hide_search_button' );
var buttonHeight = $button.outerHeight();
var buttonWidth = $button.outerWidth();
var inputHeight = $input_field.innerHeight();
// set the relative button position to get its height correctly
$button.css( { 'position' : 'relative' } );
if ( buttonHeight > inputHeight ) {
$input_field.innerHeight( buttonHeight );
if ( ! disabled_button ) {
$input_field.css( input_padding, buttonWidth + 10 );
// reset the button position back to default
$button.css( { 'position' : '' } );
* Fix search module which has percentage based custom margin
window.et_pb_search_percentage_custom_margin_fix = function( $search ) {
var inputMargin = $search.find( '.et_pb_s' ).css( 'margin' ).split(' ');
var inputMarginObj = {};
switch(inputMargin.length) {
case 4:
inputMarginObj = {
top: inputMargin[0],
right: inputMargin[1],
bottom: inputMargin[2],
left: inputMargin[3],
case 2:
inputMarginObj = {
top: inputMargin[0],
right: inputMargin[1],
bottom: inputMargin[0],
left: inputMargin[1],
inputMarginObj = {
top: inputMargin[0],
right: inputMargin[0],
bottom: inputMargin[0],
left: inputMargin[0],
var inputRight = 0 - parseFloat(inputMarginObj.left) + 'px';
right: inputRight,
bottom: inputMarginObj.bottom,
if ( $( '.et_pb_search' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_search' ).each( function() {
var $search = $(this);
if ( $ '.et_pb_search_percentage_custom_margin' ) ) {
et_pb_search_percentage_custom_margin_fix( $search );
et_pb_search_init( $search );
window.et_pb_comments_init = function( $comments_module ) {
var $comments_module_button = $comments_module.find( '.comment-reply-link, .submit' );
if ( $comments_module_button.length ) {
$comments_module_button.addClass( 'et_pb_button' );
if ( typeof $comments_module.attr( 'data-icon' ) !== 'undefined' && $comments_module.attr( 'data-icon' ) !== '' ) {
$comments_module_button.attr( 'data-icon', $comments_module.attr( 'data-icon' ) );
$comments_module_button.addClass( 'et_pb_custom_button_icon' );
// apply required classes for the Reply buttons in Comments Module
if ( $( '.et_pb_comments_module' ).length ) {
$( '.et_pb_comments_module' ).each( function() {
var $comments_module = $( this );
et_pb_comments_init( $comments_module );
$('.et_pb_contact_form_container, .et_pb_newsletter_custom_fields').each( function() {
var $form = $(this);
var subjects_selector = 'input, textarea, select';
var condition_check = function() {
et_conditional_check( $form );
var debounced_condition_check = et_pb_debounce( condition_check, 250 );
// Listen for any field change
$form.on( 'change', subjects_selector, condition_check );
$form.on( 'keydown', subjects_selector, debounced_condition_check );
// Conditions may be satisfied on default form state
et_conditional_check( $form );
} );
function et_conditional_check( $form ) {
var $conditionals = $form.find('[data-conditional-logic]');
// Upon change loop all the fields that have conditional logic
.each( function() {
var $conditional = $(this);
// jQuery automatically parses the JSON
var rules = $'conditional-logic');
var relation = $'conditional-relation');
// Loop all the conditional logic rules
var matched_rules = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++ ) {
var ruleset = rules[i];
var check_id = ruleset[0];
var check_type = ruleset[1];
var check_value = ruleset[2];
var $wrapper = $form.find('.et_pb_contact_field[data-id="' + check_id + '"]');
var field_id = $'id');
var field_type = $'type');
var field_value;
Check if the field wrapper is actually visible when including it in the rules check.
This avoids the scenario with a parent, child and grandchild field where the parent
field is changed but the grandchild remains visible, because the child one has the
right value, even though it is not visible
if ( ! $':visible') ) {
// Get the proper compare value based on the field type
switch( field_type ) {
case 'input':
case 'email':
field_value = $wrapper.find('input').val();
case 'text':
field_value = $wrapper.find('textarea').val();
case 'radio':
field_value = $wrapper.find('input:checked').val() || '';
case 'checkbox':
Conditional logic for checkboxes is a bit trickier since we have multiple values.
To address that we first check if a checked checkbox with the desired value
exists, which is represented by setting `field_value` to true or false.
Next we always set `check_value` to true so we can compare against the
result of the value check.
var $checkbox = $wrapper.find(':checkbox:checked');
field_value = false;
$checkbox.each(function() {
if ( check_value === $(this).val() ) {
field_value = true;
return false;
check_value = true;
case 'select':
field_value = $wrapper.find('select').val();
'is empty' / 'is not empty' are comparing against an empty value so simply
reset the `check_value` and update the condition to 'is' / 'is not'
if ( 'is empty' === check_type || 'is not empty' === check_type ) {
check_type = 'is empty' === check_type ? 'is' : 'is not';
check_value = '';
`field_value` will always be `false` if all the checkboxes are unchecked
since it only changes when a checked checkbox matches the `check_value`
Because of `check_value` being reset to empty string we do the same
to `field_value` (if it is `false`) to cover the 'is empty' case
if ( 'checkbox' === field_type && false === field_value ) {
field_value = '';
// Check if the value IS matching (if it has to)
if ( 'is' === check_type && field_value !== check_value ) {
// Check if the value IS NOT matching (if it has to)
if ( 'is not' === check_type && field_value === check_value ) {
// Create the contains/not contains regular expresion
var containsRegExp = new RegExp( check_value, 'i' );
// Check if the value IS containing
if ( 'contains' === check_type && ! field_value.match( containsRegExp ) ) {
// Check if the value IS NOT containing
if ( 'does not contain' === check_type && field_value.match( containsRegExp ) ) {
// Prepare the values for the 'is greater than' / 'is less than' check
var maybeNumericValue = parseInt( field_value );
var maybeNumbericCheckValue = parseInt( check_value );
if (
( 'is greater' === check_type || 'is less' === check_type ) &&
( isNaN( maybeNumericValue ) || isNaN( maybeNumbericCheckValue ) )
) {
// Check if the value is greater than
if ( 'is greater' === check_type && maybeNumericValue <= maybeNumbericCheckValue) {
// Check if the value is less than
if ( 'is less' === check_type && maybeNumericValue >= maybeNumbericCheckValue) {
matched_rules.push( true );
// Hide all the conditional fields initially
Input fields may have HTML5 pattern validation which must be ignored
if the field is not visible. In order for the pattern to not be
taken into account the field must have novalidate property and
to not be required (or to not have a pattern attribute)
var $conditional_input = $conditional.find('input[type="text"]');
var conditional_pattern = $conditional_input.attr('pattern');
$conditional_input.attr('novalidate', 'novalidate');
$conditional_input.attr('data-pattern', conditional_pattern);
if ( 'all' === relation && rules.length === matched_rules.length ) {
$conditional_input.attr('pattern', $'pattern'));
if ( 'any' === relation && 0 < matched_rules.length ) {
$conditional_input.attr('pattern', $'pattern'));
} );
// Adjust z-index for animated full-width menu modules
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof et_animation_data && et_animation_data.length > 0 ) {
// Store the maximum z-index that should be applied
var maxFullwidthMenuIndex = 0;
// Increase the maximum z-index by one for each module
for ( var i = 0; i < et_animation_data.length; i++ ) {
var animation_entry = et_animation_data[i];
if ( ! animation_entry.class ) {
if ( $('.' + animation_entry.class ).hasClass('et_pb_fullwidth_menu') ) {
var $fullWidthMenus = $('.et_pb_fullwidth_menu');
$fullWidthMenus.each(function() {
var $fullWidthMenu = $(this);
// When the animation ends apply z-index in descending order to each of the animated modules
$fullWidthMenu.on('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function() {
$fullWidthMenu.css('z-index', maxFullwidthMenuIndex - $fullWidthMenu.index('.et_pb_fullwidth_menu') );
* Provide event listener for plugins to hook up to
// Modification of underscore's _.debounce()
// Underscore.js 1.8.3
// (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
window.et_pb_debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result;
var now = || new Date().getTime();
var later = function() {
var last = now - timestamp;
if (last < wait && last >= 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last);
} else {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = null;
return function() {
context = this;
args = arguments;
timestamp = now;
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) {
result = func.apply(context, args);
context = args = null;
return result;
if ( et_pb_custom.is_ab_testing_active && 'yes' === et_pb_custom.is_cache_plugin_active ) {
// update the window.et_load_event_fired variable to initiate the scripts properly
$( window ).load( function() {
window.et_load_event_fired = true;
// get the subject id for current visitor and display it
// this ajax request performed only if AB Testing is enabled and cache plugin active
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: et_pb_custom.ajaxurl,
dataType: "json",
action : 'et_pb_ab_get_subject_id',
et_frontend_nonce : et_pb_custom.et_frontend_nonce,
et_pb_ab_test_id : et_pb_custom.page_id
success: function( subject_data ) {
if ( subject_data ) {
// append the subject content to appropriate placeholder
$( '.et_pb_subject_placeholder_id_' + ).after( subject_data.content );
// remove all other placeholders from the DOM
$( '.et_pb_subject_placeholder' ).remove();
// init all scripts once the subject loaded
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'et_pb_ab_subject_ready' );
} else {
$(document).ready(function() {
( et_pb_box_shadow_elements||[] ).map(et_pb_box_shadow_apply_overlay);
$(window).load(function() {
var $body = $('body');
// fix Safari letter-spacing bug when styles applied in `head`
// Trigger styles redraw by changing body display property to differentvalue and reverting it back to original.
if ($body.hasClass('safari')) {
var original_display_value = $body.css('display');
var different_display_value = 'initial' === original_display_value ? 'block' : 'initial';
$body.css({ 'display': different_display_value });
setTimeout(function() {
$body.css({ 'display': original_display_value });
}, 0);
// Keep this script here, as it needs to be executed only if the script from above is executed
// As the script from above somehow affects WooCommerce single product image rendering.
if ($body.hasClass('woocommerce-page') && $body.hasClass('single-product')) {
var $wc = $('.woocommerce div.product div.images.woocommerce-product-gallery');
if ($wc.length === 0) {
// Don't use jQuery to get element opacity, as it may return an outdated value.
var opacity = parseInt($wc[0].style.opacity);
if (!opacity) {
$wc.css({opacity: opacity - .09});
setTimeout(function() {
$wc.css({opacity: opacity});
}, 0);
// Handle cases where builder modules are not initially visible and produce sizing
// issues as a result (e.g. slider module inside popups, accordions etc.).
$(document).ready(function() {
if (MutationObserver === undefined) {
// Bail if MutationObserver is not supported by the user agent.
var getSectionParents = function($sections) {
var filterMethod = $.uniqueSort !== undefined ? $.uniqueSort : $.unique;
var $sectionParents = $([]);
$sections.each(function() {
$sectionParents = $sectionParents.add($(this).parents());
// Avoid duplicate section parents.
return filterMethod($sectionParents.get());
var getInvisibleNodes = function($sections) {
return $sections.filter(function() {
return !$(this).is(':visible');
var $sections = $('.et_pb_section');
var sectionParents = getSectionParents($sections);
var invisibleSections = getInvisibleNodes($sections);
var maybeRefreshSections = function () {
var newInvisibleSections = getInvisibleNodes($sections);
if (newInvisibleSections < invisibleSections) {
// Trigger resize if some previously invisible sections have become visible.
invisibleSections = newInvisibleSections;
var observer = new MutationObserver(window.et_pb_debounce(maybeRefreshSections, 200));
for (var i = 0; i < sectionParents.length; i++) {
observer.observe(sectionParents[i], {
childList: true,
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['class', 'style'],
attributeOldValue: false,
characterData: false,
characterDataOldValue: false,
subtree: false
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