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Last active November 27, 2022 16:41
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Solves sudoku
// A solution for
type Cache struct {
row [9][9]bool
column [9][9]bool
box [9][9]bool
var oneCode = "1"[0]
var dotCode = "."[0]
func solveSudoku(board [][]byte) {
cache := makeInitialCache(board)
fillWhileDefined(board, &cache)
if !isSolved(board) {
copyBoard(trySolutionBranches(board, &cache), board)
// Warning! The sets store numbers in ranges [0..8]
func makeInitialCache(board [][]byte) Cache {
cache := Cache{}
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
for column := 0; column < 9; column++ {
if board[row][column] == dotCode {
num := board[row][column] - oneCode
cache.row[row][num] = true
cache.column[column][num] = true[getBoxIndex(row, column)][num] = true
return cache
// Tries to fill the board with certain numbers as much as possible
func fillWhileDefined(board [][]byte, cache *Cache) bool {
solvers := [](func (board [][]byte, cache *Cache) int){
for {
hasSet := false
for _, solver := range solvers {
status := solver(board, cache)
if status == -1 {
return false
} else if status == 1 {
hasSet = true
if !hasSet {
return true
// When no certain numbers have left, tries putting different numbers into the first empty cell and tries to solve further.
// If a guess is incorrect, rolls back and tries another number.
func trySolutionBranches(board [][]byte, cache *Cache) [][]byte {
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
for column := 0; column < 9; column++ {
if board[row][column] != dotCode {
continue // The cell is occupied already
for num := 0; num < 9; num++ {
if cache.row[row][num] || cache.column[column][num] ||[getBoxIndex(row, column)][num] {
continue // The number is already in this row, column or box
altBoard := createEmptyBoard()
copyBoard(board, altBoard)
altCache := *cache // The struct and the underlying arrays are copied intrinsically
setNumber(altBoard, row, column, num, &altCache)
unsolvable := !fillWhileDefined(altBoard, &altCache)
if unsolvable {
if isSolved(altBoard) {
return altBoard
childSolution := trySolutionBranches(altBoard, &altCache)
if childSolution != nil {
return childSolution
return nil
panic("The board is solved already")
func tryFillRows(board [][]byte, cache *Cache) int {
status := 0
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
for num := 0; num < 9; num++ {
if cache.row[row][num] {
continue // The number is already put
potentialColumn := -1
for column := 0; column < 9; column++ {
if board[row][column] != dotCode {
continue // The cell is occupied already
if cache.column[column][num] ||[getBoxIndex(row, column)][num] {
continue // The number is already in this column or box
if potentialColumn != -1 {
continue numLoop // There are many possible cells for the number
potentialColumn = column
if potentialColumn == -1 {
// fmt.Printf("Unsolvable at row %d for num %d\n", row + 1, num + 1)
return -1
setNumber(board, row, potentialColumn, num, cache)
status = 1
return status
func tryFillColumns(board [][]byte, cache *Cache) int {
status := 0
for column := 0; column < 9; column++ {
for num := 0; num < 9; num++ {
if cache.column[column][num] {
continue // The number is already put
potentialRow := -1
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
if board[row][column] != dotCode {
continue // The cell is occupied already
if cache.row[row][num] ||[getBoxIndex(row, column)][num] {
continue // The number is already in this row or box
if potentialRow != -1 {
continue numLoop // There are many possible cells for the number
potentialRow = row
if potentialRow == -1 {
// fmt.Printf("Unsolvable at column %d for num %d\n", column + 1, num + 1)
return -1
setNumber(board, potentialRow, column, num, cache)
status = 1
return status
func tryFillBoxes(board [][]byte, cache *Cache) int {
status := 0
for box := 0; box < 9; box++ {
for num := 0; num < 9; num++ {
if[box][num] {
continue // The number is already put
potentialRow := -1
potentialColumn := -1
for index := 0; index < 9; index++ {
row, column := resolveBoxIndex(box, index)
if board[row][column] != dotCode {
continue // The cell is occupied already
if cache.row[row][num] || cache.column[column][num] {
continue // The number is already in this row or column
if potentialRow != -1 {
continue numLoop // There are many possible cells for the number
potentialRow, potentialColumn = row, column
if potentialRow == -1 {
// fmt.Printf("Unsolvable at box %d for num %d", box + 1, num + 1)
return -1
setNumber(board, potentialRow, potentialColumn, num, cache)
status = 1
return status
func tryFillCells(board [][]byte, cache *Cache) int {
status := 0
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
for column := 0; column < 9; column++ {
if board[row][column] != dotCode {
continue // The cell is occupied already
potentialNum := -1
for num := 0; num < 9; num++ {
if cache.row[row][num] || cache.column[column][num] ||[getBoxIndex(row, column)][num] {
continue // The number is already in this row, column or box
if potentialNum != -1 {
continue columnLoop // There are many possible numbers for the cell
potentialNum = num
if potentialNum == -1 {
// fmt.Printf("Unsolvable at row %d column %d", row + 1, column + 1)
return -1
setNumber(board, row, column, potentialNum, cache)
status = 1
return status
func getBoxIndex(row, column int) int {
boxRow := row / 3 // implicit floor()
boxColumn := column / 3 // implicit floor()
return boxRow * 3 + boxColumn
func resolveBoxIndex(boxIndex, inBoxIndex int) (row int, column int) {
row = (boxIndex / 3) * 3 + (inBoxIndex / 3) // implicit floor() 2 times
column = (boxIndex % 3) * 3 + (inBoxIndex % 3)
func setNumber(board [][]byte, row, column, num int, cache *Cache) {
board[row][column] = byte(num) + oneCode
cache.row[row][num] = true
cache.column[column][num] = true[getBoxIndex(row, column)][num] = true
func isSolved(board [][]byte) bool {
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
for column := 0; column < 9; column++ {
if board[row][column] == dotCode {
return false
return true
func createEmptyBoard() [][]byte {
board := make([][]byte, 9)
for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
board[i] = make([]byte, 9)
return board
func copyBoard(from [][]byte, to [][]byte) {
for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
copy(to[i], from[i])
func printBoard(board [][]byte) {
left := [9]string{"┏━","┃ ","┃ ","│ ","│ ","│ ","┃ ","┃ ","┗━"}
center := [9]string{"━┳━"," ┃ "," ┃ "," │ "," │ "," │ "," ┃ "," ┃ ","━┻━"}
right := [9]string{"━┓"," ┃"," ┃"," │"," │"," │"," ┃"," ┃","━┛"}
for i, row := range board {
for j, cell := range row {
if j > 0 && j % 3 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%c", cell)
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