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Change font-patcher to show in more detail how it renames fonts
From 8c1b31f5a8378130713ed13a125bf78005401d41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fini Jastrow <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2021 19:04:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Debug: Do not patch, just show naming process
Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
font-patcher | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/font-patcher b/font-patcher
index 1c6d90ef..0b6daf18 100755
--- a/font-patcher
+++ b/font-patcher
@@ -52,6 +52,30 @@ class font_patcher:
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(empty_lines_in_values=False, allow_no_value=True)
self.sourceFont =
+ sys.stdout.write("### Opening {}\n".format(os.path.abspath(self.args.font)))
+ # if self.sourceFont.cidfamilyname:
+ # sys.stdout.write("Source CID Family {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.cidfamilyname))
+ # if self.sourceFont.cidfontname:
+ # sys.stdout.write("Source CID Font {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.cidfontname))
+ # if self.sourceFont.cidfullname:
+ # sys.stdout.write("Source CID Full {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.cidfullname))
+ # if self.sourceFont.cidsubfont:
+ # sys.stdout.write("Source CID Sub {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.cidsubfont))
+ sys.stdout.write("Source PS Full {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.fullname))
+ sys.stdout.write("Source PS Family {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.familyname))
+ sys.stdout.write("Source PS Font {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.fontname))
+ # if self.sourceFont.fondname:
+ # sys.stdout.write("Source Mac Fond {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.fondname))
+ sys.stdout.write("Source Weight {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.weight))
+ l = []
+ for i, el in enumerate(self.sourceFont.sfnt_names):
+ l += [(el[1], el[2])]
+ sfnt = dict(l)
+ sys.stdout.write("Source SFNT PSName {}\n".format(sfnt["PostScriptName"]))
+ sys.stdout.write("Source SFNT Fullname {}\n".format(sfnt["Fullname"]))
+ sys.stdout.write("Source SFNT Family {}\n".format(sfnt["Family"]))
+ sys.stdout.write("Source SFNT SubFamily {}\n".format(sfnt["SubFamily"]))
@@ -82,7 +106,7 @@ class font_patcher:
symfont = None
for patch in self.patch_set:
- if patch['Enabled']:
+ if False: #patch['Enabled']:
if PreviousSymbolFilename != patch['Filename']:
# We have a new symbol font, so close the previous one if it exists
if symfont:
@@ -219,6 +243,7 @@ class font_patcher:
def setup_font_names(self):
+ sys.stdout.write("### Output naming progress:\n")
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular
if # attempt to shorten here on the additional name BEFORE trimming later
additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameAbbreviation
@@ -261,6 +286,9 @@ class font_patcher:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " M"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Mono"
+ sys.stdout.write("FontNameSuffix {}\n".format(additionalFontNameSuffix))
+ sys.stdout.write("FontNameSuffix verbose {}\n".format(verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix))
# basically split the font name around the dash "-" to get the fontname and the style (e.g. Bold)
# this does not seem very reliable so only use the style here as a fallback if the font does not
# have an internal style defined (in sfnt_names)
@@ -270,14 +298,17 @@ class font_patcher:
# dont trust 'sourceFont.familyname'
familyname = fontname
+ sys.stdout.write("Familyname {}\n".format(familyname))
# fullname (filename) can always use long/verbose font name, even in windows
if self.sourceFont.fullname != None:
fullname = self.sourceFont.fullname + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
fullname = self.sourceFont.cidfontname + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
+ sys.stdout.write("Fullname {}\n".format(fullname))
fontname = fontname + additionalFontNameSuffix.replace(" ", "")
+ sys.stdout.write("Fontname {}\n".format(fontname))
# let us try to get the 'style' from the font info in sfnt_names and fallback to the
# parse fontname if it fails:
@@ -294,6 +325,7 @@ class font_patcher:
sys.stderr.write("{}: Could not find 'SubFamily' for given font, falling back to parsed fontname\n".format(projectName))
subFamily = fallbackStyle
+ sys.stdout.write("SubFamily {}\n".format(subFamily))
# some fonts have inaccurate 'SubFamily', if it is Regular let us trust the filename more:
if subFamily == "Regular":
subFamily = fallbackStyle
@@ -302,6 +334,7 @@ class font_patcher:
if len(subFamily) < len(fallbackStyle):
subFamily = fallbackStyle
+ sys.stdout.write("SubFamily 2 {}\n".format(subFamily))
maxFamilyLength = 31
maxFontLength = maxFamilyLength - len('-' + subFamily)
@@ -317,10 +350,13 @@ class font_patcher:
familyname += " " + projectNameSingular
if self.args.single:
familyname += " Mono"
+ sys.stdout.write("Familyname 2 {}\n".format(familyname))
# Don't truncate the subfamily to keep fontname unique. MacOS treats fonts with
# the same name as the same font, even if subFamily is different.
fontname += '-' + subFamily
+ sys.stdout.write("Fontname 2 {}\n".format(fontname))
# rename font
@@ -397,6 +433,21 @@ class font_patcher:
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('SubFamily'), subFamily)
self.sourceFont.comment = projectInfo
self.sourceFont.fontlog = projectInfo
+ sys.stdout.write("### Final Output naming:\n")
+ l = []
+ for i, el in enumerate(self.sourceFont.sfnt_names):
+ l += [(el[1], el[2])]
+ sfnt = dict(l)
+ sys.stdout.write("Output PS Full {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.fullname))
+ sys.stdout.write("Output PS Family {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.familyname))
+ sys.stdout.write("Output PS Font {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.fontname))
+ sys.stdout.write("Output Weight {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.weight))
+ sys.stdout.write("Output SFNT PSName {}\n".format(sfnt["PostScriptName"]))
+ sys.stdout.write("Output SFNT Fullname {}\n".format(sfnt["Fullname"]))
+ sys.stdout.write("Output SFNT Family {}\n".format(sfnt["Family"]))
+ sys.stdout.write("Output SFNT SubFamily {}\n".format(sfnt["SubFamily"]))
+ sys.stdout.write("SFNT {}\n".format(self.sourceFont.sfnt_names))
+ sys.exit()
# TODO version not being set for all font types (e.g. ttf)
# print("Version was {}".format(sourceFont.version))
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