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Last active July 14, 2017 11:11
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Run (a) cucumber feature test(s) repeatedly and count successes and failures
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# $ ./repeated_feature_test.rb n test
# n: number of times to run the test
# test: the test you would like to run, such as "cucumber" or
# "cucumber features/posts.feature --format progress"
# Due to the nature of executing commands, you will not see output until the end
# of each test round. For example, if you set "cucumber" as the task, you will
# not see output until the entire cucumber test has completed once.
# PS: Make sure to make this script executable:
# chmod +x repeated_feature_test.rb
require 'benchmark'
run_spec_n_times = ARGV.shift.to_i
failure_count = 0
total_time = Benchmark.realtime do
run_spec_n_times.times do |i|
puts "##{i+1} / #{run_spec_n_times} " +
"(S: #{i-failure_count} | F: #{failure_count}) " +
"@ #{"%F %T.%3N")}"
result = %x[ #{ARGV.join(' ')} ]
# if result has failed, lets track it
if result.include? "failed steps"
failure_count += 1
printf result
printf "" +
"**************************************************************************\n" +
"**** REPEATED FEATURE TEST COMPLETE **************************************\n" +
"**************************************************************************\n" +
"**** Total Time: #{total_time.round(3)}s" + "\n" +
"**** Successes: #{run_spec_n_times - failure_count}" + "\n" +
"**** Failures: #{failure_count}" + "\n" +
"**************************************************************************\n" +
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