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Last active April 29, 2020 21:23
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  • Save Finterly/87fcde989793d562f0f16c5afcdc90fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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USHateCrime Top Cities
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"n": 4229
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Chicago",
"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 2140
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Columbus",
"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 2250
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Columbus",
"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 16
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Columbus",
"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 20
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Columbus",
"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 3
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Columbus",
"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 2
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Columbus",
"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 1
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"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 946
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 1
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"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 723
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Kansas City",
"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 683
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Kansas City",
"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 1
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department",
"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 1005
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department",
"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 249
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Los Angeles",
"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 7094
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Minneapolis",
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"n": 1059
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"n": 10024
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"n": 1395
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 3446
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Phoenix",
"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 163
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Phoenix",
"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 3
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 785
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Portland",
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"n": 930
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"n": 321
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"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 6
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"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 5
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Portland",
"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 2
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 1666
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 3282
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 118
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 652
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"n": 1760
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"n": 494
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"REGION_NAME": "Northeast",
"n": 196
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"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 33
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 76
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"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 12
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"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 7
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"n": 5
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"n": 12
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"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 3
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"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 1
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"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 2
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"n": 692
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"REGION_NAME": "Midwest",
"n": 1
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"n": 1255
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"n": 3
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"n": 2
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"REGION_NAME": "South",
"n": 1
"PUB_AGENCY_NAME": "Washington",
"REGION_NAME": "West",
"n": 4
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"REGION_NAME": "Northeast",
"n": 38
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"n": 1
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