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Created October 18, 2016 15:33
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# coding: utf-8
"""Universal toolkit.
The functions in this module are general helper functions, which may be useful
in other projects as well.
import sys
import re
import time
from math import log, floor
from contextlib import contextmanager
def user(message, dtype=str, allow_interrupt=False):
"""User input with type check.
message : str
message to be displayed to the user
dtype : callable, optional
Any callable type the input value should be cast to. If the expected
type doesn't match, `dtype` should rise a ValueError.
Defaults to str
allow_interrupt : bool, optional
If set, the user may cancel the query safely with Keyboard Interrupt or
KeyboardError, EOFError
if interrupts are not allowed and the user cancels input using
Ctrl+C (Keyboard Interrupt) or Ctrl+D (End of File character)
value : `dtype`
if no interrupts are allowed
success, value : (bool, `dtype`)
if interrupts are allowed
>>> num = user("Your favourite number, please", dtype=int)
Your favourite number, please: fourty-two
<class 'int'> expected, try again.
Your favourite number, please: 42
>>> print(num)
while True:
x = input(message + ": ")
val = dtype(x)
except ValueError:
print("{!r} expected, try again.\n".format(dtype))
return (True, val) if allow_interrupt else val
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
if allow_interrupt:
return False, None
def hr(value, fmt='.0f', sep=' ', base=1000):
"""Format a value into human-readable form.
From a list of SI-prefixes (kilo, Mega, Giga, milli, micro, nano, etc.), the
matching one is being taken and appended to the accordingly scaled value.
value : int or float
value to process
fmt : str, optional
format of the value's string representation, defaults to '.0f'
sep : str, optional
separator between value and unit, defaults to space (' ')
base : int, optional
base for 'kilo'-prefix, e.g. 1000 or 1024. defaults to 1000
hr_value : str
value formatted to a human-friendly form
>>> hr(17.5e-3) + 'm'
'18 mm'
>>> hr(17.5e-3, fmt='.3f') + 'm'
'17.500 mm'
>>> hr(-13.57e3, fmt='.1f') + 'N'
'-13.6 kN'
>>> hr(4118396, fmt='.2f', base=1024) + 'iB'
'3.93 MiB'
mag = floor(log(abs(value), base))
if mag > 6:
mag = 6
if mag < -6:
mag = -6
# mag 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
prefix = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'a', 'f', 'p', 'n', 'µ', 'm']
fmt_string = '{{0:{}}}{}{}'.format(fmt, sep, prefix[mag])
return fmt_string.format(value / base**mag)
def msg(message, end="done.", timing=True):
"""Informative timer as context manager.
message : str
message to be displayed
end : str, optional
message to be added upon completion, defaults to 'done.'
timing : bool, optional
stop the execution time and display afterwards
>>> with msg("counting"):
... for i in range(int(1e6)):
... pass
counting... done. [ 93.7 µs]
print(message, end='... ', flush=True)
t_start = time.time()
if timing:
t = time.time() - t_start
end = "{s:{d}s}[{hrt:<7s}s]".format(s=end, d=80-len(message)-15,
hrt=hr(t, fmt='5.1f'))
def get(dictionary, *keys, default=None):
"""A `dict.get()` with multiple keys to check before falling back to the
default value
dictionary : dict
dictionary to extract data from
*keys : sequence of hashable types
sequence of keys to check
default : any type, optional
value to return if none of the `keys` was found in the dictionary,
defaults to None.
value :
dictionary item of the first matching key, or `default` if no key
# default = keys.pop()
for key in keys:
if key in dictionary:
return dictionary[key]
return default
def range_definition_to_list(range_definition):
"""Convert a range definition into a list of integers.
A range definition consists of comma-separated values and ranges.
See Examples section for details.
range_definition : str
textual definition of range
range_list : list of integers
specified range
if (parts of) the range definition were invalid
>>> range_definition_to_list('1,3-5,7')
[1, 3, 4, 5, 7]
>>> range_definition_to_list('1,3-5+7')
ValueError: '1,3-5+7' is not a valid range definition
range_list = []
for value in range_definition.split(','):
value = value.strip()
if value.isdigit():
elif re.match(r'^\d+\s*\-\s*\d+$', value):
start, end = (int(val) for val in value.split('-'))
range_list += list(range(start, end+1))
raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid range definition" \
return range_list
def zip_longest_repeat_last(*iterables):
"""zip a sequence of iterables, repeating last values until the largest
iterable is exhausted.
*iterables : sequence
sequence of iterable types
items : tuple
zipped items of `iterables`
`len()` is being applied on every iterable to determine total steps.
>>> list(zip_longes_repeat_last(range(4), 'abc'))
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'c')]
count = max(len(it) for it in iterables)
def repeater(iterable):
"""Iterate through `iterable`, then repeat the last item"""
yield from iterable
for _ in range(count - len(iterable)):
yield iterable[-1]
yield from zip(*(repeater(it) for it in iterables))
def as_bool(value):
"""Parse human-entered boolean values.
Evaluates numeric values as well as 'yes', 'y' and 'true'.
if isinstance(value, str):
return bool(float(value))
except ValueError:
return value.lower() in ('y', 'yes', 'true', 'j', 'ja')
return bool(value)
def docstring_parameter(*sub, **kwsub):
"""Decorator for dynamic docstring generation.
Wraps any object to format its docstring using `.format(*args, **kwargs)`.
Seen at
def decorator(obj):
"""Rewrites a `obj`'s docstring"""
obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__.format(*sub, **kwsub)
return obj
return decorator
def exit_why(why, code=1):
"""Display a message and exit with exit code."""
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