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Created June 7, 2021 01:19
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HttpParser with indenting removed
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Infrastructure;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http
using BadHttpRequestException = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException;
public class HttpParser<TRequestHandler> : IHttpParser<TRequestHandler> where TRequestHandler : IHttpHeadersHandler, IHttpRequestLineHandler
private readonly bool _showErrorDetails;
public HttpParser() : this(showErrorDetails: true)
public HttpParser(bool showErrorDetails)
_showErrorDetails = showErrorDetails;
// byte types don't have a data type annotation so we pre-cast them; to avoid in-place casts
private const byte ByteCR = (byte)'\r';
private const byte ByteLF = (byte)'\n';
private const byte ByteColon = (byte)':';
private const byte ByteSpace = (byte)' ';
private const byte ByteTab = (byte)'\t';
private const byte ByteQuestionMark = (byte)'?';
private const byte BytePercentage = (byte)'%';
private const int MinTlsRequestSize = 1; // We need at least 1 byte to check for a proper TLS request line
public bool ParseRequestLine(TRequestHandler handler, ref SequenceReader<byte> reader)
if (reader.TryReadTo(out ReadOnlySpan<byte> requestLine, ByteLF, advancePastDelimiter: true))
ParseRequestLine(handler, requestLine);
return true;
return false;
private void ParseRequestLine(TRequestHandler handler, ReadOnlySpan<byte> requestLine)
// Get Method and set the offset
var method = requestLine.GetKnownMethod(out var methodEnd);
if (method == HttpMethod.Custom)
methodEnd = GetUnknownMethodLength(requestLine);
var versionAndMethod = new HttpVersionAndMethod(method, methodEnd);
// Use a new offset var as methodEnd needs to be on stack
// as its passed by reference above so can't be in register.
// Skip space
var offset = methodEnd + 1;
if ((uint)offset >= (uint)requestLine.Length)
// Start of path not found
var ch = requestLine[offset];
if (ch == ByteSpace || ch == ByteQuestionMark || ch == BytePercentage)
// Empty path is illegal, or path starting with percentage
// Target = Path and Query
var targetStart = offset;
var pathEncoded = false;
// Skip first char (just checked)
// Find end of path and if path is encoded
for (; (uint)offset < (uint)requestLine.Length; offset++)
ch = requestLine[offset];
if (ch == ByteSpace || ch == ByteQuestionMark)
// End of path
else if (ch == BytePercentage)
pathEncoded = true;
var path = new TargetOffsetPathLength(targetStart, length: offset - targetStart, pathEncoded);
// Query string
if (ch == ByteQuestionMark)
// We have a query string
for (; (uint)offset < (uint)requestLine.Length; offset++)
ch = requestLine[offset];
if (ch == ByteSpace)
var queryEnd = offset;
// Consume space
// If offset has overshot length, end of query string wasn't not found
if ((uint)offset > (uint)requestLine.Length)
// Version
var remaining = requestLine.Slice(offset);
var httpVersion = remaining.GetKnownVersionAndConfirmCR();
versionAndMethod.Version = httpVersion;
if (httpVersion == HttpVersion.Unknown)
// HTTP version is unsupported or incorrectly terminated.
RejectUnknownVersion(offset, requestLine);
// Version + CR is 8 bytes; adding 9 should take us to .Length
offset += 9;
// LF should have been dropped prior to method call, so offset should now be length
if ((uint)offset != (uint)requestLine.Length)
// We need to reinterpret from ReadOnlySpan into Span to allow path mutation for
// in-place normalization and decoding to transform into a canonical path
var startLine = MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(requestLine), queryEnd);
handler.OnStartLine(versionAndMethod, path, startLine);
public bool ParseHeaders(TRequestHandler handler, ref SequenceReader<byte> reader)
while (!reader.End)
var span = reader.UnreadSpan;
while (span.Length > 0)
var ch1 = (byte)0;
var ch2 = (byte)0;
var readAhead = 0;
// Fast path, we're still looking at the same span
if (span.Length >= 2)
ch1 = span[0];
ch2 = span[1];
else if (reader.TryRead(out ch1)) // Possibly split across spans
// Note if we read ahead by 1 or 2 bytes
readAhead = (reader.TryRead(out ch2)) ? 2 : 1;
if (ch1 == ByteCR)
// Check for final CRLF.
if (ch2 == ByteLF)
// If we got 2 bytes from the span directly so skip ahead 2 so that
// the reader's state matches what we expect
if (readAhead == 0)
// Double CRLF found, so end of headers.
handler.OnHeadersComplete(endStream: false);
return true;
else if (readAhead == 1)
// Didn't read 2 bytes, reset the reader so we don't consume anything
return false;
Debug.Assert(readAhead == 0 || readAhead == 2);
// Headers don't end in CRLF line.
var length = 0;
// We only need to look for the end if we didn't read ahead; otherwise there isn't enough in
// in the span to contain a header.
if (readAhead == 0)
length = span.IndexOfAny(ByteCR, ByteLF);
// If not found length with be -1; casting to uint will turn it to uint.MaxValue
// which will be larger than any possible span.Length. This also serves to eliminate
// the bounds check for the next lookup of span[length]
if ((uint)length < (uint)span.Length)
// Early memory read to hide latency
var expectedCR = span[length];
// Correctly has a CR, move to next
if (expectedCR != ByteCR)
// Sequence needs to be CRLF not LF first.
if ((uint)length < (uint)span.Length)
// Early memory read to hide latency
var expectedLF = span[length];
// Correctly has a LF, move to next
if (expectedLF != ByteLF ||
length < 5 ||
// Exclude the CRLF from the headerLine and parse the header name:value pair
!TryTakeSingleHeader(handler, span[..(length - 2)]))
// Sequence needs to be CRLF and not contain an inner CR not part of terminator.
// Less than min possible headerSpan of 5 bytes a:b\r\n
// Not parsable as a valid name:value header pair.
// Read the header successfully, skip the reader forward past the headerSpan.
span = span.Slice(length);
// No enough data, set length to 0.
length = 0;
// End found in current span
if (length > 0)
// We moved the reader to look ahead 2 bytes so rewind the reader
if (readAhead > 0)
length = ParseMultiSpanHeader(handler, ref reader);
if (length < 0)
// Not there
return false;
// As we crossed spans set the current span to default
// so we move to the next span on the next iteration
span = default;
return false;
private int ParseMultiSpanHeader(TRequestHandler handler, ref SequenceReader<byte> reader)
var currentSlice = reader.UnreadSequence;
var lineEndPosition = currentSlice.PositionOfAny(ByteCR, ByteLF);
if (lineEndPosition == null)
// Not there.
return -1;
SequencePosition lineEnd;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> headerSpan;
if (currentSlice.Slice(reader.Position, lineEndPosition.Value).Length == currentSlice.Length - 1)
// No enough data, so CRLF can't currently be there.
// However, we need to check the found char is CR and not LF
// Advance 1 to include CR/LF in lineEnd
lineEnd = currentSlice.GetPosition(1, lineEndPosition.Value);
headerSpan = currentSlice.Slice(reader.Position, lineEnd).ToSpan();
if (headerSpan[^1] != ByteCR)
return -1;
// Advance 2 to include CR{LF?} in lineEnd
lineEnd = currentSlice.GetPosition(2, lineEndPosition.Value);
headerSpan = currentSlice.Slice(reader.Position, lineEnd).ToSpan();
if (headerSpan.Length < 5)
// Less than min possible headerSpan is 5 bytes a:b\r\n
if (headerSpan[^2] != ByteCR)
// Sequence needs to be CRLF not LF first.
if (headerSpan[^1] != ByteLF ||
// Exclude the CRLF from the headerLine and parse the header name:value pair
!TryTakeSingleHeader(handler, headerSpan[..^2]))
// Sequence needs to be CRLF and not contain an inner CR not part of terminator.
// Not parsable as a valid name:value header pair.
return headerSpan.Length;
private static bool TryTakeSingleHeader(TRequestHandler handler, ReadOnlySpan<byte> headerLine)
// We are looking for a colon to terminate the header name.
// However, the header name cannot contain a space or tab so look for all three
// and see which is found first.
var nameEnd = headerLine.IndexOfAny(ByteColon, ByteSpace, ByteTab);
// If not found length with be -1; casting to uint will turn it to uint.MaxValue
// which will be larger than any possible headerLine.Length. This also serves to eliminate
// the bounds check for the next lookup of headerLine[nameEnd]
if ((uint)nameEnd >= (uint)headerLine.Length)
// Colon not found.
return false;
// Early memory read to hide latency
var expectedColon = headerLine[nameEnd];
if (nameEnd == 0)
// Header name is empty.
return false;
if (expectedColon != ByteColon)
// Header name space or tab.
return false;
// Skip colon to get to the value start.
var valueStart = nameEnd + 1;
// Generally there will only be one space, so we will check it directly
if ((uint)valueStart < (uint)headerLine.Length)
var ch = headerLine[valueStart];
if (ch == ByteSpace || ch == ByteTab)
// Ignore first whitespace.
// More header chars?
if ((uint)valueStart < (uint)headerLine.Length)
ch = headerLine[valueStart];
// Do a fast check; as we now expect non-space, before moving into loop.
if (ch <= ByteSpace && (ch == ByteSpace || ch == ByteTab))
// Is more whitespace, so we will loop to find the end. This is the slow path.
for (; valueStart < headerLine.Length; valueStart++)
ch = headerLine[valueStart];
if (ch != ByteTab && ch != ByteSpace)
// Non-whitespace char found, valueStart is now start of value.
var valueEnd = headerLine.Length - 1;
// Ignore end whitespace. Generally there will no spaces
// so we will check the first before moving to a loop.
if (valueEnd > valueStart)
var ch = headerLine[valueEnd];
// Do a fast check; as we now expect non-space, before moving into loop.
if (ch <= ByteSpace && (ch == ByteSpace || ch == ByteTab))
// Is whitespace so move to loop
for (; valueEnd > valueStart; valueEnd--)
ch = headerLine[valueEnd];
if (ch != ByteTab && ch != ByteSpace)
// Non-whitespace char found, valueEnd is now start of value.
// Range end is exclusive, so add 1 to valueEnd
handler.OnHeader(name: headerLine[..nameEnd], value: headerLine[valueStart..valueEnd]);
return true;
private int GetUnknownMethodLength(ReadOnlySpan<byte> span)
var invalidIndex = HttpCharacters.IndexOfInvalidTokenChar(span);
if (invalidIndex <= 0 || span[invalidIndex] != ByteSpace)
return invalidIndex;
private bool IsTlsHandshake(ReadOnlySpan<byte> requestLine)
const byte SslRecordTypeHandshake = (byte)0x16;
// Make sure we can check at least for the existence of a TLS handshake - we check the first byte
// See
return (requestLine.Length >= MinTlsRequestSize && requestLine[0] == SslRecordTypeHandshake);
private void RejectRequestLine(ReadOnlySpan<byte> requestLine)
throw GetInvalidRequestException(
IsTlsHandshake(requestLine) ?
RequestRejectionReason.TlsOverHttpError :
private void RejectRequestHeader(ReadOnlySpan<byte> headerLine)
=> throw GetInvalidRequestException(RequestRejectionReason.InvalidRequestHeader, headerLine);
private void RejectUnknownVersion(int offset, ReadOnlySpan<byte> requestLine)
// If CR before LF, reject and log entire line
=> throw (((uint)offset >= (uint)requestLine.Length || requestLine[offset] == ByteCR || requestLine[^1] != ByteCR) ?
GetInvalidRequestException(RequestRejectionReason.InvalidRequestLine, requestLine) :
GetInvalidRequestException(RequestRejectionReason.UnrecognizedHTTPVersion, requestLine[offset..^1]));
private BadHttpRequestException GetInvalidRequestException(RequestRejectionReason reason, ReadOnlySpan<byte> headerLine)
=> KestrelBadHttpRequestException.GetException(
? headerLine.GetAsciiStringEscaped(Constants.MaxExceptionDetailSize)
: string.Empty);
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