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Created July 7, 2024 05:15
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  • Save FireInstall/c71bd964e86e5024b7de9c4f291fb2e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FireInstall/c71bd964e86e5024b7de9c4f291fb2e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A medium complex frame finder, can get you any frame if a sign is attatched to it and validates the frame almost all around. Does not check if the frame has only air inside.
package me.fireinstallations;
import de.greensurivors.greenbook.utils.Utils;
import io.papermc.paper.math.BlockPosition;
import io.papermc.paper.math.Position;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Range;
public class FrameTurtleExample {
* Retrieves the Frame associated with the given Sign, if any.
* @param sign the Sign to retrieve the Frame from
* @return a Frame object representing the frame associated with the Sign, or null if no frame is found
private @Nullable Frame getFrame(@NotNull Sign sign) {
final World world = sign.getWorld();
switch (sign.getBlockData()) {
case WallSign wallSign -> {// only wall signs can be attached to the frame
final BlockPosition frameBlockPos = Position.block(sign.getBlock().getRelative(wallSign.getFacing().getOppositeFace()).getLocation());
final BlockFace facing = wallSign.getFacing();
final BlockFace opposite = facing.getOppositeFace();
for (BlockFace toCheck : BlockFace.values()) {
if (toCheck.isCartesian() && toCheck != facing && toCheck != opposite) {
Frame frame = new FrameTurtle(world, frameBlockPos, opposite, toCheck).run();
if (frame != null) {
return frame;
// no frame
case Rotatable rotatable -> {
if (Utils.isCardinal(rotatable)) {
final Block block = sign.getBlock();
final BlockFace facing = rotatable.getRotation();
BlockPosition frameBlockPos = Position.block(block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getLocation());
Frame frame = new FrameTurtle(world, frameBlockPos, facing, BlockFace.UP).run();
if (frame == null) {
frameBlockPos = Position.block(block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getLocation());
frame = new FrameTurtle(world, frameBlockPos, facing, BlockFace.DOWN).run();
return frame; // may be null
} // can't work with wrong rotations
// this matches some hanging signs.
// Note that wall signs ARE Directional too, but since the order of cases matters in pattern matching switches,
// having a directional behind wall sign should be fine.
case Directional directional -> {
final Block block = sign.getBlock();
final BlockFace facing = directional.getFacing();
BlockPosition frameBlockPos = Position.block(block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getLocation());
Frame frame = new FrameTurtle(world, frameBlockPos, facing, BlockFace.UP).run();
if (frame == null) {
frameBlockPos = Position.block(block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getLocation());
frame = new FrameTurtle(world, frameBlockPos, facing, BlockFace.DOWN).run();
return frame; // may be null
default -> plugin.getComponentLogger().warn("Got a sign that isn't a Rotatable nor a Directional. Seems like the plugin version was not written for this Minecraft version.");
} // end switch
return null;
private class FrameTurtle { // todo I'm sure you can still clean this class up; java docs; cache everything we fetch from the config since a change from another thread will result in not defined behavior
private final @NotNull World world;
private final @NotNull Vector rotationAxis;
private final @NotNull Vector lengthRun = new Vector(0, 0, 0);
private final @NotNull Vector workVector;
private @NotNull Vector direction;
private @NotNull Vector orthogonalDirection;
private @Nullable FrameTurtleExample.Frame result = null;
private @Range(from = 0, to = 4) int cornersFound = 0;
private int lengthSinceLastCorner = 0;
private @NotNull TurtleState state = TurtleState.STARTING;
* @param world
* @param startPositionOnFrame
* @param rotationAxisFace is looking in the direction the turtle will never turn
* @param orthogonalFace is looking away from the start block, in the direction the turtle will turn next
public FrameTurtle(final @NotNull World world, @NotNull BlockPosition startPositionOnFrame, final @NotNull BlockFace rotationAxisFace, final @NotNull BlockFace orthogonalFace) { // todo = world;
this.workVector = startPositionOnFrame.toVector();
this.rotationAxis = rotationAxisFace.getDirection();
this.orthogonalDirection = orthogonalFace.getDirection();
this.direction = rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(rotationAxisFace.getDirection(), orthogonalDirection);
// check first gate block since we will look ahead of the frame blocks later
final @NotNull Block gateBlock = world.getBlockAt(
workVector.getBlockX() + orthogonalDirection.getBlockX(),
workVector.getBlockY() + orthogonalDirection.getBlockY(),
workVector.getBlockZ() + orthogonalDirection.getBlockZ());
if (!isValidGate(gateBlock.getBlockData())) {
// sad, died before it lived
state = TurtleState.DEAD;
public @Nullable FrameTurtleExample.Frame run() {
while (state != TurtleState.DEAD && state != TurtleState.DONE) {
if (state == TurtleState.DONE) {
return result;
} else {
return null;
private boolean isValidGate(@NotNull BlockData data) { // todo make water configurable
return data.getMaterial().isAir() || data.getMaterial() == Material.WATER || getConfig().isAllowedBlock(data);
// we don't validate the inside nor the bit left between the startPositionOnFrame and the end position since we won't enforce a perfect frame
// and the players are free to change the frame after construction. For us do only the two Blockpostions in Frame matter, the rest is mostly
// fluff to teach players how a gate will be expected to be.
private @NotNull TurtleState step() {
if (state == TurtleState.DONE || state == TurtleState.DEAD) {
// in the life of every turtle, they can only turtle once.
return state;
final @NotNull Block frameBlock = world.getBlockAt(workVector.getBlockX(), workVector.getBlockY(), workVector.getBlockZ());
if (!isValidGate(frameBlock.getBlockData())) {
// gate block is one block ahead of frame, so we can find corners
final @NotNull Block gateBlock = world.getBlockAt(
workVector.getBlockX() + orthogonalDirection.getBlockX() + direction.getBlockX(),
workVector.getBlockY() + orthogonalDirection.getBlockY() + direction.getBlockY(),
workVector.getBlockZ() + orthogonalDirection.getBlockZ() + direction.getBlockZ());
if (isValidGate(gateBlock.getBlockData())) {
boolean validArea;
switch (cornersFound) {
case 0 ->
validArea = lengthSinceLastCorner <= getConfig().getMaxArea(); // estimate just part of dimension
case 1 ->
validArea = lengthSinceLastCorner * (int) Math.abs(lengthRun.getX() + lengthRun.getY() + lengthRun.getZ()) <= getConfig().getMaxArea(); // estimate with one dimension and a part of
case 2 ->
validArea = lengthSinceLastCorner * (int) Math.abs(lengthRun.getX() + lengthRun.getY() + lengthRun.getZ()) <= getConfig().getMaxArea(); // both dimensions
case 3 -> { // area size was already checked and did fit. Now just check we stay in the area
// get the recorded length of the opposite direction; sign does not matter because we will take the absolute value
Vector temp = lengthRun.clone().multiply(direction);
// +1 for the look ahead
validArea = lengthSinceLastCorner + 1 <= Math.abs(temp.getX() + temp.getY() + temp.getZ());
default -> { // should never happen
state = TurtleState.DEAD;
return state;
if (validArea) {
// prepare next step in same direction
//check world height
int newHeight = workVector.getBlockY() + orthogonalDirection.getBlockY() + direction.getBlockY();
state = (world.getMaxHeight() - 2) > newHeight && world.getMinHeight() < newHeight ? TurtleState.RUNNING : TurtleState.DEAD;
} else { // area too big
state = TurtleState.DEAD;
return state;
} else {// reached corner
// force a step forward to get the frame around the corner
switch (cornersFound) {
case 1 -> {
// gone one step back to set the result corner - we are already in the frame
result = new Frame(Position.block(gateBlock.getLocation().add(direction.clone().multiply(-1))));
// this is just part of the length in this direction and is set for a rough estimation about the max area
lengthSinceLastCorner = 1;
direction = rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(direction, rotationAxis);
orthogonalDirection = rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(orthogonalDirection, rotationAxis);
// another step in the new direction
state = TurtleState.RUNNING;
return state;
case 2 -> {
// remove the part between start and fist corner
lengthSinceLastCorner = 1;
direction = rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(direction, rotationAxis);
orthogonalDirection = rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(orthogonalDirection, rotationAxis);
// another step in the new direction
state = TurtleState.RUNNING;
return state;
case 3 -> {
// replace estimation with actual length
if (direction.getX() != 0) {
} else if (direction.getY() != 0) {
} else {
lengthSinceLastCorner = 1;
// go one step back to set the result
direction = rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(direction, rotationAxis);
orthogonalDirection = rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(orthogonalDirection, rotationAxis);
// another step in the new direction
state = TurtleState.RUNNING;
return state;
case 4 -> {
state = TurtleState.DONE;
return state;
default -> { // should never happen
// if we ever get here please push the next local cow of your area over.
state = TurtleState.DEAD;
return state;
} // end switch
} // end reached corner
} else { // invalid frame
state = TurtleState.DEAD;
return state;
* {@link Vector#rotateAroundAxis(Vector, double)} is really useless for our case of blackface precision (1 or 0 not more, not less) since it is really sloppy with its precision
* I removed the sin/cos approximation since we always want to rotate around 90° ala pi/2 anyways.
* @param toRotate
* @param axis
* @return
public static Vector rotateCorrect90DEGAroundAxis(@NotNull Vector toRotate, @NotNull Vector axis) {
double x = toRotate.getX(), y = toRotate.getY(), z = toRotate.getZ();
double x2 = axis.getX(), y2 = axis.getY(), z2 = axis.getZ();
double dotProduct =; // x * x2 + y * y2 + z * z2;
double xPrime = x2 * dotProduct + (-z2 * y + y2 * z);
double yPrime = y2 * dotProduct + (z2 * x - x2 * z);
double zPrime = z2 * dotProduct + (-y2 * x + x2 * y);
return toRotate.setX(xPrime).setY(yPrime).setZ(zPrime);
private enum TurtleState {
private static class Frame {
private final @NotNull BlockPosition corner1;
private @Nullable BlockPosition corner2;
private Frame(@NotNull BlockPosition corner1, @NotNull BlockPosition corner2) {
this.corner1 = corner1;
this.corner2 = corner2;
private Frame(@NotNull BlockPosition corner1) {
this.corner1 = corner1;
protected void setCorner2(@NotNull BlockPosition corner2) {
this.corner2 = corner2;
public @NotNull BlockPosition corner1() {
return corner1;
public @Nullable BlockPosition corner2() {
return corner2;
* Calculates the area of the frame, spanned by the two corner points.
* @return the area of the rectangle, or -1 if corner2 is null.
public int getArea () {
if (corner2 == null) {
return -1;
} else {
(corner1.blockX() - corner2.blockX()) *
(corner1.blockY() - corner2.blockY()) *
(corner1.blockZ() - corner2.blockZ());
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