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Last active October 17, 2023 10:55
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powershell task runner
# A simple task runner implemented in Powershell
[String]$TaskName, # The name of the task to run
[parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)][String[]]$TaskArgs # The list of repos to run the task on
# Define the tasks
$tasks = @{}
description="Runs Maven `install` with default parameters";
script = {
mvn install "-Dcmake.compiler=vc2012"
description="Clean the out-of-source build folder";
script = {
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse "build"
# Helper functions
# Some helpful strings for formatting output
$indent = (" " * 4);
$spacer = ("-" * 40);
function DisplayHelpText {
$help_text = Get-Help $MyInvocation.ScriptName
$syn = $help_text.Synopsis
Write-Output "
Task Runner - runtask TaskName [TaskArgs]
function DisplayTaskList{
Write-Output "
List of Tasks:
foreach ($task in $tasks.GetEnumerator()) {
Write-Output "$indent$($task.Key)"
Write-Output "$($indent * 2)$($task.Value.description)"
# Now process the given task name
if (-not $taskname) {
$task = $tasks.Get_Item($taskname)
if ($task) {
Invoke-Command $task.script -ArgumentList (,$TaskArgs)
else {
Write-Output "'$taskname' is not a valid task name."
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