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Created January 27, 2017 07:45
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class MysiteRequirementsBackend extends Requirements_Backend {
* Register the given JavaScript file as required.
* @param string $file Relative to docroot
public function javascript($file) {
// if there's no file, then it must be a dynamic javascript request.
// we need to calculate the hash directly off the query components
if(false === file_exists(Director::getAbsFile($file))){
$this->javascript[$file] = md5($file);
// store a md5 hash of the file to work out if it's actually changed
$this->javascript[$file] = hash_file('md5', Director::getAbsFile($file));
* Finds the path for specified file
* @param string $fileOrUrl
* @return string|bool
protected function path_for_file($fileOrUrl) {
if(preg_match('{^//|http[s]?}', $fileOrUrl)) {
return $fileOrUrl;
} elseif(Director::fileExists($fileOrUrl)) {
$filePath = preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $fileOrUrl);
$prefix = Director::baseURL();
$mtimesuffix = "";
$suffix = '';
if($this->suffix_requirements) {
$mtimesuffix = "?md5=" . hash_file('md5', $filePath);
$suffix = '&';
if(strpos($fileOrUrl, '?') !== false) {
if (strlen($suffix) == 0) {
$suffix = '?';
$suffix .= substr($fileOrUrl, strpos($fileOrUrl, '?') + 1);
$fileOrUrl = substr($fileOrUrl, 0, strpos($fileOrUrl, '?'));
} else {
$suffix = '';
return "{$prefix}{$fileOrUrl}{$mtimesuffix}{$suffix}";
} else {
return false;
* Do the heavy lifting involved in combining (and, in the case of JavaScript minifying) the
* combined files.
public function process_combined_files() {
// The class_exists call prevents us loading SapphireTest.php (slow) just to know that
// SapphireTest isn't running :-)
if(class_exists('SapphireTest', false)) $runningTest = SapphireTest::is_running_test();
else $runningTest = false;
if((Director::isDev() && !$runningTest && !isset($_REQUEST['combine'])) || !$this->combined_files_enabled) {
// Make a map of files that could be potentially combined
$combinerCheck = array();
foreach($this->combine_files as $combinedFile => $sourceItems) {
foreach($sourceItems as $sourceItem) {
if(isset($combinerCheck[$sourceItem]) && $combinerCheck[$sourceItem] != $combinedFile){
user_error("Requirements_Backend::process_combined_files - file '$sourceItem' appears in two " .
"combined files:" . " '{$combinerCheck[$sourceItem]}' and '$combinedFile'", E_USER_WARNING);
$combinerCheck[$sourceItem] = $combinedFile;
// Work out the relative URL for the combined files from the base folder
$combinedFilesFolder = ($this->getCombinedFilesFolder()) ? ($this->getCombinedFilesFolder() . '/') : '';
// Figure out which ones apply to this request
$combinedFiles = array();
$newJSRequirements = array();
$newCSSRequirements = array();
foreach($this->javascript as $file => $hash) {
if(isset($combinerCheck[$file])) {
$newJSRequirements[$combinedFilesFolder . $combinerCheck[$file]] = true;
$combinedFiles[$combinerCheck[$file]] = $hash;
} else {
$newJSRequirements[$file] = true;
foreach($this->css as $file => $params) {
if(isset($combinerCheck[$file])) {
// Inherit the parameters from the last file in the combine set.
$newCSSRequirements[$combinedFilesFolder . $combinerCheck[$file]] = $params;
$combinedFiles[$combinerCheck[$file]] = true;
} else {
$newCSSRequirements[$file] = $params;
// Process the combined files
$base = Director::baseFolder() . '/';
foreach(array_diff_key($combinedFiles, $this->blocked) as $combinedFile => $dummy) {
$fileList = $this->combine_files[$combinedFile];
$combinedFilePath = $base . $combinedFilesFolder . '/' . $combinedFile;
// Make the folder if necessary
if(!file_exists(dirname($combinedFilePath))) {
// If the file isn't writeable, don't even bother trying to make the combined file and return. The
// files will be included individually instead. This is a complex test because is_writable fails
// if the file doesn't exist yet.
if((file_exists($combinedFilePath) && !is_writable($combinedFilePath))
|| (!file_exists($combinedFilePath) && !is_writable(dirname($combinedFilePath)))
) {
user_error("Requirements_Backend::process_combined_files(): Couldn't create '$combinedFilePath'",
return false;
// Determine if we need to build the combined include
if(file_exists($combinedFilePath)) {
// file exists, check modification date of every contained file
$refresh = false;
foreach($fileList as $file) {
$fileName = $base . $file;
if(file_exists($fileName)) {
// only calculate the hash until we find one that isn't.
if($refresh === false && $this->javascript[ltrim(Director::makeRelative($fileName),'/')] !== hash_file('md5', $fileName)){
$refresh = true;
} else {
// File doesn't exist, or refresh was explicitly required
$refresh = true;
if(!$refresh) continue;
$failedToMinify = false;
$combinedData = "";
foreach(array_diff($fileList, $this->blocked) as $file) {
$fileContent = file_get_contents($base . $file);
$fileContent = $this->minifyFile($file, $fileContent);
}catch(Exception $e){
$failedToMinify = true;
if ($this->write_header_comment) {
// Write a header comment for each file for easier identification and debugging. The semicolon between each file is required for jQuery to be combined properly and protects against unterminated statements.
$combinedData .= "/****** FILE: $file *****/\n";
$combinedData .= $fileContent . "\n";
$successfulWrite = false;
$fh = fopen($combinedFilePath, 'wb');
if($fh) {
if(fwrite($fh, $combinedData) == strlen($combinedData)) $successfulWrite = true;
// Failed to minify, use unminified files instead. This warning is raised at the end to allow code execution
// to complete in case this warning is caught inside a try-catch block.
user_error('Failed to minify '.$file.', exception: '.$e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
// Unsuccessful write - just include the regular JS files, rather than the combined one
if(!$successfulWrite) {
user_error("Requirements_Backend::process_combined_files(): Couldn't create '$combinedFilePath'",
// Note: Alters the original information, which means you can't call this method repeatedly - it will behave
// differently on the subsequent calls
$this->javascript = $newJSRequirements;
$this->css = $newCSSRequirements;
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