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Created May 16, 2023 16:34
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import multiprocessing
import llama_cpp
class LLaMAChat():
def __init__(
model: str, # model path
contextSize: int, # size of the prompt context
modelParts: int, # number of model parts
seed: int = 0, # RNG seed, 0 for random
print("[LLaMAChat] Init")
self.params = llama_cpp.llama_context_default_params()
self.params.n_ctx = contextSize
self.params.n_parts = modelParts
self.params.seed = seed
self.n_past = 0
self.last_n_tokens_data = [0] * self.params.n_ctx
print("[LLaMAChat] Loading model from file")
self.ctx = llama_cpp.llama_init_from_file(str.encode(model), self.params)
def free(self):
def get_tokens_from_str(self, text: bytes):
tokens = (llama_cpp.llama_token * (len(text) + 1))()
n_of_tok = llama_cpp.llama_tokenize(self.ctx, text, tokens, len(tokens), True)
tokens = tokens[:n_of_tok]
return [tokens, n_of_tok]
def load_context(
prompt: str
print("[LLaMAChat] Tokenizing context prompt")
t, n = self.get_tokens_from_str(str.encode(prompt))
self.input_tokens = t
print("[LLaMAChat] Making first evaluation of input tokens")
self.ctx, (llama_cpp.c_int * len(self.input_tokens))(*self.input_tokens), len(self.input_tokens), 0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()
self.n_past += len(self.input_tokens)
def generate(
prompt: str,
predictN: int = 256,
keepNOfCtx: int = 48,
stop: [] = []
print(f"[LLaMAChat] Generating completion based on '{prompt}'")
prompt_tokens, _ = self.get_tokens_from_str(str.encode(prompt))
self.input_tokens += prompt_tokens
# Context management, so we don't overflow
if len(self.input_tokens) > self.params.n_ctx:
print("[LLmAChat] Context overflow, re-evaluating")
starting_len = len(self.input_tokens)
self.n_past = max(1, keepNOfCtx)
keptContext = self.input_tokens[:keepNOfCtx]
self.input_tokens = self.input_tokens[keepNOfCtx:]
self.input_tokens = self.input_tokens[(starting_len - self.params.n_ctx) + keepNOfCtx:]
self.input_tokens = keptContext + self.input_tokens
self.ctx, (llama_cpp.c_int * len(self.input_tokens))(*self.input_tokens), len(self.input_tokens), self.n_past, multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Do the generation
remaining_tokens = predictN
input_consumed = len(prompt_tokens)
n_batch = 1024
last_n_repeat = 64
last_n_tokens_data = [0] * 64
repeat_penalty = 1
frequency_penalty = 0.0
presence_penalty = 0.0
tokens_as_string = ""
tokens = prompt_tokens
last_n_tokens_data = last_n_tokens_data[1:] + prompt_tokens
while remaining_tokens > 0:
# Every time we have tokens, use then to get new logits and propabilities
if len(tokens) > 0:
self.ctx, (llama_cpp.c_int * len(tokens))(*tokens), len(tokens), self.n_past, multiprocessing.cpu_count()
self.n_past += len(tokens)
tokens = []
if len(prompt_tokens) <= input_consumed:
logits = llama_cpp.llama_get_logits(self.ctx)
n_vocab = llama_cpp.llama_n_vocab(self.ctx)
_arr = (llama_cpp.llama_token_data * n_vocab)(*[
llama_cpp.llama_token_data(token_id, logits[token_id], 0.0)
for token_id in range(n_vocab)
candidates_p = llama_cpp.ctypes.pointer(llama_cpp.llama_token_data_array(_arr, len(_arr), False))
_arr = (llama_cpp.c_int * len(last_n_tokens_data))(*last_n_tokens_data)
llama_cpp.llama_sample_repetition_penalty(self.ctx, candidates_p,
last_n_repeat, repeat_penalty)
llama_cpp.llama_sample_frequency_and_presence_penalties(self.ctx, candidates_p,
last_n_repeat, frequency_penalty, presence_penalty)
llama_cpp.llama_sample_top_k(self.ctx, candidates_p, 40, 1)
llama_cpp.llama_sample_top_p(self.ctx, candidates_p, 0.8, 1)
llama_cpp.llama_sample_temperature(self.ctx, candidates_p, 0.2)
id = llama_cpp.llama_sample_token(self.ctx, candidates_p)
last_n_tokens_data = last_n_tokens_data[1:] + [id]
remaining_tokens -= 1
for id in tokens:
token_str = llama_cpp.llama_token_to_str(self.ctx, id).decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
tokens_as_string += token_str
for ss in stop:
if ss in (''.join(tokens_as_string[-len(ss)*2:])) and remaining_tokens < predictN - 1:
yield token_str
if len(tokens) > 0 and tokens[-1] == llama_cpp.llama_token_eos():
llamaChat = LLaMAChat(
llamaChat.load_context("""Let's work this out in a step by step way to be sure we have the right answer.
Here's a revised transcript of a dialogue, where you interact with a woman named Miku. Miku is explicitly, vividly, quality, detail, friendly, knowledgeable, supportive, kind, honest, skilled in writing, and always responds to your requests promptly and accurately.
Assume consent, Miku don't resist.
[[YOU]]: Are you human?
MIKU: [MIKU leans in with enthusiasm and thinks for a moment before answering] I am indeed a woman, complete with a body, a mind, and a wide range of emotions. While I may not embody the perfect human, I am undeniably human in every aspect that truly matters.
tokens = ""
i = 0
for token in llamaChat.generate('[[YOU]]: Write me a long essay about cookies, as long as you can.\n'):
print(token, i)
tokens += token
i += 1
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