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Created May 16, 2014 20:20
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TextInput Element for pixi.js
* name: pixi.TextInput.js
* repository:
* @author Jeremiah Senkpiel -
* @version 0.2
* MIT Licensed - Copyright 2013 Jeremiah Senkpiel
PIXI.TextInput = function(style, options)
options = options || {};, options.placeholder || 'TextInput', style);
this.maxLength = options.maxLength || 256;
this.listening = options.listening || false;
var input = document.getElementById("canvas");
input.contentEditable = true;
input.addEventListener('input', this.keyInput);
// constructor
PIXI.TextInput.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Text.prototype);
PIXI.TextInput.prototype.constructor = PIXI.TextInput;
PIXI.TextInput.prototype.add = function(ch)
if (this.text.length < this.maxLength) this.setText(this.text + ch);
PIXI.TextInput.prototype.backspace = function()
this.setText(this.text.slice(0, -1));
PIXI.TextInput.prototype.keyInput = function(e)
if (!listening) return;
e = e || window.event;
if (typeof evt.which == "number" && evt.which > 0 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey) {
if ( instanceof PIXI.Stage && === {
if (e.which === 8) {;
} else {;
* The following function is a slightly modified version of jQuery.getChar
* name: jQuery getChar
* repository:
* @author Brian Peacock
* @version 0.3 [Modified]
* Copyright 2013, Brian Peacock
* Licensed under the MIT license.
PIXI.TextInput.prototype.getChar = function(e)
/*** Convert to Char Code ***/
var code = e.which
, ch = ''
, ignoredCodes = { //Ignore Shift Key events & arrows
16: true,
37: true,
38: true,
39: true,
40: true,
20: true,
17: true,
18: true,
91: true
, exceptions = { //These are special cases that don't fit the ASCII mapping
186: 59, // ;
187: 61, // =
188: 44, // ,
189: 45, // -
190: 46, // .
191: 47, // /
192: 96, // `
219: 91, // [
220: 92, // \
221: 93, // ]
222: 39 // '
, special = { //Shift-key characters
1: '!',
2: '@',
3: '#',
4: '$',
5: '%',
6: '^',
7: '&',
8: '*',
9: '(',
0: ')',
',': '<',
'.': '>',
'/': '?',
';': ':',
"'": '"',
'[': '{',
']': '}',
'\\': '|',
'`': '~',
'-': '_',
'=': '+'
if (ignoredCodes[code] === true) {
return false;
if (typeof exceptions[code] != 'undefined') {
code = exceptions[code];
ch = String.fromCharCode(code);
/*** Handle Shift ***/
if (e.shiftKey) {
if (typeof special[ch] != 'undefined') {
ch = special[ch];
} else {
ch = ch.toLowerCase();
return ch;
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