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Created July 27, 2011 23:20
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A couple of things! I don't know why I put an exclamation point on the end of that, it wasn't as if that sentence was particularly noteworthy, or even a full sentence. It could be that I'm kind of in love with exclamation points.
(Here's the part where I digress and tell you a story about my childhoood. It's also the part where I tell you that sometimes I'm in a ridiculously silly and rambly entertain-myself-for-hours type of mood and fortunately/unfortunately for you this happens to be one of those times. That last sentence made me laugh but you won't get why until I tell you the story.)
When I was around 6 and had just started writing my own short stories for school, I thought that every sentence in the story had to be exciting and attention-grabbing. I wanted the reader hanging on my every word, itching to find out what happened to the hapless protagonist next. I decided that the best way to accomplish this was to incorporate an abundance of exclamation points (like, trillions of them) into the body of this story. It went something like this... There once was a prince!! And he was very brave! And he loved a beautiful princess!!!! But she was locked in a tower! And he had to rescue her!!!!!! etc. Apparently I also had a fondness for starting my sentences with coordinating conjunctions. The more dramatic the sentence, the more exclamation points were necessary. The story concluded with the prince rescuing the princess from a terrifying dragon and then "unfortunately, they got married". I clearly didn't understand what that word meant, but then again it was one of those words that most of my classmates weren't even aware existed and they thought I was all kinds of cool and smart for having used. It wasn't until my parents laughed their asses off that I learned why it was unfortunate that they were unfortunate enough to get married.
That was a long digression. Anyhow, back to you. You seem like a really interesting person. I have a question for you.
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