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Last active January 4, 2016 00:08
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React addon for easier React.DOM building without JSX
// React addon for easier React.DOM building without JSX
// Usage:
// render: function () {
// return React.addons.tagHelper(
// ['#main.container',
// ['h1', 'Hello!'],
// ['a.andClass.andAnother', { href: '/' }, 'Home']]
// );
// }
React.addons.tagHelper = (function () {
'use strict';
function parseSpec(specString) {
if (!parseSpec.cache[specString]) {
var spec = specString.match(parseSpec.matcher);
parseSpec.cache[specString] = {
tag: spec[1] || 'div',
id: spec[3],
className: (spec[4] || '').replace(/\./gim, ' ').substr(1)
return parseSpec.cache[specString];
parseSpec.matcher = /([^#\.]+)?(#([^#\.]+))?((\.[^#\.]+)+)?/;
parseSpec.cache = {};
function buildTag(tag, props, children) {
return React.DOM[tag].apply(React.DOM, children);
function mergeSpecToProps(spec, props) {
if (props.className && props.className.constructor === Object) {
props.className = React.addons.classSet(props.className);
if (spec.className) {
props.className = spec.className + (props.className ? ' ' + props.className : '');
} = ||;
function getChildren(arr, offset) {
var children = Array(arr.length - offset);
for (var i = offset; i < arr.length; i++) {
var child = arr[i];
if (child && child.constructor === Array && typeof child[0] === 'string') {
child = React.addons.tagHelper(child);
children[i - offset] = child;
return children;
return function (params) {
var childrenOffset = 1;
var spec = parseSpec(params[0]);
var props = {};
if (params[1] && params[1].constructor === Object) {
props = params[1];
childrenOffset = 2;
mergeSpecToProps(spec, props);
var children = getChildren(params, childrenOffset);
return buildTag(spec.tag, props, children);
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