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Created May 19, 2018 21:25
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Formatting on Tildes

Tildes uses a variation of a special formatting language called Markdown. If you're familiar with markdown, you should feel right at home. If not, then this doc is for you!

Special Tildes syntax

First, let's talk about some of the special ways to link to other things on Tildes.

Linking to groups

If you'd like to link to another group, you can just add a ~ to a word.

For example if you type ~music it will convert it to ~music.

You can also link to subgroups with a . after your first word. For example, if you type ~music.metal it will convert it to ~music.metal.

Linking to other users

If you'd like to link to another user's profile page, you can user the /u/ or @ prefix.

For example, typing @flaque will convert it to @flaque and /u/flaque will convert to /u/flaque.

Limited HTML support

At the moment, some HTML elements work. You can create links with:

<a href="">Go to Tildes!</a>

Which will create Go to Tildes!

Traditional Formatting

The following is a quick cheatsheet for creating headers, bold, italics, and more!


You can create big header text with varying #.

For example:

#### h4 - smaller smaller smaller biggest header
##### h5 - smaller smaller smaller smaller biggest header
###### h6 - smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller biggest header

Bold, Italics, and Strikethroughs.

With one *astericks* you can create italized text. You can use **two astericks** to create bold text.

You can also use __underlines__ in place of astericks.


You can use *, - or + to create an unordered (bulletted) list.

For example:

* dogs
+ cats
- bears
    * Oh my!

will create:

  • dogs
  • cats
  • bears
    • Oh my!

You can also use numbers to make an ordered list:

1. get the peanut butter
2. get the jelly
3. make lunch


  1. get the peanut butter
  2. get the jelly
  3. make lunch


You can make links with the format: [text here]( This will create a link such as text here.

Preformatted text and Code

If you'd like to put code inline, you can wrap what you'd like to say with backticks:

Checkout my code: `console.log("hello world")` isn't it cool?

You can also use three backticks: ``` to put a new block of code:



You can quote someone with a >.

I can quote myself with like this:

> I can quote myself like this

Which renders:

I can quote myself like this


You can add a break line with ---.

So if I want to split up some sections, I can do:

Chapter 1
Once upon a time


Chapter 2 
The doggo who knew he was 

Will render:

Chapter 1 Once upon a time

Chapter 2 The doggo who knew he was

Questions? Comments?

If you've still got a question, feel free to ask it on ~tildes!

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