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Created February 17, 2017 13:38
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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace TearDateTime
class Program
public const int ITERATIONS = 20000;
public const int MAX_THREADS = 30;
public const int MAX_RERUNS = 10;
public const int MAX_FULL_RERUN = 4;
static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("-------------- Trying to Tear --------------");
Console.WriteLine($"Running: {sizeof(IntPtr) * 8}bits");
Console.WriteLine($"Max Threads: {MAX_THREADS}");
Console.WriteLine($"Max Reruns: {MAX_RERUNS}");
Console.WriteLine($"Max Iterations per Thread: {ITERATIONS}");
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FULL_RERUN; i++)
Console.WriteLine("----- Tears ------ | -------- Size ---------");
Tearer<long>.Run((n) => n, sizeof(long));
Tearer<DateTime>.Run((n) => new DateTime(n), sizeof(DateTime));
Tearer<Struct128>.Run((n) => new Struct128(n), sizeof(Struct128));
Tearer<Struct192>.Run((n) => new Struct192(n), sizeof(Struct192));
Tearer<Struct256>.Run((n) => new Struct256(n), sizeof(Struct256));
Console.WriteLine("------------------- End --------------------");
#region Tearer
static class Tearer<T>
where T : struct
static int _threads = 1; // 2x
static int _rerun = 0;
static T _value;
static T[] _values;
static int _tearsFound;
static object _tearsLock = new object();
static CountdownEvent _threadsEndend;
static Random _random = new Random();
static void Setup(Func<long, T> getNew)
var range = Enumerable.Range(0, _threads);
_values = range.Select(c => getNew((long)_random.Next() << 30 | (long)_random.Next())).ToArray();
_threadsEndend = new CountdownEvent(_threads * 2);
_value = _values[0]; // Remove to get false positives! You will get 'normal' races, not tears.
static void Assign(int i)
for (int c = 0; c < Program.ITERATIONS; c++)
_value = _values[i];
static void FindTear()
for (int c = 0; c < Program.ITERATIONS; c++)
var localValue = _value;
if (!_values.Contains(localValue))
lock (_tearsLock)
Console.WriteLine($"Total tears {_tearsFound} in {typeof(T).Name}");
public static unsafe void Run(Func<long, T> getNew, int size)
_rerun = 0;
_tearsFound = 0;
Console.WriteLine($"Running {typeof(T).Name}: {size * 8}bits");
while (_rerun < Program.MAX_RERUNS)
for (int i = 0; i < _threads; i++)
var l = i;
new Thread(() => Assign(l)).Start();
new Thread(FindTear).Start();
if (_threads == Program.MAX_THREADS)
_threads = 1;
Console.WriteLine($"\t{ _tearsFound.ToString().PadLeft(3, ' ')}\t\t{typeof(T).Name} ({size * 8}bits)");
#region Structs
struct Struct128
long a, b;
public Struct128(long num)
a = b = num;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var o = (Struct128)obj;
return o.a == this.a && o.b == this.b;
struct Struct192
long a, b, c;
public Struct192(long num)
a = b = c = num;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var o = (Struct192)obj;
return o.a == this.a && o.b == this.b && o.c == this.c;
struct Struct256
long a, b, c, d;
public Struct256(long num)
a = b = c = d = num;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var o = (Struct256)obj;
return o.a == this.a && o.b == this.b && o.c == this.c && o.d == this.d;
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