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Last active November 24, 2023 10:25
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  • Save FlashSoft/ad58fb711f89ea7cac95ae4d8450456f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FlashSoft/ad58fb711f89ea7cac95ae4d8450456f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
斐讯DC1(node-red flow)
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"func": "const json = JSON.parse(msg.payload)\n\nlet uuid = ''\nconst is_first = json.action == 'activate='\nconst is_heart = json.msg == 'get datapoint success'\n\n// 如果是设备来注册\nif (json.action == 'activate=') {uuid = json.params.mac}\n// 如果是自己构造的uuid\nelse{uuid = json.uuid}\n\n// 如果请求类型是设备心跳或是设备激活\n// 并且是一个有效的uuid\nif((is_heart || is_first) && uuid.length == 17) {\n node.status({text:`最后更新:${new Date().toLocaleTimeString('zh-cn',{timeZone: \"Asia/Chongqing\"})}`})\n // node.warn(JSON.stringify(json))\n msg.payload = `{\"action\":\"datapoint\",\"params\":{},\"uuid\":\"${uuid}\",\"auth\":\"\"}\\n`\n \n // 通过定时器清理解决同一个请求被多次发出问题\n clearTimeout(flow.get(`TIMER_${uuid}`))\n // 延迟一秒发出\n const timer = setTimeout(() => node.send(msg), 1000)\n flow.set(`TIMER_${uuid}`, timer)\n}",
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"name": "斐讯DC1内网NR帮助",
"info": "### 内网劫持\n\n使用dnsmasq劫持``到你NodeRed所在IP\n\n```\naddress=/\n```\n\n### WIFI配网\n\n#### 1、复位插座\n\n长按总开关,待闪烁\n\n#### 2、用wifi连接到dc1生成的无线节点\n\n#### 3、使用udp工具,我使用的是mac,所以用的工具是YTNetwork来做udp发包\n\n绑定ip为192.168.4.1\n绑定端口为7550\n\n#### 4、发udp包,内容如下,其中iOT是你家wifi名,1234567890改为你家wifi密码,记得这段json后面记得补一个回车\n```\n{\"header\":\"phi-plug-0001\",\"uuid\":\"identify291f\",\"action\":\"wifi=\",\"auth\":\"\",\"params\":{\"ssid\":\"iOT\",\"password\":\"1234567890\"}}\n```",
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"func": "const json = JSON.parse(msg.payload)\nconst is_heart = json.msg == 'get datapoint success'\n\n// 如果是心跳包\nif(is_heart) {\n msg.payload = json\n // 开关状态的二进制\n msg.sw_2 = json.result.status\n // 开关状态的十进制\n msg.sw_10 = parseInt(msg.sw_2, 2)\n // 设备的mac地址,利用原有uuid通道进行传递\n msg.uuid = json.uuid\n flow.set(`STATUS_${json.uuid}`, msg)\n node.send(msg) \n}",
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"name": "开关控制",
"func": "// 如果没有uuid过来说明是从开关控制过来的\nif (!msg.uuid) {\n const uuid = msg.topic.split('_')[0]\n const json = flow.get(`STATUS_${uuid}`)\n let new_sw = json.sw_10\n => {\n const [uuid, index] = item.topic.split('_')\n const sw = item.payload\n switch (parseInt(index, 10)) {\n case 0:\n new_sw = sw ? new_sw | 1 : new_sw & 14\n break\n case 1:\n new_sw = sw ? new_sw | 2 : new_sw & 13\n break\n case 2:\n new_sw = sw ? new_sw | 4 : new_sw & 11\n break\n case 3:\n new_sw = sw ? new_sw | 8 : new_sw & 7\n break\n }\n })\n const new_status = new_sw.toString(2)\n node.status({ text: `设置状态:${new_status}(${uuid})` })\n json.payload = `{\"action\":\"datapoint=\",\"params\":{\"status\": ${new_status} },\"uuid\":\"${uuid}\",\"auth\":\"\"}\\n`\n node.send(json)\n json.payload = `{\"action\":\"datapoint\",\"params\":{},\"uuid\":\"${uuid}\",\"auth\":\"\"}\\n`\n node.send(json)\n}",
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Copy link

Moon1y1d commented Aug 9, 2020


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