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Forked from RogerDodger/
Last active June 16, 2017 16:27
Converts Markdown to BBCode (for Hubzilla)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Oriented for Hubzilla hub bbcode
## Origin:
## Dependencies:
## sudo apt-get install libtext-markdown-perl libtext-typography-perl
## Usage:
## < ""
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.01;
use Text::Markdown;
use Encode;
use HTML::Entities;
use Getopt::Long;
## Ensure proper encoding of IO
use open qw/:std :utf8/;
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
## Get options
# my $opt = { code => 0, lists => 0, smartypants => 1 };
# GetOptions($opt, qw/code lists smartypants!/);
## Read input
my $in;
my $fn = shift;
if (defined $fn && -r $fn) {
open READ, '<', $fn;
$in = eval { local $/; <READ> };
close READ;
else {
$in = eval { local $/; <STDIN> };
## Profit
# print md2bbc($in, $opt);
print md2bbc($in);
sub md2bbc {
local $_ = shift or return '';
# my $opt = shift;
## Override the Text::Markdown method that handles lists to do
## nothing if we don't have BBCode lists supported
# eval {
# no warnings 'redefine';
# sub Text::Markdown::_DoLists {
# my( $self, $text ) = @_;
# return $text;
# }
# } unless $opt->{lists};
$_ = Text::Markdown->new->markdown($_);
## Smartypants operates first so that attributes (e.g., URLs) don't get converted
# if ($opt->{smartypants}) {
if (eval { require Text::SmartyPants }) {
$_ = Text::SmartyPants::process($_, 2);
elsif (eval { require Text::Typography }) {
$_ = Text::Typography::typography($_, 2);
# }
## Simple elements
my %html2bb = (
strong => 'b',
b => 'b',
em => 'i',
i => 'i',
strike => 's',
u => 'u',
sup => 'sup',
sub => 'sub',
while (my($html, $bb) = each %html2bb) {
s{<(/|)$html( [^>]*)?>}{[$1$bb]}g;
## Undo anchors elements on unnamed links
# s{<a
# [^>]*? # random attributes we don't care about
# href="(.+?)" # target
# [^>]*? # more random attributes we don't care about
# >
# https?://.+? # $1 # https?://.+? # (.+?) # text
# </a>
# }{$1}xg;
## Convert links
[^>]*? # random attributes we don't care about
href="(.+?)" # target
[^>]*? # more random attributes we don't care about
(.+?) # text
# }{[url="$1"]$2\[/url]}xg;
## Convert images
# s{<img
# [^>]*? # random attributes we don't care about
# src="(.+?)" # target
# [^>]*? # more random attributes we don't care about
# alt="(.+?)" # alt
# [^>]*? # more random attributes we don't care about
# />
# }{[img alt=$2]$1\[/img]}xg;
## Convert images
[^>]*? # random attributes we don't care about
src="(.+?)" # target
[^>]*? # more random attributes we don't care about
# }{[img alt=$2]$1\[/img]}xg;
## Convert h1
(.+?) # text
# }{[size=24][b]$1\[/b]\[/size]}xg;
## Convert h2
(.+?) # text
# }{[size=18][b]$1\[/b]\[/size]}xg;
## Convert h3
(.+?) # text
# }{[size=large][b]$1\[/b]\[/size]}xg;
## Convert h4
(.+?) # text
# }{[size=14][b]$1\[/b]\[/size]}xg;
## Convert hr
# s{<hr ?/?>}{\n--------------------------------------------\n}g;
## Convert hr
s{(^ *$)?\n?<hr ?/?>\n?(^ *$)?}{[hr]}g;
## Convert br
s{(^ *$)?\n?<br ?/?>}{}g;
# s{(^ *$)?\n?<br ?/?>}{}g;
## Convert blockquote
s{(^ *$)?\n?<blockquote>\s*} {[quote]}g;
s{( )?\s?</blockquote>\n?}{$1\[/quote]}xg;
## Undo paragraphs elements
s{( )?\s?</p>}{$1}xg;
## Convert colored span elements
# <span style="color: #888;">
[^>]*? # random attributes we don't care about
style=".*?color\s*:\s*([^;]+?)(;?|;.*?)" # color
[^>]*? # more random attributes we don't care about
(.+?) # text
## Undo code elemeents
# if ($opt->{code}) {
s{(^ *$)?\n?<pre><code>} {[code]}g;
s{</code></pre>\n?(^ *$)?} {[/code]}g;
# }
# else {
# s{<pre><code>\s*} {}g;
# s{\s*</code></pre>} {}g;
# }
## Convert kbd element
s{<kbd>} {[code]}g;
s{</kbd>} {[/code]}g;
# Convert list elements
# if ($opt->{lists}) {
s{(^ *$)?\n?<ul>\s*} {[list]}g;
s{(^ *$)?\n?<ol>\s*} {[list=1]}g;
s{\s*</[uo]l>\n?(^ *$)?} {[/list]}g;
s{<li>} {[*]}g;
s{</li>} {}g;
# }
## Undo cutom elements
# s{</?
# [^>]*? # random attributes we don't care about
# >
# }{}g;
## Decode HTML entities
return decode_entities $_;
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