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webaware / force-ssl-url-scheme.php
Last active September 3, 2023 00:05
For WordPress, force the protocol scheme to be HTTPS when is_ssl() doesn't work, e.g. on a load-balanced server where _SERVER['HTTPS'] and _SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] don't indicate that SSL is being used. NB: may not be needed now, see SSL Insecure Content Fixer and HTTP Detection:
Plugin Name: Force SSL URL Scheme
Plugin URI:
Description: Force the protocol scheme to be HTTPS when is_ssl() doesn't work
Version: 1.0.0
Author: WebAware
Author URI:
kdzwinel / main.js
Last active June 7, 2024 08:08
List all undefined CSS classes
This script attempts to identify all CSS classes mentioned in HTML but not defined in the stylesheets.
In order to use it, just run it in the DevTools console (or add it to DevTools Snippets and run it from there).
Note that this script requires browser to support `fetch` and some ES6 features (fat arrow, Promises, Array.from, Set). You can transpile it to ES5 here: .
Known limitations:
- it won't be able to take into account some external stylesheets (if CORS isn't set up)
- it will produce false negatives for classes that are mentioned in the comments.
kingkool68 / use-remote-media.php
Last active March 24, 2024 11:37
Check if a local file exists in the WordPress media library and if it doesn't exist, replace the URL with a different URL. Helpful when working with a local site that doesn't have all of the media downloaded as the production site. See
// Put this in wp-config.php and replace with the URL of the production site.
define( 'RH_USE_REMOTE_MEDIA_URL', '' );
// Put the rest of this in functions.php or a custom plugin or somewhere else.
if ( defined( 'RH_USE_REMOTE_MEDIA_URL' ) && ! empty( RH_USE_REMOTE_MEDIA_URL ) ) {
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_src', 'filter_wp_get_attachment_image_src' );
add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset', 'filter_wp_calculate_image_srcset' );
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_url', 'filter_wp_get_attachment_url' );