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model region scenario year total_co2 total_ghg total_cdr co2_emissions cum_co2 cum_population cum_cdr gdp_cap cum_cdr_fair_share_by_gdp cum_cdr_fair_share_by_cum_pop cum_cdr_model_vs_fair_share_by_cum_pop cum_cdr_model_vs_fair_share_by_gdp
0 IMAGE CHN SSP1-19-SPA0-V17 2020 8231.71 10271.13 209.6 10480.73 248309.78 40314.61 209.6 17.53 479.07 15.67 -193.94 269.47
1 IMAGE CHN SSP1-19-SPA0-V17 2030 5564.85 6916.58 649.54 7566.12 338544.05 54371.62 4505.34 32.7 10360.93 1902.85 -2602.48 5855.59
2 IMAGE CHN SSP1-19-SPA0-V17 2040 1181.27 2246.08 1097.12 3343.2 393090.66 68118.6 13238.67 49.73 32220.38 7503.97 -5734.7 18981.71
3 IMAGE CHN SSP1-19-SPA0-V17 2050 25.23 955.49 1232.73 2188.22 420747.76 81182.16 24887.94 64.57 61187.9 15339.27 -9548.67 36299.96
4 IMAGE CHN SSP1-19-SPA0-V17 2060 -518.1 304.02 1475.25 1779.27 440585.18 93269.73 38427.84 75.57 94601.25 26294.98 -12132.86 56173.42
5 IMAGE CHN SSP1-19-SPA0-V17 2070 -672.88 92.16 1541.21 1633.37 457648.35 104205.43 53510.14 84.71 134911.91 41605.92 -11904.21
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Flave / .block
Last active July 17, 2018 15:07 — forked from d3indepth/.block
Force layout (with collision detection)
license: gpl-3.0
height: 420
border: no
Flave / index.html
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09 "An introduction to shaders" for threejs Revision 69. Tutorial can be found at
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>"An introduction to shaders" for threejs Revision 69</title>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<script type="x-shader/x-vertex" id="vertex-shader">
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
Flave / chart.js
Created November 5, 2012 15:56
D3 hack to display geoJSON correctly
function (json) {
var w = 2000;
var h = 2000;
var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", w)
Flave / gist:3866989
Created October 10, 2012 17:11
toSource() function adds crazy parentheses around each object - why?
var testObj = {
"a" : 1,
"b" : 2,
"c" : [1, 2, 3, 4]
"a" : 1,
"b" : 2,
Flave / gist:3859206
Created October 9, 2012 14:32
Should create a new 10x10 document - right?
var doc_data = {
"documentPreferences": { "pageWidth": 10 , "pageHeight":10 }
Flave / 121005_split_and_arrange.js
Created October 5, 2012 11:03
My Project of the auto-typo-adobe-id course at FH far
Once this script does something it should split up a Text at specified words, characters, scentences etc.
The resulting snipets should then be used as visual representation for the amount of text in different ways......
//general, global document dimensions
var pw = 400;
var ph = 400;
var margins = {