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Last active June 15, 2018 11:29
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import std.stdio;
auto factors( T )( T number )
import std.math;
bool[ T ] result;
for( size_t i = 1; i <= cast( uint ) sqrt( cast( double ) number ); ++i )
if ( number % i == 0)
result[ i ] = true;
result[ number / i ] = true;
auto keysArr = result.keys;
return keysArr;
auto gcd( T )( ref T first, ref T second ) pure
T tempOne = first, tempTwo = second, r;
while( tempTwo != 0 )
r = tempOne % tempTwo;
tempOne = tempTwo;
tempTwo = r;
return tempOne;
void main(string[] args)
uint testCases;
readf( " %u", &testCases );
while( testCases-- > 0 )
import std.container, std.algorithm;
uint aliceLength, bertaLength;
readf( " %u %u", &aliceLength, &bertaLength );
uint[] aliceNum = new uint[ aliceLength ];
ulong aliceTotal = 1;
for( size_t i = 0; i <aliceLength; ++i )
readf( " %u", &aliceNum[ i ] );
aliceTotal = aliceTotal * aliceNum[ i ];
ulong bertaTotal = 1;
uint[] bertaNum = new uint[ bertaLength ];
for( size_t i = 0; i < bertaLength; ++i )
readf( " %u", &bertaNum[ i ] );
bertaTotal = bertaTotal * bertaNum[ i ];
auto toRemove = factors( gcd( aliceTotal, bertaTotal ) );
uint similarities;
foreach( ref i ; aliceNum )
if( canFind( toRemove, i ) )
if( canFind( bertaNum, i ) )
writeln( similarities );
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