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Last active December 25, 2019 17:36
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PowerShell Core Az script to provision an Azure Stream Analytics job - see
# Login to Azure
# If necessary (multiple subscriptions available), select the appropriate one
Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName "mySubscriptionNameGoesHere" | Select-AzSubscription
# Create a Stream Analytics job
$suffix = "staging"
$rg_name = "rg-asatest$suffix"
$jobName = "MyStreamingJob$suffix"
$currentLocation = Get-Location
$jobDefinitionFile = "$currentLocation\Provision\JobTemplate.provision.json"
New-AzStreamAnalyticsJob `
-ResourceGroupName $rg_name `
-File $jobDefinitionFile `
-Name $jobName `
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Fleid commented Dec 25, 2019

Minimal Stream Analytics job config file (JobTemplate.provision.json) to be used in this context:

      "compatibilityLevel": 1.1

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