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Created August 19, 2022 18:21
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Unity MaterialPropertyDrawers to support showing or hiding specific properties in the inspector depending on defined keywords in the material (place scripts inside "Editor" folder)
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
// TODO: check if we can select multiple
// Pass one or more keywords in the constructor, I'm not sure how values will get separated though or if they will
/// <summary>
/// Usage: [ShowIfKeywordEnabled(_KEYWORD)]
/// Pass one or more shader keywords. The property is only drawn when the material has at least one of the
/// specified keywords enabled. Can take up to 4 different keywords.
/// </summary>
public abstract class ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer : MaterialPropertyDrawer
protected bool doesMaterialHaveArgumentKeyword;
protected string[] keywordArguments;
private GUIContent guiContent;
private MethodInfo internalMethod;
private Type[] methodArgumentTypes;
private object[] methodArguments;
public ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer()
Debug.LogWarning($"{this.GetType()} in material was created without a keyword parameter, it will have no effect");
Initiallize(new string[0]);
public ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer(string keyword1)
public ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2)
Initiallize(keyword1, keyword2);
public ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2, string keyword3)
Initiallize(keyword1, keyword2, keyword3);
public ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2, string keyword3, string keyword4)
Initiallize(keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4);
public override float GetPropertyHeight(MaterialProperty prop, string label, MaterialEditor editor)
// editor.GetPropertyHeight(prop) crashes the inspector, maybe because it tries to invoke this method,
// resulting in an recursive method call error
return ShouldBeDrawn() ? MaterialEditor.GetDefaultPropertyHeight(prop) : 0;
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, MaterialProperty prop, string label, MaterialEditor editor)
if (ShouldBeDrawn())
// base.OnGUI(position, prop, label, editor); doesn't seem to work for drawing the default OnGUI of the property type
if (internalMethod != null)
guiContent.text = label;
methodArguments[0] = position;
methodArguments[1] = prop;
methodArguments[2] = guiContent;
internalMethod.Invoke(editor, methodArguments);
protected abstract bool ShouldBeDrawn();
private void Initiallize(params string[] keywords)
keywordArguments = keywords;
guiContent = new GUIContent(string.Empty);
methodArgumentTypes = new[] { typeof(Rect), typeof(MaterialProperty), typeof(GUIContent) };
methodArguments = new object[3];
internalMethod = typeof(MaterialEditor)
.GetMethod("DefaultShaderPropertyInternal", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,
protected void ValidateHasArgumentKeyword(MaterialEditor editor)
// Drawer is recreated when the material keywords change, so we have to update
// doesMaterialHaveArgumentKeyword on every GUI event
doesMaterialHaveArgumentKeyword = HasRequiredKeyword(editor);
private bool HasRequiredKeyword(MaterialEditor editor)
if (keywordArguments.Length == 0)
return true;
Material targetMaterial = as Material;
if (targetMaterial != null)
foreach (var keyword in keywordArguments)
if (targetMaterial.IsKeywordEnabled(keyword))
return true;
return false;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// Usage: [ShowIfKeywordDisabled(_KEYWORD)] or [ShowIfKeywordDisabled(_KEYWORD1, _KEYWORD2)]
/// Pass one or more shader keywords. The property is only drawn when the material has none of the
/// specified keywords enabled (all keywords have to be disabled). Can take up to 4 different keywords.
/// </summary>
public class ShowIfKeywordDisabledDrawer : ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer
public ShowIfKeywordDisabledDrawer() : base()
public ShowIfKeywordDisabledDrawer(string keyword1) : base(keyword1)
public ShowIfKeywordDisabledDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2) : base(keyword1, keyword2)
public ShowIfKeywordDisabledDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2, string keyword3) : base(keyword1, keyword2, keyword3)
public ShowIfKeywordDisabledDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2, string keyword3, string keyword4) : base(keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4)
public override float GetPropertyHeight(MaterialProperty prop, string label, MaterialEditor editor)
return base.GetPropertyHeight(prop, label, editor);
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, MaterialProperty prop, string label, MaterialEditor editor)
base.OnGUI(position, prop, label, editor);
// Also draw if the user has accidentally no arguments passed
protected override bool ShouldBeDrawn()
return keywordArguments.Length == 0 || !doesMaterialHaveArgumentKeyword;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
// TODO: check if we can select multiple
// Pass one or more keywords in the constructor, I'm not sure how values will get separated though or if they will
/// <summary>
/// Usage: [ShowIfKeywordEnabled(_KEYWORD)] or [ShowIfKeywordEnabled(_KEYWORD1, _KEYWORD2)]
/// Pass one or more shader keywords. The property is only drawn when the material has at least one of the
/// specified keywords enabled. Can take up to 4 different keywords.
/// </summary>
public class ShowIfKeywordEnabledDrawer : ShowIfKeywordBaseDrawer
public ShowIfKeywordEnabledDrawer() : base()
public ShowIfKeywordEnabledDrawer(string keyword1) : base(keyword1)
public ShowIfKeywordEnabledDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2) : base(keyword1, keyword2)
public ShowIfKeywordEnabledDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2, string keyword3) : base(keyword1, keyword2, keyword3)
public ShowIfKeywordEnabledDrawer(string keyword1, string keyword2, string keyword3, string keyword4) : base(keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4)
public override float GetPropertyHeight(MaterialProperty prop, string label, MaterialEditor editor)
return base.GetPropertyHeight(prop, label, editor);
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, MaterialProperty prop, string label, MaterialEditor editor)
base.OnGUI(position, prop, label, editor);
protected override bool ShouldBeDrawn()
return doesMaterialHaveArgumentKeyword;
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