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Save FleshMobProductions/74c1913a4f66191a9e12d621d2c525f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Editor scripts to navigate between selections in Unity back (Ctrl + Alt + Z) and forward (Ctrl + Alt + Y). MenuItems can be found under "Edit/Selection - Navigate Back" and "Edit/Selection - Navigate Forward" and an EditorWindow can be found under "Window/Navigate Selection History". Place the scripts inside an "Editor" folder so they are exclud…
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace FMPUtils.Editor
public static class SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem
public static event System.Action historyOrSelectionChanged;
private static readonly int historyCount = 50;
private static int currentHistoryIndex = -1;
private static bool ignoreSelectionChangeProcessing;
private static List<Object[]> selectionHistory = new List<Object[]>(historyCount);
public static bool HasNextHistoryEntry => currentHistoryIndex < selectionHistory.Count - 1;
public static bool HasPreviousHistoryEntry => currentHistoryIndex > 0;
public static string NavigateForwardsHotkeyText => "(Ctrl + Alt + Y)";
public static string NavigateBackwardsHotkeyText => "(Ctrl + Alt + Z)";
// Since the static class is constructed twice, make sure that there is only 1 subscription:
static SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem()
Selection.selectionChanged -= HandleSelectionChanged;
Selection.selectionChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;
private static void HandleSelectionChanged()
// Don't record a selection if we apply a selection from the history (a non-direct selection)
if (!ignoreSelectionChangeProcessing)
private static void RecordSelectionHistory()
Object[] currentSelection = Selection.objects;
if (currentSelection.Length > 0)
// Only record the selection history if there is a selection (that is not identical to the last one)
if (currentHistoryIndex < 0 || !CompareSelections(currentSelection, selectionHistory[currentHistoryIndex]))
// Make sure to invalidate the selection history after the current index when the user has made a new selection choice
selectionHistory.RemoveRange(currentHistoryIndex + 1, selectionHistory.Count - currentHistoryIndex - 1);
if (selectionHistory.Count >= historyCount)
currentHistoryIndex = selectionHistory.Count - 1;
private static bool CompareSelections(Object[] selection1, Object[] selection2)
if (selection1.Length != selection2.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < selection1.Length; i++)
if (selection1[i] != selection2[i])
return false;
return true;
// Ctrl + Alt + Z
[MenuItem("Edit/Selection - Navigate Back %&z")]
public static void NavigateSelectionBackwards()
if (HasPreviousHistoryEntry)
ignoreSelectionChangeProcessing = true;
Selection.objects = selectionHistory[currentHistoryIndex];
ignoreSelectionChangeProcessing = false;
// Ctrl + Alt + Y
[MenuItem("Edit/Selection - Navigate Forward %&y")]
public static void NavigateSelectionForwards()
if (HasNextHistoryEntry)
ignoreSelectionChangeProcessing = true;
Selection.objects = selectionHistory[currentHistoryIndex];
ignoreSelectionChangeProcessing = false;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace FMPUtils.Editor
// For newer versions of Unity (2021.1+) this could be implemented as ToolbarOverlay instead
public class SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationWindow : EditorWindow
[MenuItem("Window/Navigate Selection History")]
public static void ShowWindow()
var window = GetWindow<SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationWindow>(false, "Navigate Selection History", true);
window.minSize = new Vector2(100f, 30f);
window.maxSize = new Vector2(250f, 30f);
private void OnEnable()
// EditorWindows are not usually repainted when inactive, so force a redraw of the selection window on selection change
// or when the history changes
// This isn't done through Selection.selectionChanged subscription directly because the repaint has to happen after
// the selection history in SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem has been updated.
SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.historyOrSelectionChanged -= Repaint;
SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.historyOrSelectionChanged += Repaint;
private void OnDestroy()
SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.historyOrSelectionChanged -= Repaint;
private void OnGUI()
GUI.enabled = SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.HasPreviousHistoryEntry;
if (GUILayout.Button("Back"))
GUI.enabled = SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.HasNextHistoryEntry;
if (GUILayout.Button("Forward"))
GUI.enabled = true;
#if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Overlays;
using UnityEditor.Toolbars;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
namespace FMPUtils.Editor
// Overlay EditorWindow to be available in all editor windows
// Editor icon reference:
[Overlay(typeof(EditorWindow), "Selection History")]
public class SelectionBackwardsForwardsToolbar : ToolbarOverlay
public const string Id = "navigate-selection-history";
SelectionBackwardsForwardsToolbar() : base(NavigateBackwardButton.Id, NavigateForwardButton.Id) { }
[EditorToolbarElement(Id, typeof(EditorWindow))]
class NavigateBackwardButton : EditorToolbarButton
public const string Id = "navigate-selection-history/Backward";
private bool isInteractive;
public NavigateBackwardButton()
this.text = "Back";
this.icon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Animation.PrevKey").image as Texture2D;
this.tooltip = $"Navigate the selection history backward {SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.NavigateBackwardsHotkeyText}";
this.clicked += OnClick;
SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.historyOrSelectionChanged += UpdateVisibility;
private void OnClick()
if (isInteractive)
private void UpdateVisibility()
isInteractive = SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.HasPreviousHistoryEntry;
style.visibility = new StyleEnum<Visibility>(isInteractive ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden);
[EditorToolbarElement(Id, typeof(EditorWindow))]
class NavigateForwardButton : EditorToolbarButton
public const string Id = "navigate-selection-history/Forward";
private bool isInteractive;
public NavigateForwardButton()
this.text = "Forw.";
this.icon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Animation.NextKey").image as Texture2D;
this.tooltip = $"Navigate the selection history forward {SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.NavigateBackwardsHotkeyText}";
this.clicked += OnClick;
SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.historyOrSelectionChanged += UpdateVisibility;
private void OnClick()
if (isInteractive)
private void UpdateVisibility()
isInteractive = SelectionBackwardsForwardsNavigationMenuItem.HasNextHistoryEntry;
style.visibility = new StyleEnum<Visibility>(isInteractive ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden);
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Thanks to WarpedImagination - The Toolbar overlay was mainly inspired by the video "How To LEVEL UP With Overlay Tools In Unity" on his Youtube channel.

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