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Last active January 28, 2016 17:35
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  • Save FlexMonkey/d2b1cbd7e1b2caf8d31b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Synchronously create a UIImage from an UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL
// Could benefit from some defensive coding :)
import Photos
let url = info[UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL] as! NSURL
let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithALAssetURLs([url], options: nil)
let asset = fetchResult.firstObject as! PHAsset
let manager = PHImageManager.defaultManager()
let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.synchronous = true
options.networkAccessAllowed = true
var image: UIImage?
targetSize: CGSize(width: 640, height: 640),
contentMode: .AspectFill,
options: options,
resultHandler: {
(imageResult: UIImage?, properties: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) in
image = imageResult
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