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Last active April 23, 2024 05:59
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  • Save FlooferLand/126cfdaa257ab6b1cbc5176bcd2b79e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FlooferLand/126cfdaa257ab6b1cbc5176bcd2b79e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. RVC model installer
import zipfile
import os
import os.path as path
import json
import time
import shutil
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
# Installs RVC models from zip files basically #
# Configure paths here
class FINAL:
pth_dir = "D:/AI/RVC/assets/weights/"
index_dir = "D:/AI/RVC/logs/"
# Scripting stuff OoOooOOOoOo
location = os.getcwd()
print(f"Looking for model zips inside {location}")
files = os.listdir(location)
for i in range(len(files)):
filename = files[i]
if not filename.endswith(".zip"):
# Extracting
zipfolder_path: str = filename.replace(".zip", "")
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') as zip_ref:
zip_ref.extractall(path.join(location, zipfolder_path))
# Getting metadata
metadata: dict = None
with open(path.join(zipfolder_path, "metadata.json"), 'r') as f:
metadata = json.loads("\n".join(f.readlines()))
# Finding index and stuff
name = input(
f"What prefix + name should this file have? "
f"[{Back.BLACK}{Fore.YELLOW} {zipfolder_path} {Style.RESET_ALL}]\n"
f"{Back.BLACK}{Fore.GREEN}-> {Style.RESET_ALL}"
) \
.replace(".pth", "") \
.replace(".index", "")
author = metadata["author"]["name"]
ogfilelist: list[str] = metadata["files"]
class initial_paths:
pth = path.join(location, zipfolder_path, [elem["name"] for elem in ogfilelist if elem["name"].endswith(".pth")][0])
index = path.join(location, zipfolder_path, [elem["name"] for elem in ogfilelist if elem["name"].endswith(".index")][0])
# Installing the files
final_index_dir = path.join(FINAL.index_dir, author)
if not path.exists(final_index_dir):
shutil.move(initial_paths.pth, path.join(FINAL.pth_dir, f"{name}.pth"))
shutil.move(initial_paths.index, path.join(final_index_dir, f"{name}.index"))
# Cleanup
shutil.rmtree(zipfolder_path, True, lambda: print(f"{Back.BLACK}{Fore.RED}Error cleaning up \"{zipfolder_path}\"{Style.RESET_ALL}"))
os.remove(path.join(location, filename))
print(f"Finished installing all models! (hopefully)")
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