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Created October 30, 2019 20:02
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import Foundation
typealias WeightedElement<T> = (element: T, weight: Float)
enum Efficiency : CaseIterable {
case low
case normal
case high
case perfect
let testWeightElements:[WeightedElement<Efficiency>] = [
(Efficiency.low, 0.0),
(Efficiency.normal, 1.0),
(Efficiency.high, 0.0),
(Efficiency.perfect, 1.0)
class WeightedElementCalculator {
static func getRndmElement<ElementType>(values: [WeightedElement<ElementType>]) -> ElementType? {
var selectedElement: ElementType?
let weightSum = values.reduce(0) { (result, element) in return result + element.weight }
if !weightSum.isZero {
let rand = Float.random(in: 0..<weightSum)
var sum = Float(0)
for (element, weight) in values {
sum += weight
if rand < sum {
selectedElement = element
return selectedElement
// Probability test to show whether the WeightedElementCalculator class is working correctly
let rounds = 1000000
var effMap : [Efficiency : Int] = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: {($0,0)})
let start =
for i in 1...rounds {
let optRndmElement = WeightedElementCalculator.getRndmElement(values: testWeightElements)
if let rndmElement = optRndmElement as? Efficiency {
effMap[rndmElement]! += 1
let weightSum = testWeightElements.reduce(0) { (result, element) in return result + element.weight }
testWeightElements.forEach { (elem, weight) in
print("\(elem) simulated prob: \(Float(effMap[elem]!)/Float(rounds)) -> expected prob: \(weight/weightSum)")
let timeInterval = Double( - start.uptimeNanoseconds) / 1_000_000_000 // Technically could overflow for long running tests
print("Calulated \(rounds) random elements in \(timeInterval) seconds")
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