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Last active December 30, 2022 17:01
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Simple python snake using curses, on Windows use the command `pip install windows-curses` to install curses, using PyCharm IDE make sure that you enabled the "Emulate termianl in output console" option to make it work
import curses
from curses import KEY_RIGHT, KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN
from random import randint
# Constants
KEY_ESC = 27
height = 10
width = 40
half_height = int(height / 2)
half_width = int(width / 2)
title = " snek "
win = curses.newwin(height, width, 0, 0)
# curses parameters
win.nodelay(True) # makes getch non blocking
win.keypad(True) # block keyboard signals (^C ...)
curses.noecho() # do not print the keyboard inputs
# curses init
win.addstr(0, int(half_width - len(title) / 2), title)
# initializing values
score = -1
current_key = KEY_RIGHT
last_key = current_key
snake = [[half_height, half_width], [half_height, half_width - 1], [half_height, half_width - 2]]
food = []
# methods
def opposite_key(key):
if key == KEY_DOWN:
return KEY_UP
if key == KEY_UP:
return KEY_DOWN
if key == KEY_LEFT:
return KEY_RIGHT
if key == KEY_RIGHT:
return KEY_LEFT
while current_key != KEY_ESC:
# print the score at the top of the screen
win.addstr(0, 1, f' Score: {score} ')
event = win.getch()
if event != -1:
last_key = current_key
current_key = event
# ignore if wrong input
if current_key == opposite_key(last_key):
current_key = last_key
# move the snake
new_pos = [snake[0][0] + (current_key == KEY_DOWN and 1) + (current_key == KEY_UP and -1),
snake[0][1] + (current_key == KEY_LEFT and -1) + (current_key == KEY_RIGHT and 1)]
snake.insert(0, new_pos)
# move the snake to the other side of the screen
if snake[0][0] == 0:
snake[0][0] = height - 2
if snake[0][1] == 0:
snake[0][1] = width - 2
if snake[0][0] == height - 1:
snake[0][0] = 1
if snake[0][1] == width - 1:
snake[0][1] = 1
if snake[0] == food or not food: # not food for the init
food = []
score += 1
# spawn the food
while not food:
if food in snake:
food = []
food.append(randint(1, height - 2))
food.append(randint(1, width - 2))
win.addch(food[0], food[1], '*')
text = f' fruit: {food[0]};{food[1]} '
win.addstr(0, width - len(text) - 1, text)
# remove last value to move the snake
last = snake.pop()
win.addch(last[0], last[1], ' ')
# if snake runs over itself stop
if snake[0] in snake[1:]:
# print the food
win.addch(food[0], food[1], "*")
# print the snake
for i, elem in enumerate(snake):
if i == 0:
win.addch(elem[0], elem[1], "€")
win.addch(elem[0], elem[1], "#")
# wait before next turn
print("Score: " + str(score))
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