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Created March 19, 2019 08:21
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Save Flower7C3/34e670f1ec91192662618f0f26ee4e4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add some vulgarity to page #fun
var whitespace = "-\/|.,!:;'\" \t\n\r{}[]()";
var stack = [];
var curNIndex = 0;
var curNode = null;
var curIndex = -1;
var state = 1;
var lastword = '';
String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix) {
return this.indexOf(prefix) === 0;
String.prototype.endsWith = function (suffix) {
return this.match(suffix + "$") == suffix;
};/* Nie moge tak robi%C4%87 niestety */
function nextLetter() {
if (curNode == null) return null;
if (curIndex >= {
curNode = stack[++curNIndex];
curIndex = -1;
if (curNode == null) return null;
if (curIndex >= {
return ' ';
function nextAfterWord() {/* lastword = ''; *//* szukamy poczatku kurwa wyrazu */
dupa:while (true) {
do {
var let = nextLetter();
if (let == null) return false;
} while (whitespace.indexOf(let) != -1);
if (state == 1) {/* byliszmy na poczatku, teraz kurwa bedziemy szukac konca wyrazu */
state = 2;
return true;
;state = 3;
var starting = curIndex;
do {
var let = nextLetter();
if (let == null) return false;
if (state == 1) continue dupa;
} while (whitespace.indexOf(let) == -1);/* ostatni wyraz, moze sie kurwa przydac pozniej zeby nasz algorytm byl bardziej inteligentny *//* trza to jeszcze kurwa usprawnic */
lastword =, curIndex - starting);
return true;
function putHere(text) {
if (curNode == null) return;
/** oj, trzeba to kurwa fixn%C4%85%C4%87 kiedy%C5%9B */ =, curIndex) + (state != 2 ? ' ' : '') + text + (state == 2 ? ' ' : '') +;
curIndex += text.length + 2;
function replaceLast(text) {
var s2 =;
curIndex -= lastword.length;
var s1 =, curIndex);
curIndex += text.length; = s1 + text + s2;
/** rekurencyjnie szukamy tylko tekstu kurwa */function przelec(node) {
if (typeof node != "object" || typeof node.childNodes != "object") return;
var children = node.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];/* nie IFRAME, bo sie moze kurwa crashn%C4%85%C4%87, nie SCRIPT... wiadomo, nie PRE - bo to moze byc kurwa kod %C5%BAr%C3%B3d%C5%82owy... chocia%C5%BC mo%C5%BCe fajnie by by%C5%82o widzie%C4%87 co%C5%9B w stylu std:kurwa:cout */
if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName != "SCRIPT" && child.tagName != "IFRAME" /*&& child.tagName!="PRE"*/) {
if (child.nodeType == 3) {
if ((typeof DONT_KURWA) === "undefined" || !DONT_KURWA) {
curNode = stack[0];
var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
var forpe = window.location.href.indexOf("4programmers") > -1;/* a tak se sprawdzimy :D if(forpe){while(nextAfterWord()) {var word = 'Adam Boduch';var rnd = Math.random() * 5;if(rnd<1)word = "Adam";else if(rnd<2) word = "Boduch";else if(rnd<3)word = "klacze";replaceLast(word);}return;} */
while (nextAfterWord()) {
if (i-- <= 0) {
if (lastword == 'na') continue;
if (lastword == 'do') continue;
if (lastword == 'jak') continue;
if (forpe) {
if (lastword == 'i') continue;
if (lastword == 'o') continue;
if (lastword == 'w') continue;
if (lastword == 'z') continue;
if (lastword == 'a') continue;
if (lastword == 'u') continue;
if (lastword == 'si%C4%99') continue;
if (lastword.startsWith('niekt')) continue;
if (lastword.startsWith('r%C3%B3%C5%BCn')) continue;
} else {
if (lastword == 'nie') continue;
if (lastword == 'kurwa') continue;
var i = 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8);
} else {
alert("Ta strona nie lubi by%C4%87 wulgaryzowana :(");
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