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Last active May 18, 2024 15:41
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Differentiable 2-Wasserstein Distance in PyTorch
import math
import torch
import torch.linalg as linalg
def calculate_2_wasserstein_dist(X, Y):
Calulates the two components of the 2-Wasserstein metric:
The general formula is given by: d(P_X, P_Y) = min_{X, Y} E[|X-Y|^2]
For multivariate gaussian distributed inputs z_X ~ MN(mu_X, cov_X) and z_Y ~ MN(mu_Y, cov_Y),
this reduces to: d = |mu_X - mu_Y|^2 - Tr(cov_X + cov_Y - 2(cov_X * cov_Y)^(1/2))
Fast method implemented according to following paper:
Input shape: [b, n] (e.g. batch_size x num_features)
Output shape: scalar
if X.shape != Y.shape:
raise ValueError("Expecting equal shapes for X and Y!")
# the linear algebra ops will need some extra precision -> convert to double
X, Y = X.transpose(0, 1).double(), Y.transpose(0, 1).double() # [n, b]
mu_X, mu_Y = torch.mean(X, dim=1, keepdim=True), torch.mean(Y, dim=1, keepdim=True) # [n, 1]
n, b = X.shape
fact = 1.0 if b < 2 else 1.0 / (b - 1)
# Cov. Matrix
E_X = X - mu_X
E_Y = Y - mu_Y
cov_X = torch.matmul(E_X, E_X.t()) * fact # [n, n]
cov_Y = torch.matmul(E_Y, E_Y.t()) * fact
# calculate Tr((cov_X * cov_Y)^(1/2)). with the method proposed in
# The eigenvalues for M are real-valued.
C_X = E_X * math.sqrt(fact) # [n, n], "root" of covariance
C_Y = E_Y * math.sqrt(fact)
M_l = torch.matmul(C_X.t(), C_Y)
M_r = torch.matmul(C_Y.t(), C_X)
M = torch.matmul(M_l, M_r)
S = linalg.eigvals(M) + 1e-15 # add small constant to avoid infinite gradients from sqrt(0)
sq_tr_cov = S.sqrt().abs().sum()
# plug the sqrt_trace_component into Tr(cov_X + cov_Y - 2(cov_X * cov_Y)^(1/2))
trace_term = torch.trace(cov_X + cov_Y) - 2.0 * sq_tr_cov # scalar
# |mu_X - mu_Y|^2
diff = mu_X - mu_Y # [n, 1]
mean_term = torch.sum(torch.mul(diff, diff)) # scalar
# put it together
return (trace_term + mean_term).float()
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