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Created October 11, 2021 08:57
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Differentiable dual quaternion distance metric in PyTorch
import math
import torch
Differentiable dual quaternion distance metric in PyTorch.
- Function q_mul():
- Other functions related to quaternions: re-implementations based on pip package "pyquaternion"
- Functions related to dual quaternions: re-implementations based on pip package "dual_quaternions"
# ======== QUATERNIONS =======================================================================
def q_mul(q1, q2):
Multiply quaternion q1 with q2.
Expects two equally-sized tensors of shape [*, 4], where * denotes any number of dimensions.
Returns q1*q2 as a tensor of shape [*, 4].
assert q1.shape[-1] == 4
assert q2.shape[-1] == 4
original_shape = q1.shape
# Compute outer product
terms = torch.bmm(q2.view(-1, 4, 1), q1.view(-1, 1, 4))
w = terms[:, 0, 0] - terms[:, 1, 1] - terms[:, 2, 2] - terms[:, 3, 3]
x = terms[:, 0, 1] + terms[:, 1, 0] - terms[:, 2, 3] + terms[:, 3, 2]
y = terms[:, 0, 2] + terms[:, 1, 3] + terms[:, 2, 0] - terms[:, 3, 1]
z = terms[:, 0, 3] - terms[:, 1, 2] + terms[:, 2, 1] + terms[:, 3, 0]
return torch.stack((w, x, y, z), dim=1).view(original_shape)
def wrap_angle(theta):
Helper method: Wrap the angles of the input tensor to lie between -pi and pi.
Odd multiples of pi are wrapped to +pi (as opposed to -pi).
pi_tensor = torch.ones_like(theta, device=theta.device) * math.pi
result = ((theta + pi_tensor) % (2 * pi_tensor)) - pi_tensor
result[result.eq(-pi_tensor)] = math.pi
return result
def q_angle(q):
Determine the rotation angle of given quaternion tensors of shape [*, 4].
Return as tensor of shape [*, 1]
assert q.shape[-1] == 4
q = q_normalize(q)
q_re, q_im = torch.split(q, [1, 3], dim=-1)
norm = torch.linalg.norm(q_im, dim=-1).unsqueeze(dim=-1)
angle = 2.0 * torch.atan2(norm, q_re)
return wrap_angle(angle)
def q_normalize(q):
Normalize the coefficients of a given quaternion tensor of shape [*, 4].
assert q.shape[-1] == 4
norm = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.square(q), dim=-1)) # ||q|| = sqrt(w²+x²+y²+z²)
assert not torch.any(torch.isclose(norm, torch.zeros_like(norm, device=q.device))) # check for singularities
return torch.div(q, norm[:, None]) # q_norm = q / ||q||
def q_conjugate(q):
Returns the complex conjugate of the input quaternion tensor of shape [*, 4].
assert q.shape[-1] == 4
conj = torch.tensor([1, -1, -1, -1], device=q.device) # multiplication coefficients per element
return q * conj.expand_as(q)
# === DUAL QUATERNIONS =======================================================================
def dq_mul(dq1, dq2):
Multiply dual quaternion dq1 with dq2.
Expects two equally-sized tensors of shape [*, 8], where * denotes any number of dimensions.
Returns dq1*dq2 as a tensor of shape [*, 8].
assert dq1.shape[-1] == 8
assert dq2.shape[-1] == 8
dq1_r, dq1_d = torch.split(dq1, [4, 4], dim=-1)
dq2_r, dq2_d = torch.split(dq2, [4, 4], dim=-1)
dq_prod_r = q_mul(dq1_r, dq2_r)
dq_prod_d = q_mul(dq1_r, dq2_d) + q_mul(dq1_d, dq2_r)
dq_prod =[dq_prod_r, dq_prod_d], dim=-1)
return dq_prod
def dq_translation(dq):
Returns the translation component of the input dual quaternion tensor of shape [*, 8].
Translation is returned as tensor of shape [*, 3].
assert dq.shape[-1] == 8
dq_r, dq_d = torch.split(dq, [4, 4], dim=-1)
mult = q_mul((2.0 * dq_d), q_conjugate(dq_r))
return mult[..., 1:]
def dq_normalize(dq):
Normalize the coefficients of a given dual quaternion tensor of shape [*, 8].
assert dq.shape[-1] == 8
dq_r = dq[..., :4]
norm = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.square(dq_r), dim=-1)) # ||q|| = sqrt(w²+x²+y²+z²)
assert not torch.any(torch.isclose(norm, torch.zeros_like(norm, device=dq.device))) # check for singularities
return torch.div(dq, norm[:, None]) # dq_norm = dq / ||q|| = dq_r / ||dq_r|| + dq_d / ||dq_r||
def dq_quaternion_conjugate(dq):
Returns the quaternion conjugate of the input dual quaternion tensor of shape [*, 8].
The quaternion conjugate is composed of the complex conjugates of the real and the dual quaternion.
assert dq.shape[-1] == 8
conj = torch.tensor([1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1], device=dq.device) # multiplication coefficients per element
return dq * conj.expand_as(dq)
def dq_to_screw(dq):
Return the screw parameters that describe the rigid transformation encoded in the input dual quaternion.
Input shape: [*, 8]
- Plucker coordinates (l, m) for the roto-translation axis (both of shape [*, 3])
- Amount of rotation and translation around/along the axis (both of shape [*])
assert dq.shape[-1] == 8
dq_r, dq_d = torch.split(dq, [4, 4], dim=-1)
theta = q_angle(dq_r) # shape: [b, 1]
theta_sq = theta.squeeze(dim=-1)
no_rot = torch.isclose(theta_sq, torch.zeros_like(theta_sq, device=dq.device))
with_rot = ~no_rot
dq_t = dq_translation(dq)
l = torch.zeros(*dq.shape[:-1], 3, device=dq.device)
m = torch.ones(*dq.shape[:-1], 3, device=dq.device)
d = torch.zeros(*dq.shape[:-1], device=dq.device)
l[with_rot] = dq_r[with_rot, 1:] / torch.sin(theta[with_rot] / 2)
d[with_rot] = (dq_t[with_rot] * l[with_rot]).sum(dim=-1) # batched dot product
t_l_cross = torch.cross(dq_t[with_rot], l[with_rot], dim=-1)
m[with_rot] = 0.5 * (t_l_cross + torch.cross(l[with_rot], t_l_cross / torch.tan(theta[with_rot] / 2), dim=-1))
d[no_rot] = torch.linalg.norm(dq_t[no_rot], dim=-1)
no_trans = torch.isclose(d, torch.zeros_like(d, device=dq.device))
unit_transform = torch.logical_and(no_rot, no_trans)
only_trans = torch.logical_and(no_rot, ~no_trans)
l[unit_transform] = dq_t[unit_transform] / d[unit_transform].unsqueeze(dim=-1)
l[only_trans] = 0
m[no_rot] *= float("inf")
return l, m, theta.squeeze(-1), d
# === LOSSES =================================================================================
# these parameters can be tuned!
LAMBDA_ROT = 1 / math.pi # divide by maxmimum possible rotation angle (pi)
# for LAMBDA_TRANS, assume that translation coeffs. are normalized in 3D eucl. space
LAMBDA_TRANS = 1 / (2 * math.sqrt(3)) # divide by maximum possible translation (2 * unit cube diagonal)
def dq_distance(dq_pred, dq_real):
Calculates the screw motion parameters between dual quaternion representations of the given poses pose_pred/real.
This screw motion describes the "shortest" rigid transformation between dq_pred and dq_real.
A combination of that transformation's screw axis translation magnitude and rotation angle can be used as a metric.
=> "Distance" between two dual quaternions: weighted sum of screw motion axis magnitude and rotation angle.
dq_pred, dq_real = dq_normalize(dq_pred), dq_normalize(dq_real)
dq_pred_inv = dq_quaternion_conjugate(dq_pred) # inverse is quat. conj. because it's normalized
dq_diff = dq_mul(dq_pred_inv, dq_real)
_, _, theta, d = dq_to_screw(dq_diff)
distances = LAMBDA_ROT * torch.abs(theta) + LAMBDA_TRANS * torch.abs(d)
return torch.mean(distances)
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