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Last active December 12, 2015 01:38
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# check_raid nagios plugin
# Add plugins for different RAID tools to function check
# Version 1.0-1
# Written by Fixar ()
package check_raid;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Switch;
use strict;
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $self = {
_raidToolPath => '',
_raidToolType => '',
_helpFlag => 0,
_debugFile => '',
_versionFlag => 0,
$self->{_raidInformation} = ();
use constant VERSION => '1.0-2';
use constant RAID_TOOL_TYPES => ('megacli', 'megarc', 'zfs', 'hpacucli');
use constant MONITOR_SERVICE => 'RAID';
use constant STATE_ONLINE => 0;
use constant STATE_DEGRADED => 2;
use constant STATE_FAILED => 2;
use constant STATE_UNKNOWN => 3;
$self->{_raidToolOptions} = {
'megacli' => '-LDPDInfo -aAll -NoLog',
'megarc' => '-ldInfo -a0 -Lall -NoLog',
'hpacucli' => 'ctrl all show config',
'zfs' => 'status',
't=s' => \$self->{_raidToolType},
'p=s' => \$self->{_raidToolPath},
'h' => \$self->{_helpFlag},
'd=s' => \$self->{_debugFile},
'v' => \$self->{_versionFlag},
bless($self, $type);
return $self;
# Return RAID tool options
sub getRaidToolOptions {
my($self) = @_;
return $self->{_raidToolOptions}->{$self->{_raidToolType}};
# Check using specified RAID tool
# Add plugins for different RAID tools here
sub check {
my($self) = @_;
my $raidToolOptions = $self->getRaidToolOptions;
my @output;
if ($self->{_debugFile}) {
if (! -e $self->{_debugFile}) {
print "Error: Debug file $self->{_debugFile} not found\n";
} else {
@output = `cat $self->{_debugFile}`;
} else {
my $options = $self->getRaidToolOptions;
@output = `$self->{_raidToolPath} $options`;
if (!@output) {
print "Error: Could not run $self->{_raidToolPath}, check permissions\n";
switch ($self->{_raidToolType}) {
case 'megacli' {
# megarc plugin
case 'megarc' {
# hpacucli plugin
case 'hpacucli' {
# zfs plugin
case 'zfs' {
# megacli plugin
sub checkMegacli {
my($self) = @_;
my @output = @_;
#my @output = `$self->{_raidToolPath} -LDPDInfo -aAll -NoLog`;
foreach (my $i = 0;$i < @output;$i++) {
if (grep(/Virtual Disk: /, $output[$i])) {
my %raidInfo;
my @physicalDrives;
if ($output[$i] =~ /Virtual Disk: (\w+).*/) {
$raidInfo{'index'} = $1;
if ($output[$i+2] =~ /RAID Level: Primary-(\w+).*/) {
$raidInfo{'level'} = $1;
if ($output[$i+4] =~ /State: (\w+).*/) {
$raidInfo{'state'} = $1;
switch ($raidInfo{'state'}) {
case 'Optimal' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 0;
case 'Degraded' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 1;
case 'Partial Degraded' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 1;
case 'Failed' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 2;
case 'Offline' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 2;
else {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 3;
# Get physical drive info
for (my $b = $i; $b < @output;$b++) {
my %currentDrive;
if ($output[$b] =~ /^PD: (\w+).*/) {
my $pd = $1;
if ($output[$b+1] =~ /^$/) {
#Output can be blank if there is an issue
$currentDrive{'slot'} = "PD: $pd";
$currentDrive{'state'} = 1;
} elsif ($output[$b+2] =~ /Slot Number: (\w+).*/) {
$currentDrive{'slot'} = $1;
if ($output[$b+13] =~ /Firmware state: (\w+).*/) {
$currentDrive{'state'} = ($1 eq 'Online') ? 0 : 1;
push(@physicalDrives, \%currentDrive);
# skip rest of info
$b = $b + 22;
push(@{$raidInfo{'physicalDrives'}}, @physicalDrives);
push(@{$self->{_raidInformation}}, \%raidInfo);
# megarc plugin
sub checkMegarc {
my($self) = @_;
my @output = @_;
my @physicalDrives;
my $position = 0;
foreach (my $i = 0;$i < @output;$i++) {
my %raidInfo;
if ($output[$i] =~ /.*Logical Drive \w+ :.*$/) {
$position = $i;
if ($output[$i] =~ /Logical Drive : (\w+).*Status: (\w+)/) {
$raidInfo{'index'} = $1;
$raidInfo{'state'} = $2;
if ($output[$i + 2] =~ /.* RaidLevel: (\w+)/) {
$raidInfo{'level'} = $1;
switch ($raidInfo{'state'}) {
case 'OPTIMAL' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 0;
case 'DEGRADED' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 1;
case 'FAILED' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 2;
else {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 3;
push(@{$self->{_raidInformation}}, \%raidInfo);
my $count = 0;
for (my $b = $position - 1; $b < @output;$b++) {
if ($output[$b] =~ /.*Logical Drive (\w+) :.*/) {
for(my $c = $b + 3;$c < @output;$c++) {
my %currentDrive;
if ($output[$c] =~ /.*\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+(\w+).*/) {
$currentDrive{'slot'} = $1;
$currentDrive{'state'} = ($2 eq 'ONLINE') ? 0 : 1;
push(@physicalDrives, \%currentDrive);
push(@{$self->{_raidInformation}[$count]->{physicalDrives}}, @physicalDrives);
# hpacucli plugin
sub checkHpacucli {
my($self) = @_;
my @output = @_;
foreach (my $i = 0;$i < @output;$i++) {
my %raidInfo;
if($output[$i] =~ /logicaldrive (\w+) .* RAID (.*), (\w+)/) {
$raidInfo{'level'} = $2;
$raidInfo{'index'} = $1;
switch ($3) {
case 'OK' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 0;
case 'FAILED' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 2;
else {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 3;
# Get physical drive info
my @physicalDrives;
for (my $b = $i + 1; $b < @output;$b++) {
my %currentDrive;
if ($output[$b] =~ /\s*physicaldrive .* \(\w+.*bay (\w+), \w+, \w+ \w+, (\w+)\)/) {
$currentDrive{'slot'} = $1;
$currentDrive{'state'} = ($2 eq 'OK') ? 0 : 1;
push(@physicalDrives, \%currentDrive);
if ($output[$b] =~ / *logicaldrive*/) {
push(@{$raidInfo{'physicalDrives'}}, @physicalDrives);
push(@{$self->{_raidInformation}}, \%raidInfo);
# zfs plugins
sub checkZfs {
my($self) = @_;
my $count = 0;
my @output = @_;
#my @output = `$self->{_raidToolPath} status`;
foreach (my $i = 0;$i < @output;$i++) {
my %raidInfo;
if ($output[$i] =~ /^\s*raidz(\w)\s*(\w+).*$/) {
$raidInfo{'level'} = $1;
$raidInfo{'index'} = $count;
switch ($2) {
case 'ONLINE' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 0;
case 'DEGRADED' {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 2;
else {
$raidInfo{'state'} = 3;
# Get physical drive info
my @physicalDrives;
for (my $b = $i+1; $b < @output;$b++) {
my %currentDrive;
if ($output[$b] =~ /^\s*raidz.*$|^\s*spares.*$/) {
if ($output[$b] =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*(\w+).*$/) {
$currentDrive{'slot'} = $1;
$currentDrive{'state'} = ($2 eq 'ONLINE') ? 0 : 1;
push(@physicalDrives, \%currentDrive);
push(@{$raidInfo{'physicalDrives'}}, @physicalDrives);
push(@{$self->{_raidInformation}}, \%raidInfo);
# Parse arguments
sub parseOptions {
my($self) = @_;
# Check for help flag
if ($self->{_helpFlag}) {
# Check for version flag
if ($self->{_versionFlag}) {
# Make sure variables are set
if (!$self->{_raidToolType} || !$self->{_raidToolPath}) {
print "Error: Specify a RAID tool type and path\n";
# Check for valid RAID tool
my $validRaidTool = 0;
foreach (&RAID_TOOL_TYPES) {
if ($self->{_raidToolType} eq $_) {
$validRaidTool = 1;
if (!$validRaidTool) {
print "Error: Invalid RAID tool type specified\n";
# Check if RAID tool exists
if (! -e $self->{_raidToolPath}) {
print "Error: RAID tool '$self->{_raidToolPath}' does not exists\n";
# Prints usage
sub usage {
print "Usage: check_raid -t [RAID tool type] -p [RAID tool path]\n";
# Prints version
sub version {
print &VERSION . "\n";
# Print result string
sub formatOutput {
my($self) = @_;
my $resultString = '';
foreach (@{$self->{_raidInformation}}) {
my $state;
switch ($_->{'state'}) {
case 0 {
$state = 'Online';
case 1 {
$state = 'Degraded';
case 2 {
$state = 'Failed';
case 3 {
$state = 'Unknown';
else {
$state = 'Unknown';
$resultString .= "Volume: $_->{'index'}, State: $state, Level: $_->{'level'} ; ";
return $resultString;
# Find the exit code
sub getExitCode {
my($self) = @_;
my $state = -1;
foreach (@{$self->{_raidInformation}}) {
if ($_->{'state'} == 0) {
$state = &STATE_ONLINE;
if ($_->{'state'} == 1) {
if ($_->{'state'} == 2) {
if ($_->{'state'} == 3) {
return $state;
# Gets physical drive data for alerts
sub formatAlerts {
my($self) = @_;
my $resultString = '[Issues on: ';
foreach (@{$self->{_raidInformation}}) {
my @failedDrives;
my $currentIndex = $_->{'index'};
foreach (@{$_->{'physicalDrives'}}) {
if ($_->{'state'} == 1) {
push(@failedDrives, $_->{'slot'});
if (@failedDrives) {
foreach (@failedDrives) {
$resultString .= "Volume $currentIndex/Slot $_;";
$resultString .= ']';
return $resultString;
# Output and return with exit code
# raidInformation has form:
# - Logical Volume (Number)
# - index
# - State
# - Level
# - physical drives
sub output {
my($self) = @_;
switch ($self->getExitCode) {
case 0 {
print &MONITOR_SERVICE . " OK - " . $self->formatOutput;
case 2 {
print &MONITOR_SERVICE . " CRITICAL - " . $self->formatOutput . ' ' . $self->formatAlerts;
case 3 {
print &MONITOR_SERVICE . " UNKNOWN - " . $self->formatOutput . $self->formatAlerts;
else {
print "\n";
exit $self->getExitCode();
# Main run
my $checkRaid = check_raid->new('check_raid');
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