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Created January 20, 2017 18:14
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Open Watcom Linker Help
usage: wlink {directive}
commands valid for all executable formats:
directive ::= "File" obj_spec{","obj_spec}
| "Name" exe_file
| "OPtion" option{","option}
| "Library" library_file{","library_file}
| "OPTLIB" library_file{","library_file}
| "Path" path_name{";"path_name}
| "LIBPath" path_name{";"path_name}
| "LIBFile" obj_file{","obj_file}
| "Debug" dbtype [dblist] | dblist
| "MODTrace" module_name{","module_name}
| "SYMTrace" symbol_name{","symbol_name}
| "SYStem" system_name
| "SYStem Begin" system_name directive {directive} "End"
| "FORMat" form
| "REFerence" symbol_name{","symbol_name}
| "@" directive_file
| "#" comment
commands valid for all executable formats (continued):
| "Alias" alias"="symbol_name{","alias"="symbol_name}
| "DISAble" msg_num{","msg_num}
| "SOrt" ["GLobal"] ["ALPhabetical"]
| "LANGuage" ("JApanese" | "CHinese" | "KOrean")
| "MODFile" obj_file{","obj_file}
obj_spec ::= obj_file["("obj_member")"] | library_file["("lib_member")"]
dbtype ::= "Watcom" | "Dwarf" | "Codeview"
dblist ::= dboption{","dboption}
dboption ::= "LInes" | "Types" | "LOcals" | "All"
option ::= "ARTificial" | "[NO]CAChe" | "[NO]Caseexact" | "CVPack"
| "Dosseg" | "ELiminate" | "[NO]FARcalls"
| "INCremental[=file_name]" | "MANGlednames"
| "Map"["="map_file] | "MAXErrors="n | "NAMELen="n
| "NODefaultlibs" | "NOEXTension" | "OSName="string | "Quiet"
| "[NO]REDefsok" | "STack"=n | "START="symbol_name | "STATics"
| "SYMFile"["="symbol_file], | "[NO]Undefsok" | "Verbose"
| "VFRemoval"
commands valid for the MS-DOS executable format only:
form ::= "Dos" ["COM"]
directive ::= "NEWsegment"
option ::= "FULLHeader" | "PACKCode="n | "PACKData="n
press any key to continue
commands valid for the OS/2 and DOS/4G Systems executable formats only:
form ::= "OS2" ["FLat"|"LE"|"LX"] ["PHYSdevice" | "VIRTdevice"
| ["DLl"["INITGlobal"|"INITInstance" ["TERMInstance"|"TERMGlobal"]]
| "PM" | "PMCompatible" | "FULLscreen"]
directive ::= "NEWsegment"
| "SEGment" segdesc{","segdesc}
| "IMPort" import{","import}
| "EXPort" export{","export}
| "EXPort" "="wlib_directive_file
segdesc ::= segspec segmodel {segmodel}
segspec ::= seg_name | "Class" class_name | "TYpe" ("CODE" | "DATA")
import ::= entryname module["."(extname | ordinal)]
option ::= "Alignment="n | "DEscription" description | "Heapsize="n
| "IMPFile"[=file_name] | "IMPLib"[=file_name]
| ("MANYautodata" | "NOautodata" | "ONEAutodata")
| "MODName="module_name | "MIXed1632" | "NEWFiles" | "OFFset="n
| "OLDlibrary="dll_name | "PACKCode="n | "PACKData="n | "PROTmode"
| "RESource="res_file_name | "STUB="stub_name | "NOSTUB"
| "VERSion="major.[minor]
export ::= entryname["."ordinal]["="internal]["RESident"]["PRIVATE"][iopl]
segmodel ::= ("PReload" | "LOadoncall") | ("SHared" | "NONShared")
| ("EXECUTEOnly" | "EXECUTERead" | "READOnly" | "READWrite")
| ("Iopl" | "NOIopl") | ("CONforming" | "NONConforming")
| ("PERManent" | "NONPERManent") | "INValid" | "RESident"
| "CONTiguous" | "DYNamic"
commands valid for the Microsoft Windows executable formats only:
form ::= "WIndows" ["DLl"["INITGlobal" | "INITInstance"]] [MEMory] [FOnt]
directive ::= "NEWsegment"
| "SEGment" segdesc{","segdesc}
| "IMPort" import{","import}
| "EXPort" export{","export}
| "EXPort" "="wlib_directive_file
segdesc ::= segspec segmodel {segmodel}
segspec ::= seg_name | "Class" class_name | "TYpe" ("CODE" | "DATA")
import ::= entryname module["."(extname | ordinal)]
option ::= "Alignment="n | "DEscription" description | "Heapsize="n
| "IMPFile"[=file_name] | "IMPLib"[=file_name]
| ("MANYautodata" | "NOautodata" | "ONEAutodata")
| "MODName="module_name | "OLDlibrary="dll_name | "PACKCode="n
| "PACKData="n | "RESource="res_file_name | "RWReloccheck"
| "STUB="stub_name | "NOSTUB" | "VERSion="major.[minor]
export ::= entryname["."ordinal]["="internal]["RESident"]["PRIVATE"]
segmodel ::= ("PReload" | "LOadoncall") | ("SHared" | "NONShared")
| ("EXECUTEOnly" | "EXECUTERead" | "READOnly" | "READWrite")
| ("MOVeable" | "FIXed") | "DIScardable"
commands valid for the Microsoft Windows VxD formats only:
form ::= "WIndows VXD" ["DYNamic"]
press any key to continue
commands valid for the Microsoft Windows NT executable formats only:
form ::= "WIndows NT" ["TNT" | "RDOS"]
["DLl"["INITGlobal"|"INITInstance" ["TERMInstance"|"TERMGlobal"]]
directive ::= "RUntime" runoption["="major["."minor]]
| "SEGment" segdesc{","segdesc}
| "IMPort" import{","import}
| "EXPort" export{","export}
| "EXPort" "="wlib_directive_file
| "COMmit" commitopt{","commitopt}
segdesc ::= segspec segmodel {segmodel}
segspec ::= seg_name | "Class" class_name | "TYpe" ("CODE" | "DATA")
import ::= entryname module["."(extname | ordinal)]
option ::= "Alignment="n | "DEscription" description | "Heapsize="n
| "IMPFile"[=file_name] | "IMPLib"[=file_name]
| "MODName="module_name | "NOSTDCall" | "OBJAlign="n | "OFFset="n
| "OLDlibrary="dll_name | "RESource="res_file_name
| "STUB="stub_name | "NOSTUB" | "VERSion="major.[minor]
export ::= entryname["."ordinal]["="internal]["PRIVATE"]
segmodel ::= ("SHared" | "NONShared") | ("PAGEable" | "NONPageable")
runoption ::= ("NATive" | "WINdows" | "CONsole" | "POSix" | "OS2" | "DOSstyle")
commitopt ::= "STack="n | "Heap="n
commands valid for the Phar Lap executable formats only:
form ::= "PHARlap" ["EXTended" | "REX" | "SEGmented"]
directive ::= "RUntime" runoption{","runoption}
option ::= "MAXData="n | "MINData="n | "OFFset="n | "STUB="stub_name
runoption ::= "MINReal="n | "MAXReal="n | "CALLBufs="n | "MINIBuf="n
| "MAXIBuf="n | "NISTack="n | "ISTKsize="n | "PRIVileged"
| "REALBreak="(n | symbol_name ) | "UNPRIVileged"
commands valid for the Novell Netware executable format only:
form ::= "NOVell" ["NLM" | "LAN" | "DSK" | "NAM" | 'number'] 'description'
directive ::= "MODUle" module_name{","module_name}
| "IMPort" import{","import}
| "EXPort" export{","export}
| "Debug" "Novell" ["ONLyexports"] ["REFerenced"]
option ::= "CHeck="symbol_name | "COPYRight" [string] | "CUSTom="file_name
| "EXit="symbol_name | "HElp="file_name | "IMPFile="file_name
| "IMPLib"[=file_name] | "MESsages"[=file_name] | "MULTILoad"
| "NLMFlags="value | "PSeudopreemption" | "REentrant"
| "SCReenname" description | "SHArelib="file_name | "SYnchronize"
| "THReadname" name | "VERSion="major[.minor[.revision]]
| "XDCdata="file_name | "AUTOUNload"
import ::= entryname
export ::= entryname
commands valid for the DOS/16M executable format only:
form ::= "DOS16M"
directive ::= "MEMory" strategy
| "TRansparent" seg_type
| "RUntime" runoption{","runoption}
option ::= "BUFfer="n | "GDTsize="n | ("RELocs" | "NORelocs") | "SELstart="n
| "DATASize="n | "EXTended="n
| "STUB="stub_name
runoption ::= "KEYboard" | "OVERload" | "INIT00" | "INITFF" | "ROTate" | "AUTO"
| "SELectors" | "INT10"
strategy ::= "TRYExtended" | "TRYLow" | "FORCEExtended" | "FORCELow"
seg_type ::= "STack" | "DAta"
commands valid for the QNX executable format only:
form ::= "QNX" ["FLat"]
directive ::= "SEGment" segdesc{","segdesc}
| "NEWsegment"
option ::= "Heapsize="n | "LInearrelocs" | "LOnglived" | "NORelocs"
| "OFFset="n | "PACKCode="n | "PACKData="n | "PRIVilege"=n
| "RESource"("="res_file_name | string)
segdesc ::= segspec segmodel {segmodel}
segspec ::= seg_name | "Class" class_name | "TYpe" ("CODE" | "DATA")
segmodel ::= "EXECUTEOnly" | "EXECUTERead" | "READOnly" | "READWrite"
commands valid for the ELF executable format only:
form ::= "ELF" ["DLl"]
directive ::= "MODUle" module_name{","module_name}
| "IMPort" import{","import}
| "EXPort" export{","export}
| "RUntime" runoption{","runoption}
option ::= "Alignment="n | "EXPORTAll" | "EXTRASections="n | "OBJAlign="n
| "OFFSet="n
import ::= entryname
export ::= entryname
runoption ::= ("SVR4" | "LINux" | "FREebsd" | "NETbsd" | "SOLaris" | "ABIver" )
commands valid for the ZDOS executable formats only:
form ::= "ZDos" ["SYS" | "HWD" | "FSD"]
commands valid for the RAW executable formats only:
form ::= "Raw" ("BIN" | "HEX")
option ::= "OFFset="n
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