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Created April 15, 2018 04:03
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include <stdlib.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
/* setting up typing function */
char * nr_echo( int start_y, int start_x, int h, int w ){
int ch, y, x, end_y, end_x, ch_count ;
int ch_count_in;
char *stored_line;
stored_line = malloc(100000);
ch = ch_count = 0;
y = start_y;
x = start_x;
end_y = start_y + h - 1;
end_x = start_x + w;
move( start_y, start_x );
/* main loop, F1 quits */
while (ch != KEY_F(1) ){
ch = getch();
/* backspace when not at the start of a line */
if ( ch == KEY_BACKSPACE && x > start_x ){
mvdelch( y, x );
/* backspace when at the start of a line */
else if ( ch == KEY_BACKSPACE && x == start_x && y > start_y ){
x = end_x;
mvdelch( y, x );
/* return if enter is pressed and not at bottom of field*/
else if ( ch == '\n' && y <= end_y ){
x = start_x;
move( y, x );
stored_line[ch_count] = '\n';
/* auto return if not at bottom of field */
else if ( x >= end_x && y < end_y ){
x = start_x;
stored_line[ch_count] = ch;
mvaddch( y, x, stored_line[ch_count] );
/* main print */
else if ( x <= end_x && y <= end_y ){
stored_line[ch_count] = ch;
mvaddch( y, x, stored_line[ch_count] );
/* print the array */
return stored_line;
int main(){
FILE *fp;
char *save_string;
initscr(); /* initializes the screen */
raw(); /* get raw input */
keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* get special keys */
noecho(); /* we will echo manually */
curs_set(2); /* sets the cursor to a solid rectangle */
/* draws a nice header */
/* doing this manually because i'm a savage */
mvaddstr( 1, 37, "- NROGUE -" );
mvaddstr( 2, 2, "F1: exit F2: save" );
move( 3, 2 );
/* makes a line diving header and body */
int n;
for ( n = 0; n < 80; n++ )
addch( '_' );
/* primary function call */
/* starting y, starting x, height, width */
save_string = nr_echo( 5, 2, 40, 80 );
/* ask for file name */
mvaddstr( 0, 2, "save file as:" );
nr_echo( 0, 16, 1, 16 );
return 0;
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