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Last active March 25, 2019 08:48
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updating the positon of an image in a scilab figure when resizing the figure -->

OK, I'm going to write here because Scilab bugzilla is awfull. I wrote comments twice and it just shows the first couple of lines of my text!!!!

I wish Scilab decision makers would just move the entire codebase to modern platforms Github or GitLab. This is not good at all. so much headach for users and contributors.

about the bug, I don't think moving the resizefcnfunction solves the problem. The ex002.sce proves that. There are 3 issues

  1. The resizefcn shouldn't be triggered upon creating the figure. this is a bad behaviour in my opinion.
  2. the findobj function should at least drop a warning when not finding an object.
  3. there is a problem specifically with the vertical positioning of the image object. the horizontal is fine. plus the pushbutton's position is updated.

the ex003.sce pinpoints the bug more specifically.

function closemainfigure()
MainFigure = findobj('tag','MainFigure');
function resizemainfigure()
MainFigure = findobj('tag', 'MainFigure');
MainFigureAxesSize = MainFigure.axes_size;
StartPushButton = findobj('tag', 'StartPushButton');
StartPushButton.Position = [0 (MainFigureAxesSize(2) - PushButtonHeigth) PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth];
StopPushButton = findobj('tag', 'StopPushButton');
StopPushButton.Position = [0 (MainFigureAxesSize(2) - PushButtonHeigth * 2) PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth];
LogoImage = findobj('tag', 'LogoImage');
// LogoImage.Position = [0 0 50 50];
// disp(LogoImage.Tag)
LogoImage.Position = [0 0 50 50];
// LogoImage.Position = [(MainFigureAxesSize(1) - 50) (MainFigureAxesSize(2) - 50) 50 50];
FigureNumber = 1002;
MainFigure = figure(FigureNumber, 'menubar_visible', 'off',...
'menubar_visible', 'off',...
'toolbar', 'none',...// 'toolbar_visible', 'off',...
'infobar_visible', 'off',...
'dockable', 'off',...
'auto_resize', 'on',...
'figure_name', 'GUI',...
'tag', 'MainFigure',...
'backgroundcolor', [0.94 0.94 0.94]... // 'resizefcn', 'resizemainfigure'...
MainFigureAxesSize = MainFigure.axes_size;
LogoImage = uicontrol(MainFigure, 'style', 'image', 'string', get_absolute_file_path('ex002.sce') + 'logo02.png',...
'position', [0 0 50 50],...// 'position', [0 0 50 50],... (MainFigureAxesSize(1) - 50)
'tag', 'LogoImage' );
//myObj = findobj('tag','LogoImage');
PushButtonWidth = 60;
PushButtonHeigth = 25;
StartPushButton = uicontrol(MainFigure, 'Style','pushbutton',...
'callback_type', 10,...
'String', 'Start',...
'tag', 'StartPushButton',...
'Position', [0 MainFigureAxesSize(2)-PushButtonHeigth PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth]...
StopPushButton = uicontrol(MainFigure, 'Style','pushbutton',...
'callback_type', 10,...
'String', 'Stop',...
'tag', 'StopPushButton',...
'Position', [0 MainFigureAxesSize(2) - PushButtonHeigth * 2 PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth],...
'callback', 'closemainfigure'...
TopPlot = newaxes(MainFigure);
//TopPlot.margins = [0, 0, 0, 0]
TopPlot.axes_bounds = [0, 0, 1.0, 0.5];
t = 0:0.1:20;
a2 = newaxes(MainFigure);
a2.axes_bounds = [0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5];
x = 0:0.1:4;
MainFigure.resizefcn = 'resizemainfigure';
function closemainfigure()
MainFigure = findobj('tag','MainFigure');
function resizemainfigure()
MainFigure = findobj('tag', 'MainFigure');
MainFigureAxesSize = MainFigure.axes_size;
StartPushButton = findobj('tag', 'StartPushButton');
StartPushButton.Position = [0 (MainFigureAxesSize(2) - PushButtonHeigth) PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth];
StopPushButton = findobj('tag', 'StopPushButton');
StopPushButton.Position = [0 (MainFigureAxesSize(2) - PushButtonHeigth * 2) PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth];
// LogoImage = findobj('style', 'image');
LogoImage = findobj('tag', 'LogoImage');
// LogoImage.Position = [0 0 50 50];
// disp(LogoImage.Tag)
LogoImage.Position = [0 (0.01 * MainFigureAxesSize(2)) 50 50];
// LogoImage.Position = [(MainFigureAxesSize(1) - 50) (MainFigureAxesSize(2) - 50) 50 50];
PushButtonWidth = 60;
PushButtonHeigth = 25;
FigureNumber = 1002;
MainFigure = figure(FigureNumber, 'menubar_visible', 'off',...
'menubar_visible', 'off',...
'toolbar', 'none',...// 'toolbar_visible', 'off',...
'infobar_visible', 'off',...
'dockable', 'off',...
'auto_resize', 'on',...
'figure_name', 'GUI',...
'tag', 'MainFigure',...
'backgroundcolor', [0.94 0.94 0.94],...
'resizefcn', 'resizemainfigure'...
MainFigureAxesSize = MainFigure.axes_size;
LogoImage = uicontrol(MainFigure, 'style', 'image', 'string', get_absolute_file_path('ex003.sce') + 'logo02.png',...
'position', [0 (0.01 * MainFigureAxesSize(2)) 50 50],...// 'position', [0 0 50 50],... (MainFigureAxesSize(1) - 50)
'tag', 'LogoImage' );
//myObj = findobj('tag','LogoImage');
StartPushButton = uicontrol(MainFigure, 'Style','pushbutton',...
'callback_type', 10,...
'String', 'Start',...
'tag', 'StartPushButton',...
'Position', [0 MainFigureAxesSize(2)-PushButtonHeigth PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth]...
StopPushButton = uicontrol(MainFigure, 'Style','pushbutton',...
'callback_type', 10,...
'String', 'Stop',...
'tag', 'StopPushButton',...
'Position', [0 MainFigureAxesSize(2) - PushButtonHeigth * 2 PushButtonWidth PushButtonHeigth],...
'callback', 'closemainfigure'...
TopPlot = newaxes(MainFigure);
//TopPlot.margins = [0, 0, 0, 0]
TopPlot.axes_bounds = [0, 0, 1.0, 0.5];
t = 0:0.1:20;
a2 = newaxes(MainFigure);
a2.axes_bounds = [0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5];
x = 0:0.1:4;
//MainFigure.resizefcn = 'resizemainfigure';
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