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Created April 4, 2020 18:55
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Unfortunately, the field of mechanical engineering, in general, has been very alien towards Free, Libre, and Open-Source CAD Software (FLOSS). As a FLOSS user and advocate, I have been personally harassed and ridiculed in my workplace many times in real life. But here on the internet, we should not tolerate bigotry and suppression.

The r/cad subreddit is very hostile against Free, Libre, and Open-Source CAD Software (FLOSS). They had previously banned Kurt Kremitzki, one of the FreeCAD developers and Debian package maintainers (this tweet). While ago I posted this in support of FLOSS CAD/CAE developers and inviting others to contribute by donation. However, my post was immediately removed with no explanation as I have described here. A couple of weeks ago I posted this (screenshot) to report some good news about some FLOSS packages and again invite the community to support the FLOSS developers. However, my post was again removed with this explanation:

Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/cad.

Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

I invite you all to help me understand how that post is "unsafe, uncivil, or false to the purpose" of that sub. So I protested to the mods (screenshot), and they denied any hostility. I insisted and asked for an explanation. They did not reply for a couple of weeks and then today I was told that my post will not be posted because it is spam (screenshot). I asked for an explanation that how my post is spam. And in response, they banned me from the sub permanently (screenshot). I also invite you to see the sub and find one single rule that any of my above posts have violated.

I believe this behavior is an absolute manifestation of hostility against the Free Software community and we should protest. I invite you to contact their mods and ask for an explanation of why u/Kkremitzki and I have been banned or why any of those posts have been removed. Also, join me here on Twitter so we can spread the word and get the community together against this issue. Thanks for your support in advance.

P.S. More FLOSS people have been banned from that sub. For example, u/app4soft as he described in this post and this tweet

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