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Created April 11, 2013 19:05
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Modifications to Create-Release.ps1
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeLine=$true, Mandatory=$false)]
[string] $ProjectNameToBuild = '',
[string] $SolutionDir,
[string] $BuildDirectory
Set-PSDebug -Strict
$toolsDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$createReleasePackageExe = Join-Path $toolsDir "CreateReleasePackage.exe"
$wixDir = Join-Path $toolsDir "wix"
$echoargs = Join-Path $wixDir "EchoArgs.exe"
$support = Join-Path $toolsDir "support.ps1"
. $support
function Get-ProjectBuildOutputDir {
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$projDir = Get-ProjectPropertyValue $ProjectName 'FullPath'
$proj = Get-Project $ProjectName
$buildSuffix = $proj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties.Item("OutputPath").Value
Join-Path $projDir $buildSuffix
function Generate-TemplateFromPackage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$resultFile = & $createReleasePackageExe --preprocess-template $templateFile $pkg.FullName
function Create-ReleaseForProject {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$releaseDir = Join-Path $solutionDir "Releases"
if (!(Test-Path $releaseDir)) { mkdir -p $releaseDir }
echo "Creating Release for $solutionDir => $releaseDir`n"
#$nugetPackages = ls "$buildDirectory\*.nupkg" | ?{ $_.Name.EndsWith(".symbols.nupkg") -eq $false }
$nugetPackages = ls "*.nupkg" | ?{ $_.Name.EndsWith(".symbols.nupkg") -eq $false }
$test = ls "$buildDirectory\"
foreach($pkg in $nugetPackages) {
$packageDir = Join-Path $solutionDir "packages"
$fullRelease = & $createReleasePackageExe -o $releaseDir -p $packageDir $pkg.FullName 2> $null
echo "TestO: $createReleasePackageExe -o $releaseDir -p $packageDir $pkg`n"
## NB: For absolutely zero reason whatsoever, $fullRelease ends up being the full path Three times
#$fullRelease = $fullRelease.Split(" ")[0]
echo "FULL RELEASE: $fullRelease"
$fullRelease = $fullRelease[0].Split(" ")[0]+ " " +$fullRelease[0].Split(" ")[1]
echo "Full release file at $fullRelease"
$candleTemplate = Generate-TemplateFromPackage $pkg.FullName "$toolsDir\template.wxs"
$wixTemplate = Join-Path $buildDirectory "template.wxs"
$wixTemplateobj = Join-Path $buildDirectory "template.wixobj"
$dotnet40 = Join-Path $toolsDir "dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe"
rm $wixTemplate
mv $candleTemplate $wixTemplate
$pkgFullName = $pkg.FullName
$defines = " -d`"ToolsDir=$toolsDir`"" + " -d`"NuGetFullPackage=$fullRelease`""
echo "Defines:: $defines`n"
$candleExe = Join-Path $wixDir "candle.exe"
$lightExe = Join-Path $wixDir "light.exe"
if (Test-Path $wixTemplateobj){
rm $wixTemplateobj
echo "RUN:: $candleExe -dToolsDir=$toolsDir -dReleasesFile=$releaseDir\RELEASES -dNuGetFullPackage=$fullRelease -out $wixTemplateobj -arch x86 -ext $wixDir\WixBalExtension.dll -ext $wixDir\WixUtilExtension.dll $wixTemplate"
#& $candleExe "-dToolsDir=$toolsDir -dReleasesFile=$releaseDir\RELEASES -dNuGetFullPackage=$fullRelease -out $wixTemplateobj -arch x86 -ext $wixDir\WixBalExtension.dll -ext $wixDir\WixUtilExtension.dll $wixTemplate"
echo "Candle:: " "-dToolsDir=`'$toolsDir`' -dReleasesFile=`'$releaseDir\RELEASES`' -dNuGetFullPackage=$fullRelease " $wixTemplate
echo "-------------------"
cp $dotnet40 $buildDirectory
& $candleExe "-dToolsDir=$toolsDir", "-dReleasesFile=$releaseDir\RELEASES", "-dNuGetFullPackage=$fullRelease", -out $wixTemplateobj, -arch x86, -ext $wixDir\WixBalExtension.dll, -ext $wixDir\WixUtilExtension.dll, $wixTemplate
& $lightExe -out "$releaseDir\Setup.exe", -ext $wixDir\WixBalExtension.dll, -ext $wixDir\WixUtilExtension.dll, $wixTemplateobj
if (-not $ProjectNameToBuild) {
$ProjectNameToBuild = (Get-Project).Name
if (-not $SolutionDir) {
if (Test-Path variable:Dte) {
$SolutionDir = Get-SolutionDir
} else {
throw "Cannot determine the Solution directory - either run this script`n" +
"inside the NuGet Package Console, or specify a directory as a parameter"
if (Test-Path variable:Configuration) {
$BuildDirectory = "$SolutionDir\bin\$Configuration"
if (-not $BuildDirectory) {
if (Test-Path variable:Dte) {
$BuildDirectory = Get-ProjectBuildOutputDir $ProjectNameToBuild
} else {
throw "Cannot determine the Build directory - either run this script`n" +
"inside the NuGet Package Console, or specify a directory as a parameter"
### DEBUG:
#$createReleasePackageExe = [IO.Path]::Combine($toolsDir, '..', 'bin', 'Debug', 'CreateReleasePackage.exe')
#$wixDir = [IO.Path]::Combine($toolsDir, '..', '..', '..', 'ext', 'wix')
### End DEBUG
# nuget pack .\Project\Project.csproj -Version 1.0.1-alpha
# .nuget\NuGet pack .\Project\Project.csproj -Build -Properties Configuration=Release -Version 1.0.1-alpha
# Create-Release Project
$toolsDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Create-ReleaseForProject $SolutionDir $BuildDirectory
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