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Created October 15, 2011 14:33
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Save FooBarrior/1289650 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hashes writen off from megachuhancer
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include "hash.h"
#include "stdhashf/string.h"
using namespace Homeworks;
using namespace std;
int testNum;
template<class T> void test(const T& actual, const T& expected, const char* errMsg, int line) {
clog << "Test " << testNum << ": ";
if (actual == expected)
clog << "OK" << endl;
clog << "FAILED, " << errMsg << ", line " << line << endl;
int main(){
HashMap<string, int> h;
test(h.size(), 0, "HashMap(rep_func)", __LINE__);
test(h.empty(), true, "empty() true", __LINE__);
h["666"] = 823;
test(h.empty(), false, "empty() false", __LINE__);
h["123"] = 123;
test(h.size(), 2, "size()", __LINE__);
HashMap<string, int> h1(h);
test(h, h1, "HashMap(const HashMap&)", __LINE__);
h1["ababaca"] = 20;
HashMap<string, int> h2;
h2 = h1;
test(h1, h2, "operator=(const HashMap&)", __LINE__);
HashMap<string, int> h3;
test(h2, h3, "clear()", __LINE__);
testNum = 0;
HashMap<int, int> h;
test(h.size(), 0, "HashMap()", __LINE__);
test(h.begin() == h.end(), true, "begin() == end() true", __LINE__);
test(h.begin() != h.end(), false, "begin() != end() false", __LINE__);
test(h.begin() == h.end(), false, "begin() == end() false", __LINE__);
test(h.begin() != h.end(), true, "begin() != end() true", __LINE__);
test(++h.begin() == h.end(), true, "Iterator::operator++()", __LINE__);
test((h.begin()++) == h.end(), true, "Iterator::operator++(int)", __LINE__);
HashMap<int, int>::Iterator i = h.begin();
test(i == h.end(), true, "Iterator::operator++(int)", __LINE__);
testNum = 0;
HashMap<string, int> h;
test(h["qwer"], 0, "operator[] insert", __LINE__);
test(h.size(), 1, "operator[] insert", __LINE__);
test(h["qwer"] = 666, 666, "operator[] write", __LINE__);
test(h["qwer"], 666, "operator[] read", __LINE__);
h.insert("ababaca", 777);
test(h.size(), 2, "insert(const KeyT&, const ValT&)", __LINE__);
test(h["ababaca"], 777, "insert(const KeyT&, const ValT&)", __LINE__);
test(h.size(), 1, "remove(const KeyT&)", __LINE__);
test(h["ababaca"], 0, "remove(const KeyT&)", __LINE__);
return 0;
#include <cstddef>
namespace Homeworks{
namespace HashF{
//Cormen said that Uncle Knuth said that this const demonstrates pretty good distribution
//it's a shorthand for ( (sqrt(5) - 1) / 2 ) - that is, golden ratio minus one
static const double HASH_MULTIPLIER = 0.61803398874;
template<typename T>
int hashf(const T &key, int size){
double val = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); i++){
val += ((unsigned char*)&key)[i] * (i + 1);
double f = HASH_MULTIPLIER * val;
int res = (int) ((f - (int)f) * (size - 1));
if(res < 0 || res > size) throw res;
return res;
int count = 0;
template<typename Key, typename Val>
class HashMap{
int name;
inline int hashf(const Key &key) const{
return Homeworks::HashF::hashf<Key>(key, bucketSize);
static const int MIN_BUCKET_SIZE = 2;
int bucketSize;
struct Pair;
struct Node{
Node *n;
Pair p;
Node(const Key &k, const Val v, Node *n = NULL): p(k, v), n(n){}
typedef Node *PNode;
PNode *bucket;
int _size;
PNode findNode(const Key &k) const{
PNode n = bucket[hashf(k)];
while(n != NULL && n->p.key != k) n = n->n;
return n;
void init(){
name = ++count;
if(bucketSize < MIN_BUCKET_SIZE) throw EBucketSizeTooSmall();
for(int i = 0; i < bucketSize; i++) bucket[i] = NULL;
class EKeyNotFound{};
class EBucketSizeTooSmall{};
struct Pair{
const Key key;
Val val;
Pair(const Key &k, const Val &v): key(k), val(v){}
Pair(const Pair& x): key(x.key), val(x.val){}
class Iterator{
friend class HashMap;
HashMap &m;
int pos;
PNode n;
Iterator(HashMap *m, int pos, PNode n): m(*m), pos(pos), n(n){}
void advance(){
if(pos == m.bucketSize) throw EOutOfRange();
if(n == NULL || n->n == NULL){
if(pos == m.bucketSize){
n = NULL;
} while(m.bucket[pos] == NULL);
n = m.bucket[pos];
n = n->n;
class EOutOfRange{};
class ENotDereferenceable{};
Iterator(const Iterator& i): m(i.m), pos(i.pos), n(i.n) {}
inline Iterator& operator++() throw(EOutOfRange){
return *this;
inline Iterator& operator++(int) throw(EOutOfRange){
return ++(*this);
Pair& operator*() throw(ENotDereferenceable){
if (n == NULL) throw ENotDereferenceable();
return n->p;
Pair* operator->() throw(ENotDereferenceable){
if (n == NULL) throw ENotDereferenceable();
return &n->p;
const Pair& operator*() const{
if (n == NULL) throw ENotDereferenceable();
return n->p;
const Pair* operator->() const{
if (n == NULL) throw ENotDereferenceable();
return &n->p;
bool operator==(const Iterator& i) const{
return n == i.n && pos == i.pos;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& i) const{
return !(i == *this);
Iterator begin() const{
int pos = 0;
for(pos; pos < bucketSize && bucket[pos] == NULL; pos++);
return Iterator(const_cast<HashMap*>(this), pos, pos == bucketSize ? NULL : bucket[pos]);
Iterator end() const{
return Iterator(const_cast<HashMap*>(this), bucketSize, NULL);
inline int size() const{
return _size;
inline bool empty() const{
return !_size;
bool exists(Key &k) const{
return findNode(k) != NULL;
Val& operator[](const Key &key){
int pos = hashf(key);
PNode n = bucket[pos];
while(n != NULL && n->p.key != key) n = n->n;
if(n == NULL){
n = new Node(key, Val(), bucket[pos]);
bucket[pos] = n;
return n->p.val;
const Val& operator[](const Key &key) const{
return findNode(key)->p.val;
bool exists(const Key &key) const{
return findNode(key) != NULL;
HashMap& insert(const Key &k, const Val &v){
int pos = hashf(k);
PNode n = bucket[pos];
while(n != NULL && n->p.key != k) n = n->n;
if(n == NULL){
bucket[pos] = new Node(k, v, bucket[pos]);
} else
n->p.val = v;
return *this;
HashMap& remove(const Key &k) throw(EKeyNotFound){
int pos = hashf(k);
PNode n = bucket[pos], prev = NULL;
while(n != NULL && n->p.key != k) prev = n, n = n->n;
if(n == NULL) throw EKeyNotFound();
if(prev == NULL) bucket[pos] = n->n;
else prev->n = n->n;
delete n;
n = NULL;
return *this;
HashMap& clear(){
for(int i = 0; i < this->bucketSize; i++){
while(bucket[i] != NULL){
PNode n = bucket[i];
bucket[i] = n->n;
delete n;
n = NULL;
_size = 0;
return *this;
bool operator==(const HashMap &m) const{
if(_size != m.size()) return false;
for(HashMap::Iterator i = begin(); i != end(); i++){
if(!m.exists(i->key) || i->val != m[i->key]) return false;
return true;
HashMap& update(const HashMap &m){
for(HashMap::Iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++)
insert(i->key, i->val);
return *this;
HashMap& operator=(const HashMap &m){
return clear().update(m);
static const int DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE = 9;
HashMap(const int bucketSize = DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE) throw(EBucketSizeTooSmall)
: _size(0), bucketSize(bucketSize), bucket(new PNode[bucketSize]){
HashMap(const HashMap &m, const int bucketSize = DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE) throw(EBucketSizeTooSmall)
: _size(0), bucketSize(bucketSize), bucket(new PNode[bucketSize]){
delete[] bucket;
namespace HashF{
template<class T>
int iterableSTLHashf(const T &key, int size){
unsigned val = 0;
int i = 0;
for(typename T::const_iterator it = key.begin(); it != key.end(); it++, i++)
val += ((unsigned char)*it) * (i + 1);
double f = HASH_MULTIPLIER * val;
return (int) ((f - (int)f) * (size - 1));
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