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Created October 16, 2011 23:19
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#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace Homeworks{
#define RELEASEVAR(x) ((delete (x)), x = NULL)
#define RELEASEBUF(b) ((delete[] (b)), b = NULL)
namespace TrieTraits{
template<typename Key>
struct STLTrait{
typedef typename Key::value_type Item;
static typename Key::size_type size(const Key &k){return k.size();}
//static idx(const Key &k, int i){return k[i];}
static const size_t card = sizeof(typename Key::value_type) * 255;
typedef typename Key::const_iterator KeyIter;
static KeyIter begin(const Key &k){return k.begin();}
static KeyIter end(const Key &k){return k.end();}
template<typename Key, typename Val, typename Trait = TrieTraits::STLTrait<Key> >
class Trie{
typedef Val *PVal;
typedef typename Trait::KeyIter KeyIter;
typedef typename Trait::Item Item;
static const size_t card = Trait::card;
class EKeyNotFound{};
struct Node{
typedef Node *PNode;
struct KeyVal{
PNode n;
PVal v;
int len;
Item pos, *chunk;
inline void split(int i, PNode owner, Item pos){
assert(n != NULL || v != NULL);
PNode node = new Node(owner, pos), child = n;
Item *start = chunk + i + 1, *end = chunk + len;
node->arr[chunk[i]] = new KeyVal(start, end, len - i - 1, v, child);
v = NULL;
n = node;
template<typename Iter>
inline int seek(Iter &start, const Iter &end, int &dif){
int i = 0;
while(i < len && chunk[i] == *start && dif)
assert(start != end), start++, i++, dif--;
assert((start == end) == (dif == 0));
return i;
template<typename Iter>
inline PVal& allocate(Iter &start, const Iter &end, int dif, Item pos, PNode owner){
int i = seek(start, end, dif);
if(i != len) split(i, owner, pos);
else if(dif && n == NULL) n = new Node(owner, pos);
PVal &res = dif ? n->allocate(start, end, dif) : v;
if(i != len){
Item *newChunk = new Item[i];
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
newChunk[j] = chunk[j];
delete[] chunk;
chunk = newChunk;
len = i;
return res;
template<typename Iter>
inline int match(Iter &start, const Iter &end, int &dif){
int i = seek(start, end, dif);
return (i < len || (dif ? (void*)n : (void*)v) == NULL) ? -1 : i;
template<typename Iter>
KeyVal(Iter &start, const Iter &end, int len, PVal v = NULL, PNode n = NULL): n(n), v(v), len(len){
chunk = new Item[len];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++, start++)
assert(start != end), chunk[i] = *start;
assert(start == end);
typedef KeyVal *PKeyVal;
PKeyVal arr[card];
Node *parent;
int posInParent, size;
template<typename Iter>
PVal& allocate(Iter &start, const Iter &end, int dif){
Item item = *start++;
PKeyVal &kv = arr[item];
bool isKeyEmpty = kv == NULL;
kv = new KeyVal(start, end, dif);
return isKeyEmpty ? kv->v : kv->allocate(start, end, dif, item, this);
template<typename Iter>
bool find(Iter &start, const Iter &end, int dif){
PKeyVal &kv = arr[*start++];
return kv != NULL && kv->match(start, end, --dif) != -1 && (!dif || kv->n->find(start, end, dif));
void remove(KeyIter &start, const KeyIter &end, int dif){
Item itm = *start++;
PKeyVal &kv = arr[itm];
int i = 0;
if(kv == NULL || (i = kv->match(start, end, --dif)) == -1)
throw EKeyNotFound();
kv->n->remove(start, end, dif);
assert(start == end);
if(kv->n == NULL){
if(kv->v == NULL && kv->n->size == 1){//merge
int i = 0;
while(i < card && kv->n->arr[i] == NULL) i++;
assert(i < card);
int childLen = kv->n->arr[i]->len;
int newLen = kv->len + childLen + 1;
Item *newBuf = new Item[newLen];
for(int j = 0; j < kv->len; j++) newBuf[j] = kv->chunk[j];
newBuf[kv->len] = (Item)i;
int ofs = kv->len + 1;
for(int j = 0; j < childLen; j++) newBuf[j + ofs] = kv->n->arr[i]->chunk[j];
kv->v = kv->n->arr[i]->v;
PNode n = kv->n->arr[i]->n;
kv->n->arr[i]->n = NULL;
delete kv->n;
kv->n = n;
kv->chunk = newBuf;
kv->len = newLen;
Node(Node *parent, int posInParent): size(0), parent(parent), posInParent(posInParent){
for(PKeyVal *i = arr; i != arr + card; *i++ = NULL);
typedef typename Node::PNode PNode;
PNode root;
int _size;
int size(){return _size;}
class Iterator{
friend class Trie;
enum State{
int pos;
PNode n;
State state;
static void skipFront(Iterator *this){
while(++this->pos < card && this->n->arr[pos] == NULL);
static void skipBack(){
while(--this->pos >= 0 && this->n->arr[pos] == NULL);
template<void skip(Iterator*), bool isFront>
void move(){
assert(n != NULL);
bool found = false;
pos = skip(pos + 1);
if(pos == isFront ? card : -1){
pos = n->posInParent;
n = n->parent;
if(n == NULL){
state = isFront ? IT_PAST_REAR : IT_BEFORE_FIRST;
} else{
found = n->arr[pos]->v != NULL;
assert(!found && n->arr[pos]->n == NULL);
n = n->arr[pos]->n;
state = IT_NORMAL;
Iterator(int pos, PNode n, State state): pos(pos), n(n), state(state){}
Iterator& operator++(){
move<skipFront, true>();
return *this;
Iterator& operator++(int){
return ++(*this);
Iterator& operator--(){
move<skipBack, false>();
return *this;
Iterator& operator--(int){
return (*this)--;
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator &i){
pos = i.pos;
state = i.state;
n = i.n;
return *this;
Iterator& operator==(const Iterator &i) const{
return pos == i.pos && n == i.n;
Val& operator[](const Key &k){
KeyIter i = Trait::begin(k);
PVal& v = root->allocate(i, Trait::end(k), Trait::size(k));
if(v == NULL){
v = new Val();
return *v;
Trie& insert(const Key &k, const Val &val){
KeyIter i = Trait::begin(k);
PVal& v = root->allocate(i, Trait::end(k), Trait::size(k));
if(v == NULL){
v = new Val(val);
} else *v = Val(val);
return *this;
bool exists(const Key &k){
KeyIter i = Trait::begin(k);
return root->find(i, Trait::end(k), Trait::size(k));
Trie& remove(const Key &k){
KeyIter i = Trait::begin(k);
root->remove(i, Trait::end(k), Trait::size(k));
return *this;
Trie(): _size(0), root(new Node(NULL, 0)){}
~Trie(){delete root;}
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