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Created November 4, 2020 20:18
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%Compile with Xelatex
\renewcommand*{\postnotedelim}{\addcolon\space} % add colon after year while \parencite
\DeclareFieldFormat{postnote}{#1} %no page prefix while citing
\DeclareFieldFormat{multipostnote}{#1} %no page prefix while citing
"što kog njih ne nalazimo odredbe koje za njihovo obrazovanje još nisu postojale".\parencite[42]{hegel1975}
author = {Georg Vilhelm Fridrih Hegel},
title = {Istorija filozofije},
year = {1975},
publisher = {Beogradski izdavačko-grafički zavod},
location = {Beograd},
edition = {treće izdanje},
translator = {Dr. Nikola M. Popović}
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