Name: Forcha Pearl Fri
Gitter: forchapeatl
Github: forchapeatl
Location: Cameroon, Buea
Time Zone: UTC+01:00
Mentors: Jeffrey Yoo Warren, Tilda Udufo
Overview : Full-screen UI and video upload on
Infragram enhances environmental research capacity by providing a convenient and low cost method to monitor plant health.
During the GSOC2022 period I worked on.
- Delivering video file to the the WebGL texture for analysis.
- Added multiple resolution selection functionality on webcam streams, video files and Image files.
- Included Video controls (pause, play and sleek ) to manage and regulate video files during analysis.
- Added webcam streaming functionality on IOS browsers (Chrome and Safari ).
- Added functionality to record current analysis and download video file locally.
- Included and perform testing on the Infragram User Interface
For more understanding here is my GSOC propoal and milistone/planning issue
- Problem: The was no option for users to monitor plant health from video files as the previous Infragram could only handle Images and Webcam streams.
- Solution:
- Initialized getusemedia API for streaming video file.
- Add functionality to upload video file and append to DOM
- Differentiated between video and Image files.
- Passed Video to WebGL texture for processing.
Related PRs
-** Problem:** A low resolution video file or Camera stream provides less details. Hence the vegetative analysis will fall on an inaccurate margin.
Allow selection of multiple video resolutions
- Defined standard resolution attributes of canvas height and width QVGA (300 x 200) , VGA (800 x 600), HD (1920 x 1080) and FULL HD (7680 x 4320).
- Set CSS styling of canvas element at a constant 800 x 600.
- Added function to adjust HTML width and height attributes of canvas by user selected resolution.
Related PRs
Included Video controls (pause, play and sleek ) to manage and regulate video files during analysis.
-** Problem:** Due to the addition of our new video processing functionality. There exist a need to regulate the current file under analysis.
With the help of video controls (play , pause and sleek) our problem can easily be solved.
- Created CSS styling for Sleek bar and play/Pause buttons.
- Get current video time frame and attached it to sleek bar progress.
- Attached video pause and play events to existing video file and play /pause buttons.
- Added toggle functionality between pause and play buttons to improve user experience.
Related PR
-Problem: Previous WebRTC Adapter does notsupport webcam streaming on ios versions greater than 13.0.
- Use MediaDevices.getUserMedia() API to enable webcam streaming on IOS chrome and IOS safarri.
- Use Infagram versioning to ensure compatibility between the new and old interfaces/features
Related PRs
-Problem: There was a need to save the current analysis for future use.
-Solution: Record the canvas texture and download.
Related PRs:
Related PRs
Infragram users (IOS inclusive) can upload videos while selecting the desired resolution for plant health analysis. The converted video can be downloaded and stored locally for future reference.
- Include Canvas Zooming and Panning
- Add file Drag and Drop functionality
This work would have not been possible without the support and constructive advice of public lab's research director @warren. Many thanks to outreachy intern @@stefq1111 for designing a user mobile friendly user interface. Finally , thanks to @@mathildaudufo and @cess at the public lab community and everyone else who helped out.