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Created June 28, 2018 01:48
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define :foo1 do
use_synth :dsaw
as = as*0.75
x = 62
play x, amp: a2, pan: 1*a1, attack: 0.1, attack_level: 0.1, decay: 0.2, decay_level: 1, sustain: 0.5, sustain_level: 0.8, release: 1.5
#sample :ambi_lunar_land, pan: -1
#sample :ambi_drone
#sample :ambi_choir
#sample :ambi_glass_rub
#sample :bd_mehackit
#sample :guit_em9
#sample :bass_drop_c
sample :drum_cymbal_hard
sample :perc_bell
sample :ambi_choir, rate: 1, attack: 0, release: 0.75, sustain: 0, start: 0.75, finish: 0.8
sample :loop_amen, start: 0, finish: 0.7, rate: 2
sample :loop_amen, start: 0.5, finish: 0.8, rate: -0.2, attack: 0.3, release: 1
print sample_duration :ambi_choir
#sample :loop_amen, release: 0.75
sample :drum_cymbal_open, attack: 0.01, sustain: 0.3, release: 0.1
sample "/Users/forestdewberry/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Kanye West/The Life of Pablo/01 Ultralight Beam"
sleep as
play x + 3 and play x
sleep 0.5*as
play x+3 and play x
sleep 0.5*as
play x+3 and play x
sleep 0.5*as
play x+3
sleep 1*as
use_synth :prophet
play x-2, amp: a2, pan: -1*a1
sleep 1*as
play x + 2
sleep 0.5*as
#play x+3
sleep 0.5*as
play x+2
sleep 1*as
play x-2
sleep 0.5*as
play x-7
sleep 0.5*as
play x-2
sleep 0.5*as
live_loop :myLoop do
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