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Created February 14, 2021 15:12
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Sample JS implementation of Todo CLI that you can attempt to port:
/* Returns date with the format: 2021-02-04 */
let getToday: unit => string = %raw(`
function() {
let date = new Date();
return new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000))
type fsConfig = {encoding: string, flag: string}
/* */
@bs.module("fs") external existsSync: string => bool = "existsSync"
/* */
external readFileSync: (string, fsConfig) => string = "readFileSync"
/* */
external appendFileSync: (string, string, fsConfig) => unit = "appendFileSync"
external writeFileSync: (string, string, fsConfig) => unit = "writeFileSync"
/* */
@bs.module("os") external eol: string = "EOL"
@bs.scope("process") @bs.val external argv: array<string> = "argv"
let encoding = "utf8"
NOTE: The code below is provided just to show you how to use the
date and file functions defined above. Remove it to begin your implementation.
type command =
| Help
| Ls
| Add(option<string>)
| Del(option<int>)
| Done(option<int>)
| Report
let parser = (~cmd: string, ~arg: option<string>): command => {
let cmd = cmd->Js.String.trim->Js.String.toLocaleLowerCase
let pos = arg->Belt.Option.flatMap(str => str->Belt.Int.fromString)
switch cmd {
| "help" => Help
| "ls" => Ls
| "add" => Add(arg)
| "del" => Del(pos)
| "done" => Done(pos)
| "report" => Report
| _ => Help
let todo_file = "todo.txt"
let done_file = "done.txt"
let help_text = `Usage :-
$ ./todo add "todo item" # Add a new todo
$ ./todo ls # Show remaining todos
$ ./todo del NUMBER # Delete a todo
$ ./todo done NUMBER # Complete a todo
$ ./todo help # Show usage
$ ./todo report # Statistics`
let readFile = (filename: string): array<string> => {
if !existsSync(filename) {
} else {
let text = readFileSync(filename, {encoding: encoding, flag: "r"})
let lines = Js.String.split(eol, text)
let lines = Js.Array.filter(todo => todo !== "", lines)
let writeFile = (filename: string, lines: array<string>) => {
if Belt.Array.length(lines) == 1 {
let text = lines[0] ++ eol
writeFileSync(filename, text, {encoding: encoding, flag: "w"})
let text = Belt.Array.joinWith(lines,eol, x=> x)
writeFileSync(filename, text, {encoding: encoding, flag: "w"})
let appendToFile = (filename: string, text: string) => {
appendFileSync(filename, text ++ eol , {encoding: encoding, flag: "a"})
let updateFile = (filename: string, updaterFn: array<string> => array<string>) =>
let contents = readFile(filename)
let new_contents = updaterFn(contents)
writeFile(done_file, new_contents)
let cmdHelp = () => {
let cmdLs = () => {
let todos = readFile(todo_file)
if Belt.Array.length(todos) == 0 {
Js.log("There are no pending todos!")
->Belt.Array.reduceWithIndex("", (acc, todo, index) =>
acc ++ `[${(todos->Js.Array.length - index)->Belt.Int.toString}] ${todo}${eol}`
let cmdAddTodo = (text: option<string>) => {
switch text {
| Some(text) =>
appendToFile(todo_file, text)
Js.log(`Added todo: "${text}"`)
| None => Js.log("Error: Missing todo string. Nothing added!")
let cmdDelTodo = (arg: option<int>) => {
switch arg {
| Some(number) =>
if existsSync(todo_file) {
updateFile(todo_file, todos => {
if number < 1 || number > Belt.Array.length(todos) {
Js.log(`Error: todo #${Belt.Int.toString(number)} does not exist. Nothing deleted.`)
} else {
let todos = Js.Array.filteri((_, index) => index + 1 != number, todos)
Js.log(`Deleted todo #${Belt.Int.toString(number)}`)
| None => Js.log("Error: Missing NUMBER for deleting todo.")
let cmdMarkDone = (arg: option<int>) => {
switch arg {
| Some(number) =>
let todos = readFile(todo_file)
if number < 1 || number > Belt.Array.length(todos) {
Js.log(`Error: todo #${Belt.Int.toString(number)} does not exist. Nothing Marked as done.`)
} else {
let completedTodo = todos[number - 1]
let todos = Js.Array.filteri((_, index) => index != number - 1, todos)
writeFile(todo_file, todos)
appendToFile(done_file, `x ${getToday()} ${completedTodo}`)
Js.log(`Marked todo #${Belt.Int.toString(number)} as done.`)
| None => Js.log("Error: Missing NUMBER for marking todo as done.")
let cmdReport = () => {
let pending = readFile(todo_file)->Belt.Array.length
let completed = readFile(done_file)->Belt.Array.length
Js.log(`${getToday()} Pending : ${Belt.Int.toString(pending)} Completed : ${Belt.Int.toString(completed)}`)
let cmd = argv->Belt.Array.get(2)->Belt.Option.getWithDefault("help")
let cmdArg = argv->Belt.Array.get(3)
let cmd: command = parser(~cmd, ~arg=cmdArg)
switch cmd {
| Help => cmdHelp()
| Ls => cmdLs()
| Add(todo) => cmdAddTodo(todo)
| Del(pos) => cmdDelTodo(pos)
| Done(pos) => cmdMarkDone(pos)
| Report => cmdReport()
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