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Last active August 17, 2022 18:59
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Save Fortyseven/c975a2a26d7af49389ff32539259d51a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates a montage grid of frames from a video file with frame and time offset labels to help give a basic summary of the video file contents.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Creates a montage grid of frames from a video file with frame and
time offset labels to help give a basic summary of the video file contents.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# REQUIRES: This script requires `ffmpeg`` (including `ffprobe``) and
# imagemagick (with `convert` and `montage`) to be available on the path.
# WARNING: This is an extremely kludgy tool that makes a real mess but tries to
# clean up afterward. If you stop it mid-process you might have a bunch of .png
# files to clean up. This is seriously janky and will probably be unhappy with
# small files with large grid sizes.
# There are ABSOLUTELY better ways to do this, but it works "good enough"
# for my purposes. (You know how that goes.)
# 2022-06-19, Fortyseven (
# LICENSE: Steal me.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import sys
from os.path import exists
CMD_FFPROBE_FRAME_COUNT = "ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -count_packets -show_entries stream=nb_read_packets -of csv=p=0 "
CMD_FFPROBE_FRAMERATE_COUNT = "ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate "
FFMPEG_SHARP = "unsharp=lx=5:ly=5:la=0.5"
INTERFRAME_OFFSET = 30 # used to avoid the "black frame 0" problem
MONTAGE_OUTPUT_FILE = "montage.png"
# too big and `montage` will run out of memory -- yes, it seems to load each frame into memory when building... 8x8x1920x1080x4
# We'll either take just the input and default to 8x8, or you'll need to
# provide BOTH column and row counts. Otherwise: outta here.
if not len(sys.argv) in [2, 4, 5]:
print(f"usage: {sys.argv[0]} video_file [col_count row_count] [outfile]")
input_video_file = sys.argv[1]
grid_columns = DEFAULT_COLS
grid_rows = DEFAULT_ROWS
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
grid_columns = int(sys.argv[2])
grid_rows = int(sys.argv[3])
if len(sys.argv) == 5:
# Query ffprobe for the frame count
h = os.popen(CMD_FFPROBE_FRAME_COUNT + input_video_file)
vid_frames_total = int(
# Query ffprobe for the framerate
h2 = os.popen(CMD_FFPROBE_FRAMERATE_COUNT + input_video_file)
vid_fps = round(eval(, 3)
# Get an estimate of how long the video is, in minutes
vid_minutes = round((vid_frames_total / vid_fps)/60, 3)
grid_total_frames = grid_columns * grid_rows
f"* There are {vid_frames_total} frames at {vid_fps}fps for ~{vid_minutes} mins.")
f"* Grid of size {grid_columns}x{grid_rows} will have {grid_total_frames} frames.")
frame_index_roster = [] # array of frame indexes into the video
select_elements = [] # array for building the ffmpeg extraction call
frame_data = [] # array holding the label under each frame
label_fnames = [] # filenames for the resulting labeled frames
# gather a list of candidate frame numbers to extract
for grid_frame_index in range(grid_columns * grid_rows):
round(vid_frames_total / grid_total_frames) * grid_frame_index + INTERFRAME_OFFSET)
# builds list of frame index specifiers to pass to ffmpeg, also sets up later vars
i = 1
for row in range(grid_rows):
for col in range(grid_columns):
frame_index = frame_index_roster[grid_columns * row + col]
top = "eq(n\\,"
bot = top + f"{frame_index})"
pct_done = (frame_index / vid_frames_total)
min_offs = vid_minutes * pct_done
label_text = f"Frame {frame_index} @ {round(min_offs,2)} min ({round(pct_done * 100,2)}%)"
i += 1
# build the ffmpeg extraction call
vfsel = f"-vf \"select='{'+'.join(select_elements)}', scale={EXTRACTED_FRAME_WIDTH}\:-1, {FFMPEG_SHARP}\""
cmd_extract = f"ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i {input_video_file} {vfsel} "
cmd_extract += f" -vsync 0 montage_frame_%d.png"
print("* Extracting frames (this will take some time depending on size of grid)...")
if os.system(cmd_extract):
# add labels to all the exported frames
print("* Building labeled versions...")
for frame_id in range(grid_columns*grid_rows):
cmd_label = f"convert montage_frame_{1+frame_id}.png -background black -fill white -pointsize {LABEL_FONTSIZE} label:\"{frame_data[frame_id]}\" -gravity center -append montage_labeled_{1+frame_id}.png"
# print(frame_data[frame_id])
if os.system(cmd_label):
print(f"* Building montage to `{MONTAGE_OUTPUT_FILE}`...")
cmd_montage = f"montage -density {EXTRACTED_FRAME_WIDTH} -tile {grid_columns}x{grid_rows} -geometry +0+0 -border 0 "
cmd_montage += " ".join(label_fnames)
cmd_montage += f" {MONTAGE_OUTPUT_FILE}"
if os.system(cmd_montage):
except Exception as e:
print("Some horrible thing happened: ")
# try to delete all our temporary files
print("* Removing temporary files...")
for i in range(grid_columns * grid_rows):
f = f"montage_frame_{1+i}.png"
if exists(f):
f = f"montage_labeled_{1+i}.png"
if exists(f):
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Gotcha, thanks much! I can see using this script frequently to make thumbnails when I link to videos on our gaming blog.

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I went the repo route and migrated over to argparse. Seemed to work alright while I was generating example images for the readme, so: 🤞. :)

Usage should go like -c 12 -r 12 input.mp4 output.png, and of course -h for a reminder. I'll probably add flags for other settings at some point (like the label styles, etc).

Direct link to the updated .py ->

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