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Last active August 28, 2023 15:40
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convert javascript import file endings/extensions using codeshift (relative and/or absolute)


Convert endings/extensions of your imports in your Typescript/Javascript files using jscodeshift

When migrating to/from TS/JS projects, changing tsconfig module/moduleResolution, or migrating from commonjs to ESM you may find you need to convert all, or some, of your imports to use a specific ending.

This transform module automates the process and provides granularity in how and which types of imports are converted.


  • Discriminate between relative vs. aliased import paths -- useful for only transforming project (relative) imports vs. npm (aliased) imports
  • Filter by extisting ending types
    • any extension you specify (.ts .js .tsx etc...)
    • No ending (no extension) or ANY extension
  • Specify transform behavior
    • Convert to explicit type (.ts .js etc...)
    • Remove extension
    • Convert to any OTHER FOUND EXTENSION (for relative imports)


jscodeshift --transformFrom js --transformTo none --importTypes relative --extensions=ts --parser tsx --transform codeshift/transform.ts src/backend

Does the following:

  • Processes all files in the directory src/backend that have .ts extensions using tsx parser
    • Filters to imports that
      • Are relative (produce a valid file path from the current file)
      • End in .js
    • And converts them to have no file extension


Use jscodeshift CLI with additional, required, arguments detailed below:


Comma-delimited list specifying which types of imports should be converted.

  • alias - Import paths which do not produce a valid path on file system from current file's directory (usually npm imports)
  • relative - Import paths that are valid paths on the system from the current file's directory
  • any - Convert all imports regardless of type


Comma-delimited list of existing ending types to filter imports by. Only those passing this filter will be converetd. Valid values:

  • string -- convert a specific extension EX .ts .js .tsx etc...
  • none -- convert imports with NO extension
  • any -- convert all imports


Comma-delimited list of extension behaviors to convert to.

  • string -- convert to a specific extension EX .ts .js .tsx etc...
  • none -- remove extension from import
  • any -- (for absolute imports only) attempts to find an existing file in the same directory with the same name but different extension

Specifying multiple extensions

When transformFrom has multiple extensions specified transformTo can either be:

  • one behavior -- such as .js or none or any
  • same number of behaviors as transformFrom -- in which case the index matched behavior will be used.


jscodeshift --transformFrom js,ts --transformTo none,tsx --importTypes relative --extensions=js,ts ...
  • When an existing .js import is found it will be converted to have no extension
  • When an existing .ts import is found it will be converted to a .tsx extension
import {API, Collection, FileInfo, Options} from 'jscodeshift';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
export type TransformFrom = 'none' | 'any' | string;
export type TransformTo = 'none' | 'any' | string;
export type ImportTypes = 'any' | 'relative' | 'alias';
const base = process.cwd();
export default function transformer(
file: FileInfo,
{ jscodeshift: j }: API,
options: Options,
) {
const tf = options.transformFrom as string | undefined;
if(tf === undefined) {
throw new Error(`arg '--transformFrom' must be defined.`);
const transformFrom = tf.split(',').map(x => x.toLocaleLowerCase()) as TransformFrom[];
const tfIsAny = transformFrom.includes('any');
const tt = options.transformTo as string | undefined;
if(tt === undefined) {
throw new Error(`arg '--transformTo' must be defined.`);
const transformTo = tt.split(',').map(x => x.toLocaleLowerCase()) as TransformTo[];
if(transformTo.length > 1 && transformFrom.length !== transformTo.length) {
throw new Error('When more than one Transform To is specified then number of Transform From arguments must match');
const itypes = options.importTypes as string | undefined;
if(itypes === undefined) {
throw new Error(`arg '--importTypes' must be defined.`);
const importTypes = itypes.split(',').map(x => x.toLocaleLowerCase()) as ImportTypes[];
const importsIsAny = importTypes.includes('any');
const fileDir = path.dirname(path.join(base, file.path));
const processingFilePath = file.path;
console.log(`Processing => ${processingFilePath}`);
let source: Collection<any>;
try {
source = j(file.source);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to parse ${processingFilePath}, will skip`);
const imports = source.find(j.ImportDeclaration)
imports.forEach((x) => {
const importPath = x.value.source.value as string;
const importPathPrefix = `${importPath.padEnd(60, ' ')} =>`;
const pathInfo = path.parse(importPath);
const hasNoExt = pathInfo.ext === '';
let filenameFromDir: string;
if(tfIsAny || (hasNoExt && transformFrom.includes('none')) || (transformFrom.includes(pathInfo.ext.replace('.', '').toLocaleLowerCase()))) {
const pathFull = path.join(fileDir, importPath);
const dir = path.dirname(pathFull);
const normalExt = pathInfo.ext.replace('.', '');
let isRelative: boolean | undefined;
let dirExists: boolean | undefined;
let fileExists: boolean | undefined;
try {
// is dir path real?
dirExists = true;
} catch (e) {
isRelative = false;
dirExists = false;
if(isRelative === undefined) {
// if extension is none we need to check for any file in dir with this name
if(hasNoExt) {
const dirFiles = fs.readdirSync(dir)
filenameFromDir = dirFiles.find(x => path.parse(x).name ===;
if(filenameFromDir !== undefined) {
fileExists = false;
isRelative = false;
} else {
fileExists = true;
isRelative = true;
} else {
try {
// does a file exist?
isRelative = true;
} catch (e) {
isRelative = false;
fileExists = false;
if(!importsIsAny) {
if(!isRelative && !importTypes.includes('alias')) {
console.log(`${importPathPrefix} Import looks like an alias ${dirExists ? '(dir exists, file does not)' : '(dir does not exist)'} but import types does specify alias`);
} else if(isRelative && !importTypes.includes('relative')) {
console.log(`${pathFull} => Import is relative but import types does not specify relative`);
// determine transformTo
// if there is only one TO then use it
let derivedTT: undefined | string = transformTo.length === 1 ? transformTo[0] : undefined;
if(derivedTT === undefined) {
// otherwise we find the TO by using the same index as the matching FROM extension type
const tfIndex = transformFrom.findIndex((x) => {
if(x === 'any') {
return true;
if(x === 'none' && hasNoExt) {
return true;
if(x === normalExt) {
return true;
if(tfIndex === -1) {
console.warn(`${importPathPrefix} did not match a Transform From type. Will not transform`);
derivedTT = transformTo[tfIndex];
let transformPrefix = ` --> ${hasNoExt ? '(None)' : normalExt} TO ${derivedTT} <--`;
let transformedImport: string;
switch(derivedTT) {
case 'none':
if(hasNoExt) {
console.log(`${importPathPrefix} ${transformPrefix} => Import already has no extension, nothing to do`);
transformedImport = combineDirFile(pathInfo.dir,; // path.join(pathInfo.root, pathInfo.dir,;
case 'any':
if(hasNoExt && filenameFromDir) {
transformedImport = filenameFromDir;
} else {
const otherFilename = fs.readdirSync(dir).find(x => {
const pinfo = path.parse(x);
return === && pinfo.ext !== pathInfo.ext;
if(otherFilename === undefined) {
console.warn(`${importPathPrefix} ${transformPrefix} => Could not find another file in directory that had same name but different extension. Will not transform.`);
transformedImport = combineDirFile(pathInfo.dir, otherFilename); // path.join(pathInfo.root, dir, otherFilename);
transformPrefix = `${transformPrefix} (${path.parse(otherFilename).ext})`
transformedImport = combineDirFile(pathInfo.dir, `.${derivedTT}`); // path.join(pathInfo.root, dir,, `.${derivedTT}`);
console.log(`${importPathPrefix} ${transformPrefix} => Replacing with ${transformedImport}`);
} else {
console.log(`${importPathPrefix} Import did not match transformFrom ('${tf}')`);
return source.toSource(options.printOptions);
const combineDirFile = (dir: string, file: string) => {
if(dir === '') {
return file;
return `${dir}${path.sep}${file}`;
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