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Created December 14, 2019 11:53
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host =
port = 64738
password = test
channel = Music
tokens =
certificate =
username = name
comment = Hi, I'm here to play radio, local music or youtube/soundcloud music. Have fun !
volume = 0.2
# stream to smtp server instead of mumble channel
stream_rtmp = True
rtmp_url = rtmp://
rtmp_key = mumble
rtmp_fps = 30
rtmp_vbr = 2500k
rtmp_qual = medium
rtmp_logo = logo.png
admin = admin
music_folder = /home/usr/music
tmp_folder = /tmp/
pip3_path = venv/bin/pip
auto_update = True
# in MB, 0 for no cache, -1 for unlimited size
tmp_folder_max_size = 10000
ignored_folders = tmp
ignored_files = Thumbs.db
announce_current_music = True
allow_other_channel_message = False
allow_private_message = True
# Maximum track played when a playlist is added.
max_track_playlist = 80
# Maximum music duration (minutes)
max_track_duration = 6000
enabled = False
is_web_proxified = True
listening_addr =
listening_port = 8181
#This it the char (only on letter) the bot will recognize as a command
command_symbol = !
#this option split username, in case you use such kind of mumo plugins
split_username_at_space = False
play_file = file
play_url = url
play_radio = radio
play_playlist = playlist
help = help
stop = stop
list = list
skip = skip
ffwd = ffwd
current_music = np
volume = v
kill = kill
stop_and_getout = oust
joinme = joinme
queue = queue
repeat = repeat
update = update
user_ban = userban
user_unban = userunban
url_ban = urlban
url_unban = urlunban
#command to reload the ban list
reload = reload
ponyville =
luna =
radiobrony =
celestiaradio =
jazz =
current_volume = volume : %d%%
change_volume = volume : %d%% by %s
bad_command = Incorrect command
not_admin = You are not an admin !
not_playing = No music right now
bad_file = Bad file requested
no_file = File not found
bad_url = Bad URL requested
unable_download = Error while downloading the music...
multiple_matches = Track not found! Possible candidates:
queue_contents = The next items in the queue are:
queue_empty = No more music in the playlist!
fast_forward = Reached FFWD!
now_playing = Now playing %s<br />%s
not_in_my_channel = You're not in my channel, command refused !
pm_not_allowed = Private message aren't allowed.
too_long = This music is too long, skipping !
download_in_progress = Download of %s in progress
no_possible = it's not possible to do that
removing_item = Removing entry %s from queue
user_ban = You are ban, not allowed to do that !
url_ban = This url isn't allowed !
help = Command available:
<br />!file [path]
<br />!url [url] - youtube or soundcloud
<br />!playlist [url] [offset] - youtube or soundcloud playlist (the offset is the track number the bot will start to play - 1 by default)
<br />!radio [url] - url of a stream
<br />!list - display list of available tracks
<br />!queue - display items in queue
<br />!np - display the current music
<br />!skip - jump to the next music of the playlist (of remove the X items if you add a number)
<br />!stop - stop and clear the playlist
<br />!oust - stop + Go to default channel
<br />!v - get or change the volume (in %)
<br />!joinme - join your own channel
admin_help = Admin command:
<br />!kill (kill the bot)
<br />!update (update the bot)
<br />!userban [user] (ban a user)
<br />!userunban [user] (unban a user)
<br />!urlban [url] (ban an url)
<br />!urlunban [url] (unban an url)
<br />!reload (reload the ban config)
<br />
ffmpeg = True
mumbleConnection = False
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