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Created December 15, 2014 12:27
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Save FractalizeR/38c623e9faf2ebb642a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
f.attnum AS number,
f.attname AS name,
f.attnotnull AS notnull,
pg_catalog.format_type(f.atttypid,f.atttypmod) AS type,
WHEN p.contype = 'p' THEN 't'
ELSE 'f'
END AS primarykey,
WHEN p.contype = 'u' THEN 't'
ELSE 'f'
END AS uniquekey,
WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN g.relname
END AS foreignkey,
WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN p.confkey
END AS foreignkey_fieldnum,
WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN g.relname
END AS foreignkey,
WHEN p.contype = 'f' THEN p.conkey
END AS foreignkey_connnum,
WHEN f.atthasdef = 't' THEN d.adsrc
END AS default
FROM pg_attribute f
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = f.attrelid
JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = f.atttypid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON d.adrelid = c.oid AND d.adnum = f.attnum
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
LEFT JOIN pg_constraint p ON p.conrelid = c.oid AND f.attnum = ANY (p.conkey)
LEFT JOIN pg_class AS g ON p.confrelid = g.oid
WHERE c.relkind = 'r'::char
AND n.nspname = '%s' -- Replace with Schema name
AND c.relname = '%s' -- Replace with table name
AND f.attnum > 0 ORDER BY number
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