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ESPHome sample configuration for an HX711 powered Smart Scale including Auto-Tare functionality.
name: bed-occupancy
platform: ESP8266
board: d1_mini_lite
- id: initial_zero
type: float
restore_value: yes
# NOTE: make sure to align this value to the one used in "calibrate_linear" below!
initial_value: '1822466'
- id: auto_tare_enabled
type: bool
restore_value: yes
initial_value: 'true'
- id: auto_tare_difference
type: float
restore_value: yes
initial_value: '0'
- id: manual_tare_flag
type: bool
restore_value: no
initial_value: 'false'
ssid: "your_wifi_ssid"
password: "your_wifi_pass"
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Enable logging
level: ERROR
password: "your_ota_pass"
number: GPIO2
inverted: True
## Switch to enable/disable the auto tare feature
- platform: template
id: bed_occupancy_continuous_tare_enabled
name: "Bed Occupancy Continuous Tare Enabled"
lambda: |-
return id(auto_tare_enabled);
- lambda: |-
id(auto_tare_enabled) = true;
- lambda: |-
id(auto_tare_enabled) = false;
## Switch used to initiate a manual tare
- platform: template
id: bed_occupancy_manual_tare_action_switch
name: "Bed Occupancy Manual Tare Action"
lambda: |-
return id(manual_tare_flag);
- lambda: |-
id(auto_tare_difference) = id(initial_zero) - id(bed_occupancy_hx711_value_raw).state;
- switch.turn_off: bed_occupancy_manual_tare_action_switch
- lambda: |-
id(manual_tare_flag) = false;
## Sensor Configuration ##
# template sensors from global variables
- platform: template
id: bed_occupancy_initial_zero
name: "Bed Occupancy Initial Zero"
lambda: |-
return id(initial_zero);
update_interval: 1s
- platform: template
id: bed_occupancy_auto_tare_difference
name: "Bed Occupancy Auto Tare Difference"
lambda: |-
return id(auto_tare_difference);
update_interval: 1s
# sensors imported from home assistant
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_initial_zero
entity_id: input_number.bed_occupancy_initial_zero
- lambda: |-
id(initial_zero) = x;
# RAW Scale input
#Bed 1 RAW (change your pin numbers here!)
- platform: hx711
name: "bed1"
id: bed1
dout_pin: D4
clk_pin: D3
gain: 128
update_interval: 0.2s
internal: true
#Bed 2 RAW (change your pin numbers here!)
- platform: hx711
name: "bed2"
id: bed2
dout_pin: D2
clk_pin: D1
gain: 128
update_interval: 0.2s
internal: true
#Summed RAW
- platform: template
id: bed_occupancy_hx711_value_raw
lambda: |-
return (id(bed1).state + id(bed2).state);
internal: True
unit_of_measurement: kg
accuracy_decimals: 3
update_interval: 0.2s
- sliding_window_moving_average:
window_size: 3
send_every: 1
- sensor.template.publish:
id: bed_occupancy_hx711_value
state: !lambda 'return id(bed_occupancy_hx711_value_raw).state;'
- if:
- lambda: 'return id(auto_tare_enabled);'
# current Bed Occupancy value is below approx. 10KG (raw value -275743) aka nobody is standing on the scale
- lambda: 'return id(bed_occupancy_hx711_value).state < 10.0;'
- if:
# current raw scale value is below expected zero value
- lambda: 'return id(bed_occupancy_hx711_value_raw).state < (id(initial_zero) - id(auto_tare_difference));'
# INcrease Auto-Tare offset to slowly align real zero value with expected zero value
- lambda: |-
id(auto_tare_difference) += 10;
# DEcrease Auto-Tare offset to slowly align real zero value with expected zero value
- lambda: |-
id(auto_tare_difference) -= 10;
# Mapped value to KG (calibration here)
- platform: template
id: bed_occupancy_hx711_value
name: "Bed Occupancy HX711 Value"
icon: mdi:scale
internal: False
# apply auto_tare difference
- lambda: 'return x + id(auto_tare_difference);'
# apply rough calibration
- calibrate_linear:
# retrieve these values by evaluating the raw values with loads of known mass.
# note that a bigger difference between measurements usually results in higher resolution,
# so measure 0 Kg and the highest known mass you have (like f.ex. your own weight, measured by a normal scale with good accuracy)
- 1822466 -> 0
- 2095070 -> 40
# map values below 0.1 to 0 (to decrease value changes due to random fluctuation)
- lambda: |-
if (x <= 0.1) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return x;
unit_of_measurement: kg
accuracy_decimals: 2
update_interval: 2s
- platform: template
name: "Bed Occupied"
device_class: occupancy
icon: mdi:bed-king
#Change 45 to the value at which you want to set the bed as occupied (sinle person on bed)
lambda: |-
if (id(bed_occupancy_hx711_value).state > 45) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
- platform: template
name: "Bed Full"
icon: mdi:bed-king
#Change 95 to the value at which you want to set the bed as full (both person on bed)
lambda: |-
if (id(bed_occupancy_hx711_value).state > 95) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
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